
时间:2020-12-27 12:51:07

I'm working on a small hobby project of mine where I have a big structure that takes care of all core tasks. This core won't do much by itself, it needs a dozen subsystems that actually do the hard work. I've currently written only one subsystem so it's still easy to change things.


I have a lot of code locations where the core interfaces with the subsystems, and I don't want to have to change the core every time I add a new subsystem. My idea was to make it modular.


A long time I saw something similar in a game engine, where a new console command could be defined by using some preprocessor macro. That was all you had to do - after compiling it instantly worked in the game.

很长一段时间我在游戏引擎中看到类似的东西,可以通过使用一些预处理器宏来定义新的控制台命令。这就是你所要做的 - 在编译后立即在游戏中工作。

So let's take the game engine as an example for my case. I've placed comments in the code below that should make my question more obvious.


My question: How do I implement a modular system in Objective-C, that's built at compile time, and does not involve changing anything other than the modules themselves?


And now some code

-(void)interpretCommand:(NSString*)command {
    // Find the space in the command
    NSRange pos = [command rangeOfString:@" "];
    if (pos.length == 0) return; // No space found

    NSString *theCommand = [command substringToIndex:pos.location];

    // !!! Here comes the important code !!!
    // Get all the available commands - this is what my question is about!
    NSDictionary *allCommands = nil;

    // Find the command in the dictionary
    NSString *foundCommand = [allCommands objectForKey:theCommand];

    // Execute the command
    if (foundCommand != nil) {
        [[NSClassFromString(foundCommand) new] execute];

I want to be able to add a new command with something like :


REGISTER_COMMAND(MyClassName, "theCommand")

Remember, the above code isn't my specific case. Also, I don't want external modules, they have to be compiled as if they were implemented natively. Objective-C is fine, so is C++ or C.

请记住,上面的代码不是我的具体情况。此外,我不想要外部模块,它们必须被编译,好像它们是本机实现的一样。 Objective-C很好,C ++或C也是如此。

Clarification: I know how to do this with a plist file, but if I chose that I might just as well store them in my actual code. I'm looking for a C/C++/Objective-C solution that allows me to simply add the module with a preprocessor macro.

更新澄清:我知道如何使用plist文件执行此操作,但如果我选择了它,我也可以将它们存储在我的实际代码中。我正在寻找一个C / C ++ / Objective-C解决方案,它允许我简单地添加带有预处理器宏的模块。

Update 2
Adding a bounty - I'd really like some good ideas for this.

更新2添加赏金 - 我真的很喜欢这个好主意。

7 个解决方案



Ok, if it must be by macro, this solution works:


    // the macro:
@interface __THE_CLASS##Registration @end\
@implementation __THE_CLASS##Registration \
+(void)load { [ Commands registerHandler:NSClassFromString(@""#__THE_CLASS) command:(__COMMAND) ] ; } \

    // Bookkeeping/lookup class:
@interface Commands 

@implementation Commands
static NSMutableDictionary * __commands = nil ;

    __commands = [[ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;

+(void)registerHandler:(Class)theClass command:(NSString*)command
    if ( theClass && command.length > 0 )
        [ __commands setObject:theClass forKey:command ] ;

    Class theClass = [ __commands objectForKey:command ] ;
    return [ [ [ theClass alloc ] init ] autorelease ] ;


    // map the command 'doit' to handler 'MyCommand', below
REGISTER_COMMAND( MyCommand, @"doit" )

    // one of our command handling objects, 'MyCommand'
@interface MyCommand : NSObject

@implementation MyCommand

    // test it out:
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
        NSLog(@"command %@ found for 'doit'\n", [ Commands handlerForCommand:@"doit" ] ) ;

    return 0;



I don't fully understand the problem. However, from what I can gather the sticking point is finding a hook at runtime that you can register your modules.


One such hook is the +(void)load class method. load is called on every class and category that is loaded. For statically link classes/categories this will be when your app starts. Even if you choice not to use Objective-C you can still create a class simply for the hook its' load method provides.




This is somewhat like whet @verec posted: You could add a special class to your project, called ModuleList. Every module wishing to register itself could do so by adding a category to ModuleList. You can put this in a macro. Using objc/runtime functions you can loop over the added properties or methods. (i.e. all properties/methods that don't originate in NSObject)

这有点像@verec发布的那样:您可以在项目中添加一个名为ModuleList的特殊类。希望注册自己的每个模块都可以通过向ModuleList添加类别来实现。你可以将它放在一个宏中。使用objc / runtime函数,您可以遍历添加的属性或方法。 (即所有不属于NSObject的属性/方法)

The benefit would be that you don't have to loop over all classes.




