
时间:2020-11-30 09:22:42

I'm really struggling with a VLookup situation right now. I'm trying to do something that is really over my head, but I think that with a little help I just might be able to do it.


  1. For starters, I created a separate sheet with a table so I can give a number to some letters so I may quantify their value.
  2. 首先,我创建了一个单独的表格和一个表格,这样我可以给一些字母一个数字,这样我可以量化它们的价值。


  1. With this information, I would like to elaborate a VBA formula that would be able to check a table for those letter in a column (with a number) and delete every row that would present a letter value lower than the inputed Letter's given number. (Ignore the Ns in column I)
  2. 有了这些信息,我想详细说明一个VBA公式,它可以检查列中的字母(带有数字),并删除每一行中出现的字母值低于输入字母的给定数字的值。(忽略列I中的Ns)



  1. What I have so far is something like this:


    Sub DeletarIndices()
        indice = InputBox("Digite o IC/IV Desejado", "GBG Pneus")
        Set planilhaV = Sheets("IV")
        Dim vValores As String
        sResult = Application.VLookup("Y", planilhaV.Range("A2:B11"), 2)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        Dim i As Long
        For i = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
            If Not (Range("A" & i).Value > sResult) Then
                Range("A" & i).EntireRow.Delete
            End If
        Next i
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

What happens is that when I run the code, a inputbox opens and asks for a value that will be used in the code. The letter will be converted in to a number and will be used as a comparison to delete lower values. But... Right here:


If Not (Range("A" & i).Value > sResult) Then

The letter is still a number, so when it checks the table, only numbers lower than the value will be deleted, not the letters with lower values. What I need is exactly that. That letters get analyzed and the rows deleted, not numbers.


Thank you to anyone that may help me with this!


2 个解决方案



Assuming that your order of priority for the letters is always alphabetical, you don't need to convert letters to numbers for this, you can simply compare letter to letter. I would also note that your way to determine the last row (Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row) is not good practice, I suggest you find a more reliable method.

假设字母的优先顺序总是按字母顺序排列,你不需要把字母转换成数字,你可以简单地把字母和字母进行比较。我还要注意,您确定最后一行(Range(“A”& row . count). end (xlUp). row)的方法并不是很好的实践,我建议您找到一个更可靠的方法。

Assuming your data is presented as you have shown - with data in column H as a 3-character code where the letter is the last character (e.g. "91B", "89D", etc.) - lets go through step by step: (note there is no lookup worksheet planilhaV any more)


1) Declare our variables


Dim indice As String   ' To hold our user input letter
Dim rowLetter As String   ' To hold the current row letter value
Dim firstRow As Long   ' First row of your data
Dim lastRow As Long   ' Last row of your data
Dim currentRow As Long   ' Current row for your loop counter
Dim sht As Worksheet   ' To hold the worksheet you're working on

2) Assign some values


Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("*WORKSHEET NAME*")   ' Use the name of your worksheet
firstRow = 1
lastRow = sht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

3) Get your user input


indice = UCase(InputBox("Digite o IC/IV Desejado", "GBG Pneus"))   ' Convert user input to upper case and store

4) Do your processing


For currentRow = lastRow To firstRow Step -1
    rowLetter = UCase(Right(sht.Range("H" & currentRow).Value, 1))   ' Get letter from code in column H, converted to upper case
    If rowLetter < indice Then   ' Compare the letters, and if smaller than user input...
        sht.Rows(currentRow).EntireRow.Delete   ' Delete the row
    End If
Next currentRow

And that should about do it. It's a good idea to declare all variables you plan to use, and using Option Explicit will ensure you can't use anything without declaring it first.




@LeonVFX: If the value of the letters doesn't always increase with alphabetical order then you could use a lookup table or you could do the comparison in code.


