
时间:2022-07-24 11:10:43

How would I create a nested grouping for the table below, using LINQ? I want to group by Code, then by Mktcode.


Code Mktcode Id
==== ======= ====
1    10      0001 
2    20      0010 
1    10      0012 
1    20      0010 
1    20      0014 
2    20      0001
2    30      0002
1    30      0002
1    30      0005

I'd like a dictionary, in the end, like


Dictionary<Code, List<Dictionary<Mktcode, List<Id>>>>

So the values of this dictionary would be


{1, ({10,(0001,0012)}, {20,(0010,0014)}, {30, (0002, 0005)})},
{2, ({20,(0001, 0010)}, {30, (0020)} )}

3 个解决方案



I'd think of it this way:


  • You're primarily grouping by code, so do that first
  • 您主要是按代码分组,所以首先要这样做
  • For each group, you've still got a list of results - so apply another grouping there.
  • 对于每个组,您仍然有一个结果列表 - 所以在那里应用另一个分组。

Something like:


var groupedByCode = source.GroupBy(x => x.Code);

var groupedByCodeAndThenId = groupedByCode.Select(group =>
    new { Key=group.Key, NestedGroup = group.ToLookup
                                         (result => result.MktCode, result => result.Id));

var dictionary = groupedByCodeAndThenId.ToDictionary
    (result => result.Key, result => result.NestedGroup);

That will give you a Dictionary<Code, Lookup<MktCode, Id>> - I think that's what you want. It's completely untested though.

这会给你一个字典 > - 我想这就是你想要的。但它完全未经测试。 ,lookup>



You can build lookups (Kinds of Dictionary<,List<>>) using group by into

您可以使用group by into构建查找(Dictionary of Dictionary <,List <>>)

var lines = new []
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 10, Id = 1},
    new {Code = 2, MktCode = 20, Id = 10},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 10, Id = 12},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 20, Id = 10},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 20, Id = 14},
    new {Code = 2, MktCode = 20, Id = 1},
    new {Code = 2, MktCode = 30, Id = 2},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 30, Id = 2},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 30, Id = 5},

var groups = from line in lines
    group line by line.Code
    into codeGroup
    select new
        Code = codeGroup.Key,
        Items = from l in codeGroup
            group l by l.MktCode into mktCodeGroup
            select new
                MktCode = mktCodeGroup.Key, 
                Ids = from mktLine in mktCodeGroup
                    select mktLine.Id



Here's how I'd do it:


Dictionary<Code, Dictionary<MktCode, List<Id>>> myStructure =
    .GroupBy(e => e.Code)
      g => g.Key,
      g => g
        .GroupBy(e => e.Mktcode)
          g2 => g2.Key,
          g2 => g2.Select(e => e.Id).ToList()

Here's the breakdown of the process:


Group the elements by Code, and create an outer dictionary where the key is that code.


    .GroupBy(e => e.Code)
      g => g.Key,

For each of the keys in the outer dictionary, regroup the elements by Mktcode and create an inner dictionary.


      g => g
        .GroupBy(e => e.Mktcode)
          g2 => g2.Key,

For each of the keys in the inner dictionary, project the id of those elements and convert that to a list.


          g2 => g2.Select(e => e.Id).ToList()



I'd think of it this way:


  • You're primarily grouping by code, so do that first
  • 您主要是按代码分组,所以首先要这样做
  • For each group, you've still got a list of results - so apply another grouping there.
  • 对于每个组,您仍然有一个结果列表 - 所以在那里应用另一个分组。

Something like:


var groupedByCode = source.GroupBy(x => x.Code);

var groupedByCodeAndThenId = groupedByCode.Select(group =>
    new { Key=group.Key, NestedGroup = group.ToLookup
                                         (result => result.MktCode, result => result.Id));

var dictionary = groupedByCodeAndThenId.ToDictionary
    (result => result.Key, result => result.NestedGroup);

That will give you a Dictionary<Code, Lookup<MktCode, Id>> - I think that's what you want. It's completely untested though.

这会给你一个字典 > - 我想这就是你想要的。但它完全未经测试。 ,lookup>



You can build lookups (Kinds of Dictionary<,List<>>) using group by into

您可以使用group by into构建查找(Dictionary of Dictionary <,List <>>)

var lines = new []
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 10, Id = 1},
    new {Code = 2, MktCode = 20, Id = 10},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 10, Id = 12},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 20, Id = 10},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 20, Id = 14},
    new {Code = 2, MktCode = 20, Id = 1},
    new {Code = 2, MktCode = 30, Id = 2},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 30, Id = 2},
    new {Code = 1, MktCode = 30, Id = 5},

var groups = from line in lines
    group line by line.Code
    into codeGroup
    select new
        Code = codeGroup.Key,
        Items = from l in codeGroup
            group l by l.MktCode into mktCodeGroup
            select new
                MktCode = mktCodeGroup.Key, 
                Ids = from mktLine in mktCodeGroup
                    select mktLine.Id



Here's how I'd do it:


Dictionary<Code, Dictionary<MktCode, List<Id>>> myStructure =
    .GroupBy(e => e.Code)
      g => g.Key,
      g => g
        .GroupBy(e => e.Mktcode)
          g2 => g2.Key,
          g2 => g2.Select(e => e.Id).ToList()

Here's the breakdown of the process:


Group the elements by Code, and create an outer dictionary where the key is that code.


    .GroupBy(e => e.Code)
      g => g.Key,

For each of the keys in the outer dictionary, regroup the elements by Mktcode and create an inner dictionary.


      g => g
        .GroupBy(e => e.Mktcode)
          g2 => g2.Key,

For each of the keys in the inner dictionary, project the id of those elements and convert that to a list.


          g2 => g2.Select(e => e.Id).ToList()