
时间:2022-11-12 09:41:51



  1.  首先要了解MOSS搜索返回的是什么

  MOSS搜索结果返回的是XML数据集, 那它返回的XML数据格式是怎样的哪,如下:  

< All_Results >
< Result >
< id > 1 </ id >
< workid > 56859 </ workid >
< rank > 851 </ rank >
< title > 区信息办整合政务基础数据,推进信息资源共享 </ title >
< author > 系统帐户 </ author >
< size > 5836 </ size >
< url > http: // localhost:7001/BMYW/XXB/2009/6339694771417558327245.HTML</url>
     < urlEncoded > http % 3A % 2F % 2F172 % 2E25 % 2E0 % 2E185 % 3A7001 % 2FBMYW % 2FXXB % 2F2009 % 2F6339694771417558327245 % 2EHTML </ urlEncoded >
< description ></ description >
< write > 2009 / 5 / 21 </ write >
< sitename > http: // localhost:7001</sitename>
     < collapsingstatus > 0 </ collapsingstatus >
< hithighlightedsummary >   < ddd  />   < c0 > 信息 </ c0 > 办整合了涉及全区37个政务部门的412类, 264 .3万项政务基础数据,研究建立以 < c0 > 信息 </ c0 > 资源目录为引导的 < c0 > 信息 </ c0 > 资源共享服务体系。 < c0 > 信息 </ c0 > 资源内容涵盖经济建设、社会管理与服务等多领域、多部门、多应用主题,将于  < ddd  />   </ hithighlightedsummary >
< hithighlightedproperties >
< HHTitle > < c0 > 信息 </ c0 > 办整合政务基础数据,推进 < c0 > 信息 </ c0 > 资源共享 </ HHTitle >
< HHUrl > http: // localhost:7001/BMYW/XXB/2009/6339694771417558327245.HTML</HHUrl>
     </ hithighlightedproperties >
< contentclass > STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary </ contentclass >
< isdocument > 1 </ isdocument >
< picturethumbnailurl ></ picturethumbnailurl >
< imageurl imageurldescription = " 类型结果: 文档 " >/ _layouts / images / html16.gif </ imageurl >
</ Result >
< Result >
</ Result >
</ All_Results >


<? xml version = " 1.0 "  encoding = " UTF-8 " ?>
< xsl:stylesheet version = " 1.0 "  xmlns:xsl = " http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform " >
< xsl:output method = " xml "  version = " 1.0 "  encoding = " UTF-8 "  indent = " yes " />
< xsl:template match = " / " >
< xsl:copy - of select = " * " />
</ xsl:template >
</ xsl:stylesheet >


  2.  添加元数据属性映射

  因为搜索结果返回的属性是从元数据属性映射过来的,所以对于我们要在搜索结果中新加的属性必须选配置元数据属性映射,关于如何配置元数据属性映射,请看Bear-Study-Hard写的《MOSS Search学习记录(五):利用元数据和规则搜索多个列表中指定范围的内容》,注意配好要启动完全爬网,而不是添量爬网,要么新加的属性值为空。

  3. 向搜索查询添加属性


,url,HHTitle,HHUrl等,在里面加入我们要用于当链接的属性,如添加><Column Name="LinkTo"/> ,LinkTo是文档库中的一个栏名,但它必须得是元数据的映射。

  4. 修改搜索核心 Web 部件的 XSL,让它包含新属性


< xsl:template match = " Result " >  
< xsl:variable name = " id "  select = " id " />
< xsl:variable name = " url "  select = " url " />
< span  class = " srch-Icon " >  
< a href = " {$url} "  id = " {concat('CSR_IMG_',$id)} "  title = " {$url} " >
< img align = " absmiddle "  src = " {imageurl} "  border = " 0 "  alt = " {imageurl/@imageurldescription} "   />
</ a >
</ span >
< span  class = " srch-Title " >
< a href = " {$url} "  id = " {concat('CSR_',$id)} "  title = " {$url} " >
< xsl:choose >
< xsl:when test = " hithighlightedproperties/HHTitle[. != ''] " >
< xsl:call - template name = " HitHighlighting " >
< xsl:with - param name = " hh "  select = " hithighlightedproperties/HHTitle "   />  
</ xsl:call - template >    
</ xsl:when >
< xsl:otherwise >< xsl:value - of select = " title " /></ xsl:otherwise >  
</ xsl:choose >
</ a >
< br />  
</ span >

< xsl:choose >
< xsl:when test = " $IsThisListScope = 'True' and contentclass[. = 'STS_ListItem_PictureLibrary'] and picturethumbnailurl[. != ''] " >
< div style = " padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; " >
< a href = " {$url} "  id = " {concat('CSR_P',$id)} "  title = " {title} " >
< img src = " {picturethumbnailurl} "  alt = ""   />
</ a >
</ div >
</ xsl:when >
</ xsl:choose >
< div  class = " srch-Description " >
< xsl:choose >
< xsl:when test = " hithighlightedsummary[. != ''] " >
< xsl:call - template name = " HitHighlighting " >
< xsl:with - param name = " hh "  select = " hithighlightedsummary "   />  
</ xsl:call - template >  
</ xsl:when >    
< xsl:when test = " description[. != ''] " >
< xsl:value - of select = " description " />      
</ xsl:when >      
</ xsl:choose >
</ div  >
< class = " srch-Metadata " >
< span  class = " srch-URL " >
< a href = " {$url} "  id = " {concat('CSR_U_',$id)} "  title = " {$url} "  dir = " ltr " >       
< xsl:choose >
< xsl:when test = " hithighlightedproperties/HHUrl[. != ''] " >
< xsl:call - template name = " HitHighlighting " >
< xsl:with - param name = " hh "  select = " hithighlightedproperties/HHUrl "   />  
</ xsl:call - template >  
</ xsl:when >
< xsl:otherwise >< xsl:value - of select = " url " /></ xsl:otherwise >  
</ xsl:choose >
</ a >
</ span >            
< xsl:call - template name = " DisplaySize " >
< xsl:with - param name = " size "  select = " size "   />
</ xsl:call - template >      
< xsl:call - template name = " DisplayString " >
< xsl:with - param name = " str "  select = " author "   />  
</ xsl:call - template >   
< xsl:call - template name = " DisplayString " >
< xsl:with - param name = " str "  select = " write "   />
</ xsl:call - template >      
< xsl:call - template name = " DisplayCollapsingStatusLink " >
< xsl:with - param name = " status "  select = " collapsingstatus " />
< xsl:with - param name = " urlEncoded "  select = " urlEncoded " />
< xsl:with - param name = " id "  select = " concat('CSR_CS_',$id) " />
</ xsl:call - template >         
</ p >
</ xsl:template >

  上面代码就是搜索结果Result的配置,可以看到 <xsl:variable name="url" select="url"/>,下面的<a></a>链接中有<a href="{$url}">等结果,就明白它们是怎么显示的了,先把 <xsl:variable name="url" select="url"/>改成 <xsl:variable name="linkto" select="linkto"/>,然后再改链接<a href="{$url}">为<a href="{$linkto}">,保存好结果就是我们想要达到的了,在里面还可以改或添加自己想达到的效果。