If you choose to use a lookup table like in your original example, then you could adjust the code above as follows:


Dim indice As String   ' To hold our user input letter
Dim indiceValue As Long   ' To hold the numeric value of our user input letter
Dim rowLetter As String   ' To hold the current row letter
Dim rowLetterValue As Long   ' To hold the numeric value of the current row letter
Dim firstRow As Long   ' First row of your data
Dim lastRow As Long   ' Last row of your data
Dim currentRow As Long   ' Current row for your loop counter
Dim sht As Worksheet   ' To hold the worksheet you're working on
Dim planilhaV As Worksheet   ' To hold your lookup worksheet

Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("*WORKSHEET NAME*")   ' Use the name of your worksheet
Set planilhaV = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("IV")   ' As in your original example
firstRow = 1
lastRow = sht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

indice = UCase(InputBox("Digite o IC/IV Desejado", "GBG Pneus"))   ' Convert user input to upper case and store
indiceValue = CLng(Application.VLookup(indice, planilhaV.Range("A2:B11"), 2, False))   ' Creating numeric indice value with lookup table

For currentRow = lastRow To firstRow Step -1
    rowLetter = UCase(Right(sht.Range("H" & currentRow).Value, 1))   ' Get letter from code in column H, converted to upper case
    rowLetterValue = CLng(Application.VLookup(rowLetter, planilhaV.Range("A2:B11"), 2, False))   ' Creating numeric value for current row letter with lookup table
    If rowLetterValue < indiceValue Then   ' Compare the numeric letter values, and if smaller than user input...
        sht.Rows(currentRow).EntireRow.Delete   ' Delete the row
    End If
Next currentRow

If you're finding that it's only deleting one row at a time, my guess is that using sht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row to find the last row is the reason because you don't have any data in column A? If your data is in column H as in your original example, change the A to an H in the code and you should be fine, or try and find a more reliable way to set your lastRow variable value.

如果您发现每次只删除一行,我的猜测是使用sht。范围(“A”& Rows.Count)指标(xlUp)。最终找到最后一行是因为A列中没有任何数据?如果您的数据在H列,如原始示例中所示,那么在代码中将A改为H,您应该没问题,或者尝试找到一种更可靠的方法来设置lastRow变量值。



After I got some help in a forum, I got to this answer, and I'll leave it here if anyone run into something like this.


' Verifies if the digit is a number. If it is, returns True, False if it isn't.
Function ehNumero(ByVal digito As String) As Boolean

    a = Asc(digito)
    If a >= 48 And a <= 57 Then
        ehNumero = True
        enNumero = False
    End If

End Function

' Separates the code in a numeric and a alphabetic part.
Function separaCodigo(ByVal codigo As String, ByRef numero As Integer, ByRef letras As String) As Boolean
    p = 0
    For i = 1 To Len(codigo)
        digito = Mid(codigo, i, 1)
        If Not ehNumero(digito) Then ' Found the point break when it finds the first non-numeric digit.
            p = i
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i

    If p = 0 Or p = 1 Then
        numero = 0
        letras = ""
        separaCodigo = False
        codigo = UCase(codigo)
        numero = Int(Mid(codigo, 1, p - 1))
        letras = Mid(codigo, p)
        separaCodigo = True
    End If
End Function

' Gets the values from the configuration table.
Function valorDasLetras(ByVal letras As String) As Integer
    On Error GoTo trataErro

    valorDasLetras = Application.VLookup(letras, Worksheets("Configuração").Range("A2:B11"), 2, False)

    Exit Function

    valorDasLetras = 0 '

End Function

'Deletes the lines in the table in the interval.
Function deletar(ByVal numero As Integer, letras As String) As Integer

    valor = valorDasLetras(letras)
    If valor = 0 Then
        deletar = -1
        Exit Function
    End If

    limInf = numero
    limSup = valor

    Dim dados As Worksheet
    Set dados = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet

    Dim linhasPraDeletar As Range
    totalLinhas = 0

    linha = 1
    Do While True

        curCodigo = dados.Cells(linha, 7) ' Using Column G

        If curCodigo = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If

        Dim curNumero As Integer
        Dim curLetras As String
        If Not separaCodigo(curCodigo, curNumero, curLetras) Then
            deletar = -1
            Exit Function
        End If

        ' Gets the values for the letters from the table
        curValor = valorDasLetras(curLetras)
        If curValor = 0 Then
            deletar = -1
            Exit Function
        End If

