
时间:2022-02-02 12:32:18

What is the best way (regarding database design) for storing images for different purposes?


I have a bunch of user photos and I got another 5 different sets of photos (like user photos but with no connection to user photos).


Is the best thing to store all photos in a single database table and try to reference them from within that table, or is the best to create different tables for each set of photos?


I can see one benefit from creating multiple tables and that's the cascade delete function for removing the photo when the main object is deleted.


Any other aspects to consider?


Another example could be addresses. A user can have an address but so can a company or a location. Create one table for all addresses and try to have some sort of index tables to reference what address belongs to what object or have different tables and eliminate the problem.


5 个解决方案



How to store large blobs in sql server

Storing large chunks of binary data in SQL Server is not a great approach. It makes your database very bulky to backup and performance is generally not great. Storing files is usually done on the file system. Sql Server 2008 has out of the box support for FILESTREAM. Microsoft documents the cases to use FileStream as follows

在SQL Server中存储大量二进制数据并不是一个好方法。它使您的数据库备份非常笨重,性能通常不是很好。存储文件通常在文件系统上完成。 Sql Server 2008具有开箱即用的FILESTREAM支持。 Microsoft将案例记录为使用FileStream,如下所示

  • Objects that are being stored are, on average, larger than 1 MB.
  • 存储的对象平均大于1 MB。
  • Fast read access is important.
  • 快速读取访问很重要。
  • You are developing applications that use a middle tier for application logic.
  • 您正在开发使用中间层应用程序逻辑的应用程序。

In your case I think all points are valid.


Enable on Server

To enable FILESTREAM support on the server use the following statement.


EXEC sp_configure filestream_access_level, 2

Configure the Database

To get a filestream filegroup linked to your database create


  ADD FILE ( NAME = 'ImageStream', FILENAME = 'C:\Data\Images\ImageStream.ndf')
  TO FILEGROUP TodaysPhotoShoot

Creating the table

The next step is getting your data in the database with filestream storage:


    [Id] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
    [CreationDate] DATETIME NOT NULL,

For Filestream to work you not only need the FILESTREAM property on a field in the table, but also a field which has the ROWGUIDCOL property.


Inserting Data with TSQL

Now to insert data in this table you can use TSQL:


using(var conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
using(var cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Images VALUES (@id, @date, cast(@image as varbinary(max))", conn))
     cmd.Parameters.AddRange(new {
          new SqlParameter("id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = uId,
          new SqlParameter("date", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = creationDate,
          new SqlParameter("image", SqlDbType.varbinary).Value = imageFile,

Inserting data using SqlFileStream

There also exists an approach to get the file data on disk using Win32 directly. This offers you streaming access SqlFileStream inherits from IO.Stream.


Inserting data using win32 can be done with for example the code below:


    public void InsertImage(string connString, Guid uId, DateTime creationDate, byte[] fileContent)
        using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
        using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO Images VALUES (@id, @date, cast(@image as varbinary(max)) output INSERTED.Image.PathName()" , conn))

            using (var transaction = conn.BeginTransaction())
                cmd.Transaction = transaction;
                    new[] {
                         new SqlParameter("id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = uId,
                         new SqlParameter("date", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = creationDate,
                         new SqlParameter("image", SqlDbType.VarBinary).Value = null

                var path = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT()";

                var context = (byte[])cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                using (var stream = new SqlFileStream(path, context, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    stream.Write(fileContent, 0, fileContent.Length);


How to model a Photo storage database

With the filestream approach to store the images the table is very narrow which is good for performance since many records can be stored per 8K data page. I would use the following model:


        Id uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
        ImageSet INTEGER NOT NULL 
            REFERENCES ImageSets,

    CREATE TABLE ImageSets
        SetName nvarchar(500) NOT NULL,
        Author INTEGER NOT NULL
            REFERENCES Users(USerId)

        UserId integer not null primary key,
        UserName nvarchar(500),
        AddressId integer not null
             REFERENCES Addresses

   CREATE TABLE Organsations
        OrganisationId integer not null primary key
        OrganisationName nvarchar(500),
        AddressId integer not null
             REFERENCES Addresses