I'm doing something sort of along these lines in a new project I'm working on. I store information about modules (classes) in an XML file (a plist would work well too), including capabilities of the class, its name, etc. At runtime, I load the XML file, and when a particular class is needed, I instantiate it based on its name. For ease of use/good encapsulation, I have a BaseModule class from which the "modules classes" inherit. BaseModule has an initWithModuleName: method that takes a module name (as spelled out in the XML file):

在我正在开发的一个新项目中,我正在做这些事情。我将关于模块(类)的信息存储在XML文件中(plist也可以正常工作),包括类的功能,名称等。在运行时,我加载XML文件,当需要特定的类时,我根据其名称实例化它。为了便于使用/良好的封装,我有一个BaseModule类,“模块类”继承了该类。 BaseModule有一个initWithModuleName:方法,它接受一个模块名称(如XML文件中所述):

- (id)initWithModuleName:(NSString *)moduleName
    if ( ![self isMemberOfClass:[BaseModule class]] ) 
        THROW_EXCEPTION(@"MethodToBeCalledOnBaseClassException", @"-[BaseModule initWithModuleName] must not be called on subclasses of BaseModule.");

    [self release]; // always return a subclass
    self = nil;

    if ([BaseModule canInitWithModuleName:moduleName]) 
        ModuleDefinition *moduleDefinition = [BaseModule moduleDefinitionForModuleName:moduleName];

        Class moduleClass = NSClassFromString(moduleDefinition.objectiveCClassName);
        self = [(BaseModule *)[moduleClass alloc] initWithModuleDefinition:moduleDefinition];

    return self;

There's a lot more to this system than I've mentioned here and this is based on my code, but not copy/pasted from it. For one thing, I use Objective-C's ability to do method name lookup at runtime and dynamic dispatch to invoke module methods that are declared/defined in BaseModule subclasses but not in BaseModule itself. These methods are described in the XML file.


But the end result is that all I have to do to add a new module is create its definition in the "ModuleDefinitions.xml" file in my project, and add implementation classes for it to the project. The rest of the program will automatically pick up on its presence and start using it.




I'm adding another answer to elaborate on what was said in the chat above as this might prove useful to anyone having a similar issue.


The assumption this solution relies on are:


  • all modules and the core are part of the same executable and are compiled and linked together, like in any standard project, and
  • 所有模块和核心都是同一个可执行文件的一部分,并且被编译和链接在一起,就像在任何标准项目中一样

  • there is a naming convention between commands and module class names.
  • 命令和模块类名之间存在命名约定。

With this is mind, the following code (in "core") returns the list of all the classes in the executable whose mame match the given prefix:


#import <objc/runtime.h>

- (NSSet *) findAllClassesWithPrefix: (NSString *) prefix {
    NSMutableSet * matches = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:2] ;
    size_t classCount = 0 ;
    Class * classes = 0 ;

    Class nsObjectClass = objc_getClass("NSObject") ;

    classCount = (size_t) objc_getClassList(0, 0) ;

    if (classCount > 0) {
        classes = (Class *) calloc(classCount, sizeof(Class)) ;
        classCount = (size_t) objc_getClassList(classes, (int) classCount) ;

        for (int i = 0 ; i < classCount ; ++i) {
            Class  c = classes[i] ;
            if (c == nil) {
                continue ;
            } else {
                // filter out classes not descending from NSObject
                for (Class superClass = c ; superClass ; superClass = class_getSuperclass(superClass)) {
                    if (superClass == nsObjectClass) {
                        const char * cName = class_getName(c) ;
                        NSString * className = [NSString stringWithCString:cName
                                                                  encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] ;                        
                        if ([className hasPrefix: prefix]) {
                            [matches addObject: className] ;

        free(classes) ;

    return matches ;

Now to retrieve all the classes whose name start with "PG":


NSSet * allPGClassNames = [self findAllClassesWithPrefix:@"PG"] ;

for (NSString * string in allPGClassNames) {
    NSLog(@"found: %@", string) ;


2012-01-02 14:31:18.698 MidiMonitor[1167:707] found: PGMidiDestination
2012-01-02 14:31:18.701 MidiMonitor[1167:707] found: PGMidi
2012-01-02 14:31:18.704 MidiMonitor[1167:707] found: PGMidiConnection
2012-01-02 14:31:18.706 MidiMonitor[1167:707] found: PGMidiAllSources

Using the simple convention that commands and module class names are the same, then that's all there is to it.


