calling a stored procedure as
int pageNumber = 1;
int pageSize = 4;
SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = SPs.UspListPlants(pageNumber, pageSize);
string result = sp.GetReader();
The sp work fine, but trying
foreach (SubSonic.StoredProcedure.Parameter param in sp.Parameters)
sb.Append("'" + param.Name + "' = ");
I have zero parameters count.
How to print on log parameter's values of sql stmt executed as :
如何在sql stmt的log参数值上打印执行:
EXEC UspListPlants(pageNumber = 1, pageSize = 4)
Thank's, regards
1 个解决方案
Does sp.Parameters actually implement IEnumerable? If not then foreach won't work and you need to call something like a GetEnumerator method on sp.Parameters to be able to iterate over it.
Does sp.Parameters actually implement IEnumerable? If not then foreach won't work and you need to call something like a GetEnumerator method on sp.Parameters to be able to iterate over it.