   CREATE TABLE Addresses
       AddressId integer not null primary key,
       Type nvarchar(10), 
       Street nvarchar(500),
       ZipCode nvarchar(50),
       City nvarchar(500),

   CREATE TABLE OrganisationMembers
       OrganisationId integer not null
          REFERENCES Organisations,
       UserId integer not null
          REFERENCES Users,
       PRIMARY KEY (UserId, OrganisationId)
   CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ixOrganisationMembers on OrganisationMembers(OrganisationId)

This translates to the following Entity RelationShip Diagram:



  • Performance wise, the narrow images table is very good as it contains only a few bytes of data per record.
  • 性能方面,窄图像表非常好,因为它每个记录只包含几个字节的数据。
  • We can assume that an image is always member of an Image Set, The Set information could be hidden if there is only 1 image in it.
  • 我们可以假设图像始终是图像集的成员。如果图像集中只有1个图像,则可以隐藏集合信息。
  • I assume you want to track which users are member of which organisations, so I added a table to link them (Assuming a user can be member of multiple organisations).
  • 我假设你想跟踪哪些用户是哪个组织的成员,所以我添加了一个表来链接它们(假设用户可以是多个组织的成员)。
  • The primary key on the OrganisationMembers table has UserId as first field since there normally a lot more users than Organisations and you probably will want to show which organisations a user is member off more often than the inverse.
  • OrganisationMembers表上的主键具有UserId作为第一个字段,因为通常比组织更多的用户,并且您可能希望显示用户成员的组织比反向更多。
  • The index on OrganisationId in OrganisationMembers is there to cater for queries where the list of members for a specific Organisation needs to be shown.
  • OrganisationMembers中的OrganisationId索引用于满足需要显示特定组织的成员列表的查询。





The only reason to have different tables is that you can have FKs. But this is veruy,very importantfor data integrity.


One reason to have a single table with all the photos would be if you wanted to make a single query against all the photos.


Another reason could be that it makes writing your app easier (i.e because you don't have to change code which is working in a single photos table)


As the second and third reasons are quite improbable, I'd recommend you to use the first option.




When I have some sort of entity that recurs in several contexts, e.g. a mailing address, I'll often gather them all in a single table. That generally simplifies validation (e.g. ZIP codes), managing duplicates, ... .


Where appropriate, I'll have a cross reference table. For example, telephone numbers might reside in one table along with a note ("home", "mobile", ...). A cross reference table between vendors and telephone numbers can match up one individual with as many telephone numbers as they need. It also provides an opportunity to add a rank so that they can specify their preferred telephone number. In some cases you may want to prompt a user updating information about related changes, e.g. when you update the 800 number for a company, should any other references to it be updated?


In any event, deletion requires checking for any outstanding references to an entity. In most applications this doesn't happen frequently enough to be a problem. I'm not a big fan of using cascading deletion. I'd much rather have a stored procedure that manages deletions and handle any cascading "by hand" to avoid really big surprises.


BLOBs are another discussion. Photographs, PDF documents and other bulky binaries have issues regarding database size, naming conventions, backup/restore, ... . These vary somewhat depending on the specific version of SQL Server being employed.

BLOB是另一个讨论。照片,PDF文档和其他庞大的二进制文件在数据库大小,命名约定,备份/恢复等方面存在问题。这些有所不同,具体取决于所使用的SQL Server的特定版本。



Retrieving a row from a table that contains any sort of large data takes time. Images tend to be very big these days, and if I were to design a database that stores images or other large files within its structure then I would:


