在MYSQL中,我们可以使用普通SELECT SQL而不是使用存储过程来进行循环吗?

时间:2022-08-23 10:13:51

ok, Her is my problem. I got a table that has 3 columns: C1, C2, C3


C1 - C2 - C3
 M - is - M1
N2 - is - N3
M2 - is - M3
M3 - is - M4
N1 - is - N2
M1 - is - M2
 N - is - N1

So when user search for "M1", the system will show:



when user search for "M3", the system will show:



when user search for "N", the system will show:



Clearly, this kind of query requires some sort of looping, ie searching for any word after "is", then continuously searching for word after that word.


I wanna use normal "Select SQL" in MySQL rather than using Stored Procedure to do this task. But I have no clue how to do.


Do we have to use "WITH" keyword?


How to do the above query without using Stored Procedure?


2 个解决方案



So, sticking to the requirement of NOT using a stored procedure, the following query may be used:


SELECT t1.C1 AS Value1, t2.C1 AS Value2, t3.C1 AS Value3, t4.C1 AS Value4
FROM your_table t1
LEFT JOIN your_table t2 ON t1.C3=t2.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t3 ON t2.C3=t3.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t4 ON t3.C3=t4.C1

It will return results such as M1 M2 M3 M4. If you need to "loop" more, you may add another LEFT JOIN to the query:

它将返回M1 M2 M3 M4等结果。如果需要“循环”更多,可以在查询中添加另一个LEFT JOIN:

SELECT t1.C1 AS Value1, t2.C1 AS Value2, t3.C1 AS Value3, t4.C1 AS Value4, t5.C1 AS Value5
FROM your_table t1
LEFT JOIN your_table t2 ON t1.C3=t2.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t3 ON t2.C3=t3.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t4 ON t3.C3=t4.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t5 ON t4.C3=t5.C1

You will however be limited in the number of tables you can join this way:


The maximum number of tables that can be referenced in a single join is 61.


You will need to use server-side language (PHP?) to check if Value2, Value3...ValueN are null or not.

您需要使用服务器端语言(PHP?)来检查Value2,Value3 ... ValueN是否为null。

My advice is to use a stored procedure, or to change your table schema to avoid having to loop in your tables this way.




You could accomplish this task using a recursive CTE; unfortunately, mysql does not yet support these.


However, I submit to you that you have a larger problem in that you're implementing the classic SQL Antipattern referred to as a "Naive Tree"; I strongly recommend you review the slidedeck SQL Anti-Patterns Strike Back - especially the section beginning around slide 48, where the author will provide viable alternatives that will make your problem easier to encapsulate in the subset of SQL your database supports.

但是,我向你提出,你有一个更大的问题,你正在实现被称为“天真树”的经典SQL反模式;我强烈建议您查看幻灯片SQL反模式反击 - 特别是从幻灯片48开始的部分,作者将提供可行的替代方案,使您的问题更容易封装在您的数据库支持的SQL子集中。



So, sticking to the requirement of NOT using a stored procedure, the following query may be used:


SELECT t1.C1 AS Value1, t2.C1 AS Value2, t3.C1 AS Value3, t4.C1 AS Value4
FROM your_table t1
LEFT JOIN your_table t2 ON t1.C3=t2.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t3 ON t2.C3=t3.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t4 ON t3.C3=t4.C1

It will return results such as M1 M2 M3 M4. If you need to "loop" more, you may add another LEFT JOIN to the query:

它将返回M1 M2 M3 M4等结果。如果需要“循环”更多,可以在查询中添加另一个LEFT JOIN:

SELECT t1.C1 AS Value1, t2.C1 AS Value2, t3.C1 AS Value3, t4.C1 AS Value4, t5.C1 AS Value5
FROM your_table t1
LEFT JOIN your_table t2 ON t1.C3=t2.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t3 ON t2.C3=t3.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t4 ON t3.C3=t4.C1
LEFT JOIN your_table t5 ON t4.C3=t5.C1

You will however be limited in the number of tables you can join this way:


The maximum number of tables that can be referenced in a single join is 61.


You will need to use server-side language (PHP?) to check if Value2, Value3...ValueN are null or not.

您需要使用服务器端语言(PHP?)来检查Value2,Value3 ... ValueN是否为null。

My advice is to use a stored procedure, or to change your table schema to avoid having to loop in your tables this way.




You could accomplish this task using a recursive CTE; unfortunately, mysql does not yet support these.


However, I submit to you that you have a larger problem in that you're implementing the classic SQL Antipattern referred to as a "Naive Tree"; I strongly recommend you review the slidedeck SQL Anti-Patterns Strike Back - especially the section beginning around slide 48, where the author will provide viable alternatives that will make your problem easier to encapsulate in the subset of SQL your database supports.

但是,我向你提出,你有一个更大的问题,你正在实现被称为“天真树”的经典SQL反模式;我强烈建议您查看幻灯片SQL反模式反击 - 特别是从幻灯片48开始的部分,作者将提供可行的替代方案,使您的问题更容易封装在您的数据库支持的SQL子集中。