私人消息通知 - 数据库表设计

时间:2020-12-27 12:51:01

I have have created a Private messaging system using PHP and mySQL with notification a bit like Facebook.


The database table has following fields( not all listed):


  • MessageID
  • senderUserID
  • RecUserID
  • Message
  • Subject
  • DateTime
  • Status - whether read or not
  • 状态 - 是否读取

  • RepliedStatus - how should i use this?
  • RepliedStatus - 我应该如何使用它?

  • DeleteRec - delete from inbox
  • DeleteRec - 从收件箱中删除

  • DelSender - delete sender inbox
  • DelSender - 删除发件人收件箱

  • RepliedUserId - When user reply to orginal message this is change to receiver's id
  • RepliedUserId - 当用户回复原始消息时,这将更改为接收者的ID

All replies are stored in a second table, since each message create a thread. The second table looks a bit like this:


  • messageID - FK
  • messageID - FK

  • repuserID
  • Mesage
  • DateTime

At the moment when a new message is sent out to a user i change the 'status' of the message to unread, From this can run a count query to list all of the unread messages in notification.


But if the users replies back to that message i cant set the original 'status' field to unread, since this will appear on both users notification. so i created another field called 'RepliedStatus ' but i am unsure how would i use this to show notification on message reply?


thanks guys.

3 个解决方案



If you have a replies table then you don't need a replied status column on your first status. By virtue of there existing a record in the replies table you know that a user has replied to a message




Why dont you add an INT and nullable column to the first table (let's say, "messages" table) named "previous_message"?


ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN previous_message INT DEFAULT NULL;

So every message will have in the same table the previous one, and you can work out the sequence. If it helps you can have a "next_message" column with same definition and update the relevant record on reply.


Doing so you can use the status column on each reply.


If you want to keep the same DB organisation I would suggest to add a column status on the second table (let's say "replies").


Hope this helps




Me I'll put deleted column once and the same things for the read or not-read like:


[{"0":"both", "1":"Sender", "2":"receiver"}];

And then fetching a tread messaging like:


$sql = "SELECT * FROM messagetreads 
WHERE (senderID OR receiverID = ".$_SESSION['MyCurrentId'].")
AND deleted !== 0
ORDER by TreadID AND DateTime ASC";

When a sender "delete" is tread... All tread relatedID in the database change for 1 or 0 if delete colomn is 2...

当发送者“删除”时,如果删除colomn为2,则数据库中的所有胎儿相关ID都会更改为1或0 ...

But I think it's better to creat another colomn for getting of the repeated deleted and notifications data like


  • TreadID (FK_message_Table)
  • delete (0=both deleted UserID=don't appear to this sender or receiver)
  • 删除(0 =删除的UserID =对此发件人或收件人不显示)

  • notify (0=both read UserID=read to this sender or receiver)
  • notify(0 =同时读取UserID =读取此发送者或接收者)

Then it's ezee to change a status or a delete statement.


The SELECT will be sometings like this:


FROM messagetreads
WHERE (senderID OR receiverID = ".$_SESSION['MyCurrentId'].")
IN (SELECT TreadID WHERE delete !== (0 OR ".$_SESSION['MyCurrentId']."))";

If is our member id involve in the colomn delete all the tread don't appear but if is the id of the receiver when the sender will delete 0 can be attributed so that both of the members can "delete" the message. Same thing for notifications!


very far later a cron-job can come delete very-old message read(0)...


PS: this can be notification system too like notifying for a new post in wall or comment on a photos or new events on calendar ... just add more information in column data and faormat it with php or java-ajaxed alike...

PS:这可以是通知系统,就像通知墙上的新帖子或评论照片或日历上的新事件...只需在列数据中添加更多信息,并使用php或java-ajaxed等进行faormat ...



If you have a replies table then you don't need a replied status column on your first status. By virtue of there existing a record in the replies table you know that a user has replied to a message




Why dont you add an INT and nullable column to the first table (let's say, "messages" table) named "previous_message"?


ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN previous_message INT DEFAULT NULL;

So every message will have in the same table the previous one, and you can work out the sequence. If it helps you can have a "next_message" column with same definition and update the relevant record on reply.


Doing so you can use the status column on each reply.


If you want to keep the same DB organisation I would suggest to add a column status on the second table (let's say "replies").


Hope this helps




Me I'll put deleted column once and the same things for the read or not-read like:


[{"0":"both", "1":"Sender", "2":"receiver"}];

And then fetching a tread messaging like:


$sql = "SELECT * FROM messagetreads 
WHERE (senderID OR receiverID = ".$_SESSION['MyCurrentId'].")
AND deleted !== 0
ORDER by TreadID AND DateTime ASC";

When a sender "delete" is tread... All tread relatedID in the database change for 1 or 0 if delete colomn is 2...

当发送者“删除”时,如果删除colomn为2,则数据库中的所有胎儿相关ID都会更改为1或0 ...

But I think it's better to creat another colomn for getting of the repeated deleted and notifications data like


  • TreadID (FK_message_Table)
  • delete (0=both deleted UserID=don't appear to this sender or receiver)
  • 删除(0 =删除的UserID =对此发件人或收件人不显示)

  • notify (0=both read UserID=read to this sender or receiver)
  • notify(0 =同时读取UserID =读取此发送者或接收者)

Then it's ezee to change a status or a delete statement.


The SELECT will be sometings like this:


FROM messagetreads
WHERE (senderID OR receiverID = ".$_SESSION['MyCurrentId'].")
IN (SELECT TreadID WHERE delete !== (0 OR ".$_SESSION['MyCurrentId']."))";

If is our member id involve in the colomn delete all the tread don't appear but if is the id of the receiver when the sender will delete 0 can be attributed so that both of the members can "delete" the message. Same thing for notifications!


very far later a cron-job can come delete very-old message read(0)...


PS: this can be notification system too like notifying for a new post in wall or comment on a photos or new events on calendar ... just add more information in column data and faormat it with php or java-ajaxed alike...

PS:这可以是通知系统,就像通知墙上的新帖子或评论照片或日历上的新事件...只需在列数据中添加更多信息,并使用php或java-ajaxed等进行faormat ...