  1. attempt to spread the images over a number of tables, especially if you intend to display thumbnails of the images which would be considerably quicker to retrieve than full-size images.
  2. 尝试将图像分布在多个表格上,特别是如果您打算显示图像的缩略图,这些缩略图比全尺寸图像要快得多。
  3. the image tables should be independant of related data eg. alt text, name, description or labels. The only data I would have with the image is the primary-key and the doctype eg. jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, etc.
  4. 图像表应该与相关数据无关,例如。替代文字,名称,描述或标签。我对图像的唯一数据是主键和doctype,例如。 jpg,jpeg,png,gif,bmp等
  5. avoid using linq's where function. Instead structure the sql query yourself, as for reasons I have not yet figured out, the where function is far slower than writing an sql query that does the same thing. Not in all cases though, but if you do use linq and while debugging, you discover that the where method takes a long time to finish then definitely write your own sql query.
  6. 避免使用linq的where函数。而是自己构建sql查询,因为我还没有想到的原因,where函数远比编写执行相同操作的sql查询慢得多。但并非在所有情况下,但是如果您使用linq并在调试时,您发现where方法需要很长时间才能完成,那么一定要编写自己的sql查询。
  7. Try to enforce that uploaded photos are either cropped to a fixed ratio, or even shrunk to a standard size. It might not be necessary depending on your purposes, but in my experience, it saves a lot of pain when it comes to displaying a collectionOfImage in a grid or list.
  8. 尝试强制将上传的照片裁剪为固定比例,甚至缩小到标准尺寸。根据您的目的,可能没有必要,但根据我的经验,当在网格或列表中显示collectionOfImage时,它会节省很多痛苦。



FileStream is ok, as discussed above. But it's complicated. You know what's best to store a file? The file system. That's what it does. You just need to set up a share that all your web servers can write to, and your save process is 1) generate an image id, 2) save the file using that as a name, 3) insert a row specifying the file share network path or a url to the file. Then your db table stays small and fast and your client can pull the file from the file system. It is cheaper, faster, more reliable to set up a terabyte file server with RAID on SSDs to store your files and just store the access path in the database server. BLOBs have weird effects in sql server, like not relinquishing their space once deleted, and lots of other issue (can't rebuild clustered index online, etc).

FileStream没问题,如上所述。但它很复杂。你知道什么是最好存储文件?文件系统。这就是它的作用。您只需要设置所有Web服务器都可以写入的共享,并且您的保存过程是1)生成图像ID,2)使用该名称保存文件,3)插入指定文件共享网络的行路径或文件的URL。然后,您的数据库表保持小而快,客户端可以从文件系统中提取文件。在SSD上设置带有RAID的TB级文件服务器来存储文件并将访问路径存储在数据库服务器中更便宜,更快速,更可靠。 BLOB在sql server中有奇怪的效果,比如一旦删除就不会放弃它们的空间,还有很多其他问题(无法在线重建聚簇索引等)。



How to store large blobs in sql server

Storing large chunks of binary data in SQL Server is not a great approach. It makes your database very bulky to backup and performance is generally not great. Storing files is usually done on the file system. Sql Server 2008 has out of the box support for FILESTREAM. Microsoft documents the cases to use FileStream as follows

在SQL Server中存储大量二进制数据并不是一个好方法。它使您的数据库备份非常笨重,性能通常不是很好。存储文件通常在文件系统上完成。 Sql Server 2008具有开箱即用的FILESTREAM支持。 Microsoft将案例记录为使用FileStream,如下所示

  • Objects that are being stored are, on average, larger than 1 MB.
  • 存储的对象平均大于1 MB。
  • Fast read access is important.
  • 快速读取访问很重要。
  • You are developing applications that use a middle tier for application logic.
  • 您正在开发使用中间层应用程序逻辑的应用程序。

In your case I think all points are valid.


Enable on Server

To enable FILESTREAM support on the server use the following statement.


EXEC sp_configure filestream_access_level, 2

Configure the Database

To get a filestream filegroup linked to your database create


  ADD FILE ( NAME = 'ImageStream', FILENAME = 'C:\Data\Images\ImageStream.ndf')
  TO FILEGROUP TodaysPhotoShoot

Creating the table

The next step is getting your data in the database with filestream storage:


    [Id] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
    [CreationDate] DATETIME NOT NULL,

For Filestream to work you not only need the FILESTREAM property on a field in the table, but also a field which has the ROWGUIDCOL property.