In other words, to add a new module, just add its classes sources to the project and you're done. The runtime in core will just pick it up, provided the module "main class" name matches whatever naming convention you have established between "commands" and module class names.


ie, there is no need to


REGISTER_COMMAND(MyClassName, "theCommand")

in any module code anymore, nor is there any need for any macro.




If we start from your interpretCommand sample code, the key structure is the allCommands dictionary.


You are looking for some means to populate it such that when asked for a string (your command) it returns another string to be the class name of an objective-c class that you can then create instances of.


How do you want your dictionary being populated?


If it is at compile time, either yourself, in some file, or some tool you write will have to write a bit of source code that inserts


[allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand"] ;

If that's all you are after, then you don't even need a macro, but some kind of registry class whose sole job is to populate your dictionary with whatever new class/command pair you wan to add.


Something as simplistic as:


@interface Registry : NSObject {
    NSMutableDictionary * allCommands ;

- (id) init ;
- (NSDictionary *) allCommands ;


@implementation Registry

- (id) init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        allCommands = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 20] ;

        // add in here all your commands one by one
        [allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand"] ;
        [allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass2" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand1"] ;
        [allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass3" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand2"] ;
        [allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass3" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand3"] ;
    return self ;

- (NSDictionary *) allCommands {
    return allCommands ;

If this is not the answer you are looking for, please could you elaborate and point out how this example doesn't precisely match your question?




aaaand.. here another solution built on load/initialize, no Macro--if you subclass Module, your command handler will be picked up at load time. You could probably make it work based on your class implementing some protocol if you wanted to...

aaaand ..这里是另一个构建在load / initialize上的解决方案,没有宏 - 如果你继承了Module,你的命令处理程序将在加载时被选中。你可以根据你的类实现一些协议使它工作,如果你想...

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>


@interface Module : NSObject

+(Module*)moduleForCommand:(NSString*)command ;
+(void)registerModuleClass:(Class)theClass forCommand:(NSString*)command ;

+(NSString*)command ;   // override this to returnthe command your class wants to handle


@implementation Module

static NSMutableDictionary * __modules = nil ;
        __modules = [[ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;

    [ super initialize ] ;
    if ( self == [ Module class ] )
        unsigned int count = 0 ;        
        Class * classList = objc_copyClassList( & count ) ;
        for( int index=0; index < count; ++index )
            Class theClass = classList[ index ] ;
            if ( class_getSuperclass( theClass ) == self )
                [ Module registerModuleClass:theClass forCommand:[ theClass command ] ] ;

    Class theClass = [ __modules objectForKey:command ] ;
    return !theClass ? nil : [ [ [ theClass alloc ] init ] autorelease ] ;

+(void)registerModuleClass:(Class)theClass forCommand:(NSString*)command
    [ __modules setObject:theClass forKey:command ] ;

+(NSString *)command
    NSLog(@"override +command in your Module subclass!\n") ;
    return nil ;
    return YES ;    // override and set to NO to skip this command during discovery



@interface MyModule : Module 
@implementation MyModule

+(NSString *)command
    return @"DoSomething" ;

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
        Module * m = [ Module moduleForCommand:@"DoSomething" ] ;
        NSLog( @"module for command 'DoSomething': found %@\n", m ) ;

    return 0;



Ok, if it must be by macro, this solution works:


    // the macro:
@interface __THE_CLASS##Registration @end\
@implementation __THE_CLASS##Registration \
+(void)load { [ Commands registerHandler:NSClassFromString(@""#__THE_CLASS) command:(__COMMAND) ] ; } \

    // Bookkeeping/lookup class:
@interface Commands 

@implementation Commands
static NSMutableDictionary * __commands = nil ;

    __commands = [[ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;

+(void)registerHandler:(Class)theClass command:(NSString*)command
    if ( theClass && command.length > 0 )
        [ __commands setObject:theClass forKey:command ] ;

    Class theClass = [ __commands objectForKey:command ] ;
    return [ [ [ theClass alloc ] init ] autorelease ] ;


    // map the command 'doit' to handler 'MyCommand', below
REGISTER_COMMAND( MyCommand, @"doit" )

    // one of our command handling objects, 'MyCommand'
@interface MyCommand : NSObject

@implementation MyCommand

    // test it out:
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
        NSLog(@"command %@ found for 'doit'\n", [ Commands handlerForCommand:@"doit" ] ) ;

    return 0;



I don't fully understand the problem. However, from what I can gather the sticking point is finding a hook at runtime that you can register your modules.


