I'd like to store a product's quantity along with its ID using Redis. Here's what I have right now:
def add
$redis.sadd current_user_cart, params[:product_id]
redirect_to carts_show_path(current_user_cart)
render json: current_user.cart_count, status: 200
How can I store more than one value in a single key? Do I need to use a hash?
1 个解决方案
Yes. Redis is a key/value store. Meaning that it only has 2 columns... One is the key and the second one is the value, which I would in your case define as a JSON over a hash.
是。 Redis是一家钥匙/超值商店。这意味着它只有2列...一个是键,第二个是值,在您的情况下,我将在哈希定义为JSON。
Yes. Redis is a key/value store. Meaning that it only has 2 columns... One is the key and the second one is the value, which I would in your case define as a JSON over a hash.
是。 Redis是一家钥匙/超值商店。这意味着它只有2列...一个是键,第二个是值,在您的情况下,我将在哈希定义为JSON。