
时间:2020-11-30 08:50:10



1. 固定列数的行转列


test=# select * from score;
 name | subject | score
 张三 | 语文    |    80
 张三 | 数学    |    70
 张三 | 英语    |    60
 李四 | 语文    |    90
 李四 | 数学    |   100
 李四 | 英语    |    80
(6 rows)


 name | 语文 | 数学 | 英语
 张三 |   80 |   70 |   60
 李四 |   90 |  100 |   80


select name,
       max(case when subject = '语文' then score else 0 end) as "语文",
       max(case when subject = '数学' then score else 0 end) as "数学",
       max(case when subject = '英语' then score else 0 end) as "英语"
  from score
 group by name order by name;


test=# select name,
test-#        max(case when subject = '语文' then score else 0 end) as "语文",
test-#        max(case when subject = '数学' then score else 0 end) as "数学",
test-#        max(case when subject = '英语' then score else 0 end) as "英语"
test-#   from score
test-#  group by name order by name;
 name | 语文 | 数学 | 英语
 张三 |   80 |   70 |   60
 李四 |   90 |  100 |   80
(2 rows)



select name,
       split_part(split_part(tmp,',',3),':',2) as "语文",
       split_part(split_part(tmp,',',1),':',2) as "数学",
       split_part(split_part(tmp,',',2),':',2) as "英语"
  from (select name,string_agg(subject||':'||score,',' order by subject) as tmp
          from score
         group by name) as t
 order by name;


test=# select name,
test-#        split_part(split_part(tmp,',',3),':',2) as "语文",
test-#        split_part(split_part(tmp,',',1),':',2) as "数学",
test-#        split_part(split_part(tmp,',',2),':',2) as "英语"
test-#   from (select name,string_agg(subject||':'||score,',' order by subject) as tmp
test(#           from score
test(#          group by name) as t
test-#  order by name;
 name | 语文 | 数学 | 英语
 张三 | 80   | 70   | 60
 李四 | 90   | 100  | 80
(2 rows)


test=# select name,string_agg(subject||':'||score,',' order by subject) as tmp
test-#   from score
test-#  group by name;
 name |           tmp
 张三 | 数学:70,英语:60,语文:80
 李四 | 数学:100,英语:80,语文:90
(2 rows)


2. 不定列数的行转列


test=# select * from t1;
 c1 | c2 | c3
  1 | 我 |  1
  1 | 是 |  2
  1 | 谁 |  3
  2 | 不 |  1
  2 | 知 |  2
  3 | 道 |  1
(6 rows)


 c1 | c2 | c3 | c4
  1 | 我 | 是 | 谁
  2 | 不 | 知 |
  3 | 道 |    | 


create or replace function fn_crosstab(refcursor) returns refcursor
as $body$
    v_colnum int;
    v_sqlstring varchar(2000) := 'select c1 ';
    -- 获得最大列数
    select max(c) into v_colnum from (select count(*) c from t1 group by c1) t;

    for i in 1 .. v_colnum loop
        v_sqlstring := v_sqlstring || ', split_part(tmp,'','',' || cast(i as varchar(2)) || ') c' || cast(i+1 as varchar(2));
    end loop;

    v_sqlstring := v_sqlstring || ' from (select c1,string_agg(c2,'','' order by c3) as tmp from t1 group by c1) t order by c1';

    -- raise notice '%', v_sqlstring;
    open $1 for execute v_sqlstring;
    return $1;

$body$ language plpgsql;


select fn_crosstab('cur1');
fetch all in cur1;

服务器游标默认只能在一个事务中存在,事务结束自动销毁。如果没用BEGIN开启一个事务,任何一条语句都是一个事务,所以select fn_crosstab('cur1')所建立的游标立即被销毁。执行结果如下所示:

test=# begin;
test=# select fn_crosstab('cur1');
(1 row)

test=# fetch all in cur1;
 c1 | c2 | c3 | c4
  1 | 我 | 是 | 谁
  2 | 不 | 知 |
  3 | 道 |    |
(3 rows)

test=# commit;