One such hook is the +(void)load class method. load is called on every class and category that is loaded. For statically link classes/categories this will be when your app starts. Even if you choice not to use Objective-C you can still create a class simply for the hook its' load method provides.




This is somewhat like whet @verec posted: You could add a special class to your project, called ModuleList. Every module wishing to register itself could do so by adding a category to ModuleList. You can put this in a macro. Using objc/runtime functions you can loop over the added properties or methods. (i.e. all properties/methods that don't originate in NSObject)

这有点像@verec发布的那样:您可以在项目中添加一个名为ModuleList的特殊类。希望注册自己的每个模块都可以通过向ModuleList添加类别来实现。你可以将它放在一个宏中。使用objc / runtime函数,您可以遍历添加的属性或方法。 (即所有不属于NSObject的属性/方法)

The benefit would be that you don't have to loop over all classes.




I'm doing something sort of along these lines in a new project I'm working on. I store information about modules (classes) in an XML file (a plist would work well too), including capabilities of the class, its name, etc. At runtime, I load the XML file, and when a particular class is needed, I instantiate it based on its name. For ease of use/good encapsulation, I have a BaseModule class from which the "modules classes" inherit. BaseModule has an initWithModuleName: method that takes a module name (as spelled out in the XML file):

在我正在开发的一个新项目中,我正在做这些事情。我将关于模块(类)的信息存储在XML文件中(plist也可以正常工作),包括类的功能,名称等。在运行时,我加载XML文件,当需要特定的类时,我根据其名称实例化它。为了便于使用/良好的封装,我有一个BaseModule类,“模块类”继承了该类。 BaseModule有一个initWithModuleName:方法,它接受一个模块名称(如XML文件中所述):

- (id)initWithModuleName:(NSString *)moduleName
    if ( ![self isMemberOfClass:[BaseModule class]] ) 
        THROW_EXCEPTION(@"MethodToBeCalledOnBaseClassException", @"-[BaseModule initWithModuleName] must not be called on subclasses of BaseModule.");

    [self release]; // always return a subclass
    self = nil;

    if ([BaseModule canInitWithModuleName:moduleName]) 
        ModuleDefinition *moduleDefinition = [BaseModule moduleDefinitionForModuleName:moduleName];

        Class moduleClass = NSClassFromString(moduleDefinition.objectiveCClassName);
        self = [(BaseModule *)[moduleClass alloc] initWithModuleDefinition:moduleDefinition];

    return self;

There's a lot more to this system than I've mentioned here and this is based on my code, but not copy/pasted from it. For one thing, I use Objective-C's ability to do method name lookup at runtime and dynamic dispatch to invoke module methods that are declared/defined in BaseModule subclasses but not in BaseModule itself. These methods are described in the XML file.


But the end result is that all I have to do to add a new module is create its definition in the "ModuleDefinitions.xml" file in my project, and add implementation classes for it to the project. The rest of the program will automatically pick up on its presence and start using it.




I'm adding another answer to elaborate on what was said in the chat above as this might prove useful to anyone having a similar issue.


The assumption this solution relies on are:


  • all modules and the core are part of the same executable and are compiled and linked together, like in any standard project, and
  • 所有模块和核心都是同一个可执行文件的一部分,并且被编译和链接在一起,就像在任何标准项目中一样

  • there is a naming convention between commands and module class names.
  • 命令和模块类名之间存在命名约定。

With this is mind, the following code (in "core") returns the list of all the classes in the executable whose mame match the given prefix:


#import <objc/runtime.h>

- (NSSet *) findAllClassesWithPrefix: (NSString *) prefix {
    NSMutableSet * matches = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:2] ;
    size_t classCount = 0 ;
    Class * classes = 0 ;

    Class nsObjectClass = objc_getClass("NSObject") ;

    classCount = (size_t) objc_getClassList(0, 0) ;

    if (classCount > 0) {
        classes = (Class *) calloc(classCount, sizeof(Class)) ;
        classCount = (size_t) objc_getClassList(classes, (int) classCount) ;

        for (int i = 0 ; i < classCount ; ++i) {
            Class  c = classes[i] ;
            if (c == nil) {
                continue ;
            } else {
                // filter out classes not descending from NSObject
                for (Class superClass = c ; superClass ; superClass = class_getSuperclass(superClass)) {
                    if (superClass == nsObjectClass) {
                        const char * cName = class_getName(c) ;
                        NSString * className = [NSString stringWithCString:cName
                                                                  encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] ;                        
                        if ([className hasPrefix: prefix]) {
                            [matches addObject: className] ;

        free(classes) ;

    return matches ;

