
时间:2022-02-16 12:38:30

What is a practical way to store datetimes so that I can let users view/query data as of their own local time while keeping information about the original datetime.


Basically, users want to be able to query (as of their own local time) data collected from systems in various time zones. But occasionally, they want to know that the data was created at, say, 18:00 in the original system. It helps when users from different parts of the world communicate about the same event.


User1: What? We don't have any data for 20:00
User2: Dude, it says 20:00 right there on my screen.
User1: Wait, what timezone are you? What's the UTC-time?
User2: What is UTC? Is that something with computers?
User1: OMFG! *click*

I'm looking for advice on how to store the data.


I'm thinking of storing all datetimes in UTC and adding an additional column containing original timezone name, in a form that lets me use mysql CONVERT_TZ, or the counterpart in Java. The application would then convert dates entered by the user into UTC and I can easily query the database. All dates can also easily be converted to the users local time in the application. Using the original time zone column I also would be able to display the original datetime.

我正在考虑以UTC格式存储所有日期时间并添加包含原始时区名称的附加列,其形式允许我使用mysql CONVERT_TZ或Java中的对应项。然后,应用程序将用户输入的日期转换为UTC,我可以轻松查询数据库。所有日期也可以轻松转换为应用程序中的用户本地时间。使用原始时区列我也可以显示原始日期时间。

However, this means that for each datetime I have, I need an additional column...


start_time_utc datetime
start_time_tz  varchar(64)
end_time_utc   datetime
end_time_tz    varchar(64)

Am I on the right track here?


Would anyone who have worked with such data share their experiences?


(I will be using MySQL 5.5 CE)

(我将使用MySQL 5.5 CE)

Update 1

Data will be delivered in xml files where each entry has a datetime in some local time zone. So there will only be one inserting process, running in one place.


Once loaded in the database, it will be presented in some web application to users in different time zones. For the majority of the use cases the data of interest did also originate from the same time zone as the user looking at the data. For some of the more complicated use cases, a series of events are interconnected and span multiple time zones. Hence, users want to be able to talk about the events in order to investigate probable causes/consequences in the other's time. Not UTC, not their own local time.


3 个解决方案



As the users can live in different timezones and even can move from one timezone to other, the best practice is to store the date and time in UTC and convert to user's timezone at the time of displaying.




The manual has a section just for this, about timestamp:


TIMESTAMP values are converted from the current time zone to UTC for storage, and converted back from UTC to the current time zone for retrieval. (This occurs only for the TIMESTAMP data type, not for other types such as DATETIME.) By default, the current time zone for each connection is the server's time. The time zone can be set on a per-connection basis, as described in Section 9.6, “MySQL Server Time Zone Support”. As long as the time zone setting remains constant, you get back the same value you store. If you store a TIMESTAMP value, and then change the time zone and retrieve the value, the retrieved value is different from the value you stored. This occurs because the same time zone was not used for conversion in both directions. The current time zone is available as the value of the time_zone system variable.

TIMESTAMP值从当前时区转换为UTC以进行存储,并从UTC转换回当前时区以进行检索。 (这仅适用于TIMESTAMP数据类型,而不适用于其他类型,例如DATETIME。)默认情况下,每个连接的当前时区是服务器的时间。可以在每个连接的基础上设置时区,如第9.6节“MySQL服务器时区支持”中所述。只要时区设置保持不变,您就可以获得存储的相同值。如果存储TIMESTAMP值,然后更改时区并检索该值,则检索的值与您存储的值不同。发生这种情况是因为在两个方向上都没有使用相同的时区进行转换。当前时区可用作time_zone系统变量的值。


So you can use: SET time_zone = timezone; on the client to set the time zone. Then all queries would translate the timestamp to the correct time zone. No need to do anything complex in Java, except for setting the time zone (I think might even be a parameter in the JDBC connection string)

所以你可以使用:SET time_zone = timezone;在客户端上设置时区。然后,所有查询都会将时间戳转换为正确的时区。除了设置时区(我想甚至可能是JDBC连接字符串中的参数)之外,无需在Java中执行任何复杂的操作



You can always get the zulu time as base for all your calculations.




As the users can live in different timezones and even can move from one timezone to other, the best practice is to store the date and time in UTC and convert to user's timezone at the time of displaying.




The manual has a section just for this, about timestamp:


TIMESTAMP values are converted from the current time zone to UTC for storage, and converted back from UTC to the current time zone for retrieval. (This occurs only for the TIMESTAMP data type, not for other types such as DATETIME.) By default, the current time zone for each connection is the server's time. The time zone can be set on a per-connection basis, as described in Section 9.6, “MySQL Server Time Zone Support”. As long as the time zone setting remains constant, you get back the same value you store. If you store a TIMESTAMP value, and then change the time zone and retrieve the value, the retrieved value is different from the value you stored. This occurs because the same time zone was not used for conversion in both directions. The current time zone is available as the value of the time_zone system variable.

TIMESTAMP值从当前时区转换为UTC以进行存储,并从UTC转换回当前时区以进行检索。 (这仅适用于TIMESTAMP数据类型,而不适用于其他类型,例如DATETIME。)默认情况下,每个连接的当前时区是服务器的时间。可以在每个连接的基础上设置时区,如第9.6节“MySQL服务器时区支持”中所述。只要时区设置保持不变,您就可以获得存储的相同值。如果存储TIMESTAMP值,然后更改时区并检索该值,则检索的值与您存储的值不同。发生这种情况是因为在两个方向上都没有使用相同的时区进行转换。当前时区可用作time_zone系统变量的值。


So you can use: SET time_zone = timezone; on the client to set the time zone. Then all queries would translate the timestamp to the correct time zone. No need to do anything complex in Java, except for setting the time zone (I think might even be a parameter in the JDBC connection string)

所以你可以使用:SET time_zone = timezone;在客户端上设置时区。然后,所有查询都会将时间戳转换为正确的时区。除了设置时区(我想甚至可能是JDBC连接字符串中的参数)之外,无需在Java中执行任何复杂的操作



You can always get the zulu time as base for all your calculations.