        If curNumero < limInf Or curValor < limSup Then
            If linhasPraDeletar Is Nothing Then
                Set linhasPraDeletar = dados.Rows(linha)
                Set linhasPraDeletar = Union(linhasPraDeletar, dados.Rows(linha))
            End If
            totalLinhas = totalLinhas + 1
        End If

        linha = linha + 1

    linhasPraDeletar.EntireRow.Delete ' <===== Comment to select, but do not delete, the line

    deletar = totalLinhas

End Function

' Run the code
Sub LimparValores()
    'On Error GoTo trataErro

    ' Reads the user code
    msg = "Input your code"
    codigo = InputBox(msg, "Código")
    If codigo = "" Then ' Cancelado
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Separates the user code number from letters
    Dim numero As Integer
    Dim letras As String
    If Not separaCodigo(codigo, numero, letras) Then
        MsgBox ("Invalid code: " & codigo)
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Calls the delete function
    linhas = deletar(numero, letras)
    If linhas = -1 Then
        MsgBox ("There was an error with the code (the letter does not exist in configuration)")
        If linhas = 0 Then
            MsgBox ("There are no rows in the interval - no row was deleted")
            MsgBox (linhas & " rows deleted!")
        End If
    End If

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox ("The code is not in the expected format.")

End Sub

Hope it helps anyone in the future!




Assuming that your order of priority for the letters is always alphabetical, you don't need to convert letters to numbers for this, you can simply compare letter to letter. I would also note that your way to determine the last row (Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row) is not good practice, I suggest you find a more reliable method.

假设字母的优先顺序总是按字母顺序排列,你不需要把字母转换成数字,你可以简单地把字母和字母进行比较。我还要注意,您确定最后一行(Range(“A”& row . count). end (xlUp). row)的方法并不是很好的实践,我建议您找到一个更可靠的方法。

Assuming your data is presented as you have shown - with data in column H as a 3-character code where the letter is the last character (e.g. "91B", "89D", etc.) - lets go through step by step: (note there is no lookup worksheet planilhaV any more)


1) Declare our variables


Dim indice As String   ' To hold our user input letter
Dim rowLetter As String   ' To hold the current row letter value
Dim firstRow As Long   ' First row of your data
Dim lastRow As Long   ' Last row of your data
Dim currentRow As Long   ' Current row for your loop counter
Dim sht As Worksheet   ' To hold the worksheet you're working on

2) Assign some values


Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("*WORKSHEET NAME*")   ' Use the name of your worksheet
firstRow = 1
lastRow = sht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

3) Get your user input


indice = UCase(InputBox("Digite o IC/IV Desejado", "GBG Pneus"))   ' Convert user input to upper case and store

4) Do your processing


For currentRow = lastRow To firstRow Step -1
    rowLetter = UCase(Right(sht.Range("H" & currentRow).Value, 1))   ' Get letter from code in column H, converted to upper case
    If rowLetter < indice Then   ' Compare the letters, and if smaller than user input...
        sht.Rows(currentRow).EntireRow.Delete   ' Delete the row
    End If
Next currentRow

And that should about do it. It's a good idea to declare all variables you plan to use, and using Option Explicit will ensure you can't use anything without declaring it first.




@LeonVFX: If the value of the letters doesn't always increase with alphabetical order then you could use a lookup table or you could do the comparison in code.


If you choose to use a lookup table like in your original example, then you could adjust the code above as follows:


Dim indice As String   ' To hold our user input letter
Dim indiceValue As Long   ' To hold the numeric value of our user input letter
Dim rowLetter As String   ' To hold the current row letter
Dim rowLetterValue As Long   ' To hold the numeric value of the current row letter
Dim firstRow As Long   ' First row of your data
Dim lastRow As Long   ' Last row of your data
Dim currentRow As Long   ' Current row for your loop counter
Dim sht As Worksheet   ' To hold the worksheet you're working on
Dim planilhaV As Worksheet   ' To hold your lookup worksheet

Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("*WORKSHEET NAME*")   ' Use the name of your worksheet
Set planilhaV = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("IV")   ' As in your original example
firstRow = 1
lastRow = sht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

indice = UCase(InputBox("Digite o IC/IV Desejado", "GBG Pneus"))   ' Convert user input to upper case and store
indiceValue = CLng(Application.VLookup(indice, planilhaV.Range("A2:B11"), 2, False))   ' Creating numeric indice value with lookup table

For currentRow = lastRow To firstRow Step -1
    rowLetter = UCase(Right(sht.Range("H" & currentRow).Value, 1))   ' Get letter from code in column H, converted to upper case
    rowLetterValue = CLng(Application.VLookup(rowLetter, planilhaV.Range("A2:B11"), 2, False))   ' Creating numeric value for current row letter with lookup table
    If rowLetterValue < indiceValue Then   ' Compare the numeric letter values, and if smaller than user input...
        sht.Rows(currentRow).EntireRow.Delete   ' Delete the row
    End If
Next currentRow

If you're finding that it's only deleting one row at a time, my guess is that using sht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row to find the last row is the reason because you don't have any data in column A? If your data is in column H as in your original example, change the A to an H in the code and you should be fine, or try and find a more reliable way to set your lastRow variable value.