Now to retrieve all the classes whose name start with "PG":


NSSet * allPGClassNames = [self findAllClassesWithPrefix:@"PG"] ;

for (NSString * string in allPGClassNames) {
    NSLog(@"found: %@", string) ;


2012-01-02 14:31:18.698 MidiMonitor[1167:707] found: PGMidiDestination
2012-01-02 14:31:18.701 MidiMonitor[1167:707] found: PGMidi
2012-01-02 14:31:18.704 MidiMonitor[1167:707] found: PGMidiConnection
2012-01-02 14:31:18.706 MidiMonitor[1167:707] found: PGMidiAllSources

Using the simple convention that commands and module class names are the same, then that's all there is to it.


In other words, to add a new module, just add its classes sources to the project and you're done. The runtime in core will just pick it up, provided the module "main class" name matches whatever naming convention you have established between "commands" and module class names.


ie, there is no need to


REGISTER_COMMAND(MyClassName, "theCommand")

in any module code anymore, nor is there any need for any macro.




If we start from your interpretCommand sample code, the key structure is the allCommands dictionary.


You are looking for some means to populate it such that when asked for a string (your command) it returns another string to be the class name of an objective-c class that you can then create instances of.


How do you want your dictionary being populated?


If it is at compile time, either yourself, in some file, or some tool you write will have to write a bit of source code that inserts


[allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand"] ;

If that's all you are after, then you don't even need a macro, but some kind of registry class whose sole job is to populate your dictionary with whatever new class/command pair you wan to add.


Something as simplistic as:


@interface Registry : NSObject {
    NSMutableDictionary * allCommands ;

- (id) init ;
- (NSDictionary *) allCommands ;


@implementation Registry

- (id) init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        allCommands = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity: 20] ;

        // add in here all your commands one by one
        [allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand"] ;
        [allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass2" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand1"] ;
        [allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass3" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand2"] ;
        [allCommands addObject: @"ThisNewClass3" forKey: @"ThisNewCommand3"] ;
    return self ;

- (NSDictionary *) allCommands {
    return allCommands ;

If this is not the answer you are looking for, please could you elaborate and point out how this example doesn't precisely match your question?




aaaand.. here another solution built on load/initialize, no Macro--if you subclass Module, your command handler will be picked up at load time. You could probably make it work based on your class implementing some protocol if you wanted to...

aaaand ..这里是另一个构建在load / initialize上的解决方案,没有宏 - 如果你继承了Module,你的命令处理程序将在加载时被选中。你可以根据你的类实现一些协议使它工作,如果你想...

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>


@interface Module : NSObject

+(Module*)moduleForCommand:(NSString*)command ;
+(void)registerModuleClass:(Class)theClass forCommand:(NSString*)command ;

+(NSString*)command ;   // override this to returnthe command your class wants to handle


@implementation Module

static NSMutableDictionary * __modules = nil ;
        __modules = [[ NSMutableDictionary alloc ] init ] ;

    [ super initialize ] ;
    if ( self == [ Module class ] )
        unsigned int count = 0 ;        
        Class * classList = objc_copyClassList( & count ) ;
        for( int index=0; index < count; ++index )
            Class theClass = classList[ index ] ;
            if ( class_getSuperclass( theClass ) == self )
                [ Module registerModuleClass:theClass forCommand:[ theClass command ] ] ;

    Class theClass = [ __modules objectForKey:command ] ;
    return !theClass ? nil : [ [ [ theClass alloc ] init ] autorelease ] ;

+(void)registerModuleClass:(Class)theClass forCommand:(NSString*)command
    [ __modules setObject:theClass forKey:command ] ;

+(NSString *)command
    NSLog(@"override +command in your Module subclass!\n") ;
    return nil ;
    return YES ;    // override and set to NO to skip this command during discovery



@interface MyModule : Module 
@implementation MyModule

+(NSString *)command
    return @"DoSomething" ;

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
        Module * m = [ Module moduleForCommand:@"DoSomething" ] ;
        NSLog( @"module for command 'DoSomething': found %@\n", m ) ;

    return 0;