Inserting Data with TSQL

Now to insert data in this table you can use TSQL:


using(var conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
using(var cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Images VALUES (@id, @date, cast(@image as varbinary(max))", conn))
     cmd.Parameters.AddRange(new {
          new SqlParameter("id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = uId,
          new SqlParameter("date", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = creationDate,
          new SqlParameter("image", SqlDbType.varbinary).Value = imageFile,

Inserting data using SqlFileStream

There also exists an approach to get the file data on disk using Win32 directly. This offers you streaming access SqlFileStream inherits from IO.Stream.


Inserting data using win32 can be done with for example the code below:


    public void InsertImage(string connString, Guid uId, DateTime creationDate, byte[] fileContent)
        using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
        using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO Images VALUES (@id, @date, cast(@image as varbinary(max)) output INSERTED.Image.PathName()" , conn))

            using (var transaction = conn.BeginTransaction())
                cmd.Transaction = transaction;
                    new[] {
                         new SqlParameter("id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = uId,
                         new SqlParameter("date", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = creationDate,
                         new SqlParameter("image", SqlDbType.VarBinary).Value = null

                var path = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                cmd.CommandText = "SELECT GET_FILESTREAM_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT()";

                var context = (byte[])cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                using (var stream = new SqlFileStream(path, context, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    stream.Write(fileContent, 0, fileContent.Length);


How to model a Photo storage database

With the filestream approach to store the images the table is very narrow which is good for performance since many records can be stored per 8K data page. I would use the following model:


        Id uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 
        ImageSet INTEGER NOT NULL 
            REFERENCES ImageSets,

    CREATE TABLE ImageSets
        SetName nvarchar(500) NOT NULL,
        Author INTEGER NOT NULL
            REFERENCES Users(USerId)

        UserId integer not null primary key,
        UserName nvarchar(500),
        AddressId integer not null
             REFERENCES Addresses

   CREATE TABLE Organsations
        OrganisationId integer not null primary key
        OrganisationName nvarchar(500),
        AddressId integer not null
             REFERENCES Addresses

   CREATE TABLE Addresses
       AddressId integer not null primary key,
       Type nvarchar(10), 
       Street nvarchar(500),
       ZipCode nvarchar(50),
       City nvarchar(500),

   CREATE TABLE OrganisationMembers
       OrganisationId integer not null
          REFERENCES Organisations,
       UserId integer not null
          REFERENCES Users,
       PRIMARY KEY (UserId, OrganisationId)
   CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ixOrganisationMembers on OrganisationMembers(OrganisationId)

This translates to the following Entity RelationShip Diagram:



  • Performance wise, the narrow images table is very good as it contains only a few bytes of data per record.
  • 性能方面,窄图像表非常好,因为它每个记录只包含几个字节的数据。
  • We can assume that an image is always member of an Image Set, The Set information could be hidden if there is only 1 image in it.
  • 我们可以假设图像始终是图像集的成员。如果图像集中只有1个图像,则可以隐藏集合信息。
  • I assume you want to track which users are member of which organisations, so I added a table to link them (Assuming a user can be member of multiple organisations).
  • 我假设你想跟踪哪些用户是哪个组织的成员,所以我添加了一个表来链接它们(假设用户可以是多个组织的成员)。
  • The primary key on the OrganisationMembers table has UserId as first field since there normally a lot more users than Organisations and you probably will want to show which organisations a user is member off more often than the inverse.
  • OrganisationMembers表上的主键具有UserId作为第一个字段,因为通常比组织更多的用户,并且您可能希望显示用户成员的组织比反向更多。
  • The index on OrganisationId in OrganisationMembers is there to cater for queries where the list of members for a specific Organisation needs to be shown.
  • OrganisationMembers中的OrganisationId索引用于满足需要显示特定组织的成员列表的查询。





The only reason to have different tables is that you can have FKs. But this is veruy,very importantfor data integrity.


One reason to have a single table with all the photos would be if you wanted to make a single query against all the photos.


Another reason could be that it makes writing your app easier (i.e because you don't have to change code which is working in a single photos table)


As the second and third reasons are quite improbable, I'd recommend you to use the first option.




When I have some sort of entity that recurs in several contexts, e.g. a mailing address, I'll often gather them all in a single table. That generally simplifies validation (e.g. ZIP codes), managing duplicates, ... .


