Laravel 5,委托-检查角色不工作。

时间:2022-05-07 10:07:27

I'm new in Laravel. I'm trying to use in Laravel 5 Zizaco/entrust (from laravel-5 branch). All working ok - attach rules, detach rules... but when I try check permissions I have problems.

我刚在Laravel。我正试着使用Laravel 5 Zizaco/委托(来自laravel-5分公司)。一切正常工作-附加规则,分离规则…但是当我尝试检查权限时,我有问题。

First I try in routes.php, but in this place Entrust don't know who am I, hasRole and routeNeedsRole not working in routes.php.


In middleware hasRole is working but routeNeedsRole not. Trying use as second parameter string, array, same effect - abort(403) runs.

在中间件中,hasRole正在发挥作用,但却没有发挥作用。尝试使用第二个参数字符串,数组,同样的效果- abort(403)运行。

Because hasRole is working this problem looks very strange for me.


composer dump-autoload - used, not solve problem


in routes.php


Entrust::hasRole('superadmin');// => false
\Entrust::routeNeedsRole('admin/dashboard', ['superadmin'], abort(403, 'Forbidden'), false); // display 403 page

in middleware


\Entrust::hasRole('superadmin'); // => true
\Entrust::routeNeedsRole('admin/dashboard', ['superadmin'], abort(403, 'Forbidden'), false); // display 403 page

My model User.php


use Zizaco\Entrust\Traits\EntrustUserTrait;

class User extends Model implements AuthenticatableContract, CanResetPasswordContract {

use Authenticatable, CanResetPassword, EntrustUserTrait;



Route::group([ 'prefix' => 'admin', 'namespace' => 'Admin', 'middleware' => ['auth', 'admin']], function (){
    Route::get('dashboard', [ 'as' => 'dashboard', 'uses' => "DashBoardController@index" ]);

I have also Role and Permission models looks like in Readme file


// sorry for my english.


2 个解决方案



Update: Laravel 5.1.11 and newer now come with built in Authorization. It is much more Laravel friendly and will always be well maintained. Use this when possible

更新:Laravel 5.1.11和更新的现在是建立在授权。它更加友好,并且将永远保持良好。尽可能使用这个

You are using the middleware wrong. There is a lot of Laravel 4 stuff still in the docs for Entrust so you have to be selective as to what you use from there. The middleware shouldn't be setting routeNeedsRole. Actually routeNeedsRole doesn't really fit in L5 in my opinion. Here is how I would do it:

您使用的是中间件错误。有很多Laravel 4的东西还在文档中,所以你必须对你在那里使用的东西有选择性。中间件不应该设置routeNeedsRole。实际上,在我看来,罗山的角色并不适合L5。下面是我的做法:

Create a new middleware with


php artisan make:middleware AuthAdmin

Now in the newly generated app/Http/Middleware/AuthAdmin.php


<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;

class AuthAdmin {

  protected $auth;

  public function __construct(Guard $auth) {
    $this->auth = $auth;

  public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
    if ($this->auth->guest()) {
      if ($request->ajax()) {
        return response('Unauthorized.', 401);
      } else {
        return redirect()->guest('auth/login');
    } else if(! $request->user()->hasRole('superadmin')) {
      return abort(404); //Or redirect() or whatever you want
    return $next($request);


This will do the same thing as the auth middleware but if they are already logged in and don't have the 'superadmin' role they will get the 404.


Next we need to add the middleware to routemiddleware. Do this in app/Http/Kernal.php:

接下来,我们需要将中间件添加到routemiddleware中。在app / Http / Kernal.php:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
  'superadmin' => 'App\Http\Middleware\AuthAdmin',

This makes it possible to add the middleware to the controller. Now let's do that. In your controller we do this in the constructor:


public function __construct() {

This will add the middleware to the whole controller. You can be specific as to the routes if needed but for your case I would assume we need the whole controller protected.


Let me know if you need nay more help.


Note: It would be ideal to make AuthAdmin run the 'auth' middleware first instead of copying the code but I don't know how to do that from within the middleware and we don't want to have to do middleware => ['auth', 'superadmin'] instead of just 'superadmin'. If we didn't copy the 'auth' code over we would be trying to get ->hasRole() of null which would get an error.

注意:首先要让AuthAdmin运行“auth”中间件,而不是复制代码,但我不知道如何在中间件中实现这一点,而且我们也不希望必须做中间件=> ['auth', 'superadmin'],而不是'superadmin'。如果我们没有复制“auth”代码,那么我们就会尝试得到null的>hasRole(),这样就会出错。



Try it in your controllers:



身份验证:用户()- > hasRole(“超级管理员”几个);



Update: Laravel 5.1.11 and newer now come with built in Authorization. It is much more Laravel friendly and will always be well maintained. Use this when possible

更新:Laravel 5.1.11和更新的现在是建立在授权。它更加友好,并且将永远保持良好。尽可能使用这个

You are using the middleware wrong. There is a lot of Laravel 4 stuff still in the docs for Entrust so you have to be selective as to what you use from there. The middleware shouldn't be setting routeNeedsRole. Actually routeNeedsRole doesn't really fit in L5 in my opinion. Here is how I would do it:

您使用的是中间件错误。有很多Laravel 4的东西还在文档中,所以你必须对你在那里使用的东西有选择性。中间件不应该设置routeNeedsRole。实际上,在我看来,罗山的角色并不适合L5。下面是我的做法:

Create a new middleware with


php artisan make:middleware AuthAdmin

Now in the newly generated app/Http/Middleware/AuthAdmin.php


<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;

class AuthAdmin {

  protected $auth;

  public function __construct(Guard $auth) {
    $this->auth = $auth;

  public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
    if ($this->auth->guest()) {
      if ($request->ajax()) {
        return response('Unauthorized.', 401);
      } else {
        return redirect()->guest('auth/login');
    } else if(! $request->user()->hasRole('superadmin')) {
      return abort(404); //Or redirect() or whatever you want
    return $next($request);


This will do the same thing as the auth middleware but if they are already logged in and don't have the 'superadmin' role they will get the 404.


Next we need to add the middleware to routemiddleware. Do this in app/Http/Kernal.php:

接下来,我们需要将中间件添加到routemiddleware中。在app / Http / Kernal.php:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
  'superadmin' => 'App\Http\Middleware\AuthAdmin',

This makes it possible to add the middleware to the controller. Now let's do that. In your controller we do this in the constructor:


public function __construct() {

This will add the middleware to the whole controller. You can be specific as to the routes if needed but for your case I would assume we need the whole controller protected.


Let me know if you need nay more help.


Note: It would be ideal to make AuthAdmin run the 'auth' middleware first instead of copying the code but I don't know how to do that from within the middleware and we don't want to have to do middleware => ['auth', 'superadmin'] instead of just 'superadmin'. If we didn't copy the 'auth' code over we would be trying to get ->hasRole() of null which would get an error.

注意:首先要让AuthAdmin运行“auth”中间件,而不是复制代码,但我不知道如何在中间件中实现这一点,而且我们也不希望必须做中间件=> ['auth', 'superadmin'],而不是'superadmin'。如果我们没有复制“auth”代码,那么我们就会尝试得到null的>hasRole(),这样就会出错。



Try it in your controllers:



身份验证:用户()- > hasRole(“超级管理员”几个);