如果您发现每次只删除一行,我的猜测是使用sht。范围(“A”& Rows.Count)指标(xlUp)。最终找到最后一行是因为A列中没有任何数据?如果您的数据在H列,如原始示例中所示,那么在代码中将A改为H,您应该没问题,或者尝试找到一种更可靠的方法来设置lastRow变量值。



After I got some help in a forum, I got to this answer, and I'll leave it here if anyone run into something like this.


' Verifies if the digit is a number. If it is, returns True, False if it isn't.
Function ehNumero(ByVal digito As String) As Boolean

    a = Asc(digito)
    If a >= 48 And a <= 57 Then
        ehNumero = True
        enNumero = False
    End If

End Function

' Separates the code in a numeric and a alphabetic part.
Function separaCodigo(ByVal codigo As String, ByRef numero As Integer, ByRef letras As String) As Boolean
    p = 0
    For i = 1 To Len(codigo)
        digito = Mid(codigo, i, 1)
        If Not ehNumero(digito) Then ' Found the point break when it finds the first non-numeric digit.
            p = i
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i

    If p = 0 Or p = 1 Then
        numero = 0
        letras = ""
        separaCodigo = False
        codigo = UCase(codigo)
        numero = Int(Mid(codigo, 1, p - 1))
        letras = Mid(codigo, p)
        separaCodigo = True
    End If
End Function

' Gets the values from the configuration table.
Function valorDasLetras(ByVal letras As String) As Integer
    On Error GoTo trataErro

    valorDasLetras = Application.VLookup(letras, Worksheets("Configuração").Range("A2:B11"), 2, False)

    Exit Function

    valorDasLetras = 0 '

End Function

'Deletes the lines in the table in the interval.
Function deletar(ByVal numero As Integer, letras As String) As Integer

    valor = valorDasLetras(letras)
    If valor = 0 Then
        deletar = -1
        Exit Function
    End If

    limInf = numero
    limSup = valor

    Dim dados As Worksheet
    Set dados = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet

    Dim linhasPraDeletar As Range
    totalLinhas = 0

    linha = 1
    Do While True

        curCodigo = dados.Cells(linha, 7) ' Using Column G

        If curCodigo = "" Then
            Exit Do
        End If

        Dim curNumero As Integer
        Dim curLetras As String
        If Not separaCodigo(curCodigo, curNumero, curLetras) Then
            deletar = -1
            Exit Function
        End If

        ' Gets the values for the letters from the table
        curValor = valorDasLetras(curLetras)
        If curValor = 0 Then
            deletar = -1
            Exit Function
        End If

        If curNumero < limInf Or curValor < limSup Then
            If linhasPraDeletar Is Nothing Then
                Set linhasPraDeletar = dados.Rows(linha)
                Set linhasPraDeletar = Union(linhasPraDeletar, dados.Rows(linha))
            End If
            totalLinhas = totalLinhas + 1
        End If

        linha = linha + 1

    linhasPraDeletar.EntireRow.Delete ' <===== Comment to select, but do not delete, the line

    deletar = totalLinhas

End Function

' Run the code
Sub LimparValores()
    'On Error GoTo trataErro

    ' Reads the user code
    msg = "Input your code"
    codigo = InputBox(msg, "Código")
    If codigo = "" Then ' Cancelado
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Separates the user code number from letters
    Dim numero As Integer
    Dim letras As String
    If Not separaCodigo(codigo, numero, letras) Then
        MsgBox ("Invalid code: " & codigo)
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Calls the delete function
    linhas = deletar(numero, letras)
    If linhas = -1 Then
        MsgBox ("There was an error with the code (the letter does not exist in configuration)")
        If linhas = 0 Then
            MsgBox ("There are no rows in the interval - no row was deleted")
            MsgBox (linhas & " rows deleted!")
        End If
    End If

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox ("The code is not in the expected format.")

End Sub

Hope it helps anyone in the future!