Where appropriate, I'll have a cross reference table. For example, telephone numbers might reside in one table along with a note ("home", "mobile", ...). A cross reference table between vendors and telephone numbers can match up one individual with as many telephone numbers as they need. It also provides an opportunity to add a rank so that they can specify their preferred telephone number. In some cases you may want to prompt a user updating information about related changes, e.g. when you update the 800 number for a company, should any other references to it be updated?


In any event, deletion requires checking for any outstanding references to an entity. In most applications this doesn't happen frequently enough to be a problem. I'm not a big fan of using cascading deletion. I'd much rather have a stored procedure that manages deletions and handle any cascading "by hand" to avoid really big surprises.


BLOBs are another discussion. Photographs, PDF documents and other bulky binaries have issues regarding database size, naming conventions, backup/restore, ... . These vary somewhat depending on the specific version of SQL Server being employed.

BLOB是另一个讨论。照片,PDF文档和其他庞大的二进制文件在数据库大小,命名约定,备份/恢复等方面存在问题。这些有所不同,具体取决于所使用的SQL Server的特定版本。



Retrieving a row from a table that contains any sort of large data takes time. Images tend to be very big these days, and if I were to design a database that stores images or other large files within its structure then I would:


  1. attempt to spread the images over a number of tables, especially if you intend to display thumbnails of the images which would be considerably quicker to retrieve than full-size images.
  2. 尝试将图像分布在多个表格上,特别是如果您打算显示图像的缩略图,这些缩略图比全尺寸图像要快得多。
  3. the image tables should be independant of related data eg. alt text, name, description or labels. The only data I would have with the image is the primary-key and the doctype eg. jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, etc.
  4. 图像表应该与相关数据无关,例如。替代文字,名称,描述或标签。我对图像的唯一数据是主键和doctype,例如。 jpg,jpeg,png,gif,bmp等
  5. avoid using linq's where function. Instead structure the sql query yourself, as for reasons I have not yet figured out, the where function is far slower than writing an sql query that does the same thing. Not in all cases though, but if you do use linq and while debugging, you discover that the where method takes a long time to finish then definitely write your own sql query.
  6. 避免使用linq的where函数。而是自己构建sql查询,因为我还没有想到的原因,where函数远比编写执行相同操作的sql查询慢得多。但并非在所有情况下,但是如果您使用linq并在调试时,您发现where方法需要很长时间才能完成,那么一定要编写自己的sql查询。
  7. Try to enforce that uploaded photos are either cropped to a fixed ratio, or even shrunk to a standard size. It might not be necessary depending on your purposes, but in my experience, it saves a lot of pain when it comes to displaying a collectionOfImage in a grid or list.
  8. 尝试强制将上传的照片裁剪为固定比例,甚至缩小到标准尺寸。根据您的目的,可能没有必要,但根据我的经验,当在网格或列表中显示collectionOfImage时,它会节省很多痛苦。



FileStream is ok, as discussed above. But it's complicated. You know what's best to store a file? The file system. That's what it does. You just need to set up a share that all your web servers can write to, and your save process is 1) generate an image id, 2) save the file using that as a name, 3) insert a row specifying the file share network path or a url to the file. Then your db table stays small and fast and your client can pull the file from the file system. It is cheaper, faster, more reliable to set up a terabyte file server with RAID on SSDs to store your files and just store the access path in the database server. BLOBs have weird effects in sql server, like not relinquishing their space once deleted, and lots of other issue (can't rebuild clustered index online, etc).

FileStream没问题,如上所述。但它很复杂。你知道什么是最好存储文件?文件系统。这就是它的作用。您只需要设置所有Web服务器都可以写入的共享,并且您的保存过程是1)生成图像ID,2)使用该名称保存文件,3)插入指定文件共享网络的行路径或文件的URL。然后,您的数据库表保持小而快,客户端可以从文件系统中提取文件。在SSD上设置带有RAID的TB级文件服务器来存储文件并将访问路径存储在数据库服务器中更便宜,更快速,更可靠。 BLOB在sql server中有奇怪的效果,比如一旦删除就不会放弃它们的空间,还有很多其他问题(无法在线重建聚簇索引等)。