1. 单行变多行


test=# select * from book;
 id | name |   tag
  1 | Java | aa,bb,cc
  2 | C++  | dd,ee
(2 rows)


 name | tag  | rn
 Java | aa   |  1
 Java | bb   |  2
 Java | cc   |  3
 C++  | dd   |  1
 C++  | ee   |  2

HAWQ基于PostgreSQL 8.2.15,因此还不包含generate_subscripts()、array_length()、unnest(array) with ordinality等函数功能。为了给每个name的tag按原始位置增加序号,需要建立以下函数,返回数组值及其对应的下标:

create or replace function f_unnest_ord(anyarray, out val anyelement, out ordinality integer)
returns setof record language sql immutable as
'select $1[i], i - array_lower($1,1) + 1
   from generate_series(array_lower($1,1), array_upper($1,1)) i';


select name, (rec).val tag, (rec).ordinality rn
  from (select *, f_unnest_ord(arr) as rec
          from (select id, name, string_to_array(tag, ',') arr from book) t) t
 order by id, rn;


test=# select name, (rec).val tag, (rec).ordinality rn
test-#   from (select *, f_unnest_ord(arr) as rec
test(#           from (select id, name, string_to_array(tag, ',') arr from book) t) t
test-#  order by id, rn;
 name | tag | rn
 Java | aa  |  1
 Java | bb  |  2
 Java | cc  |  3
 C++  | dd  |  1
 C++  | ee  |  2
(5 rows)

2. 多列转多行


test=# select * from t1;
 c1 | c2 | c3 | c4
  1 | 我 | 是 | 谁
  2 | 不 | 知 |
  3 | 道 |    |
(3 rows)


 c1 | c2 | c3
  1 | 我 |  1
  1 | 是 |  2
  1 | 谁 |  3
  2 | 不 |  1
  2 | 知 |  2
  3 | 道 |  1



select *
  from (select c1,c2,1 c3 from t1
         union all
        select c1,c3,2 from t1
         union all
        select c1,c4,3 from t1) t
 where c2 <> ''
 order by c1, c3;


test=# select *
test-#   from (select c1,c2,1 c3 from t1
test(#          union all
test(#         select c1,c3,2 from t1
test(#          union all
test(#         select c1,c4,3 from t1) t
test-#  where c2 <> ''
test-#  order by c1, c3;
 c1 | c2 | c3
  1 | 我 |  1
  1 | 是 |  2
  1 | 谁 |  3
  2 | 不 |  1
  2 | 知 |  2
  3 | 道 |  1
(6 rows)

        union虽然直接了当,但太过死板。如果列很多,需要叠加很多的union all,凸显乏味。更灵活的方法是通过笛卡尔积运算构造数据行,这种方法的关键在于需要一个所需行数的辅助表。许多关系数据库都提供相应的方法,例如Oracle用connect by level、MySQL用数字辅助表、PostgreSQL用generate_serie函数等。

select *
  from (select c1,
               case when t2=1 then c2
                    when t2=2 then c3
                    else c4
                end c2,
               t2 c3
          from (select * from t1, generate_series(1,3) t2) t) t
 where c2 <> ''
 order by c1, c3;


test=# select *
test-#   from (select c1,
test(#                case when t2=1 then c2
test(#                     when t2=2 then c3
test(#                     else c4
test(#                 end c2,
test(#                t2 c3
test(#           from (select * from t1, generate_series(1,3) t2) t) t
test-#  where c2 <> ''
test-#  order by c1, c3;
 c1 | c2 | c3
  1 | 我 |  1
  1 | 是 |  2
  1 | 谁 |  3
  2 | 不 |  1
  2 | 知 |  2
  3 | 道 |  1
(6 rows)


select *
  from (select c1,split_part(unnest(c2),':',1) c2, split_part(unnest(c2),':',2) c3
          from (select c1,string_to_array(c2,',') c2
                  from (select c1,coalesce(c2,'')||':1,'||coalesce(c3,'')||':2,'||coalesce(c4,'')||':3' c2
                          from t1) t) t) t
 where c2 <> ''
 order by c1, c3;


test=# select *
test-#   from (select c1,split_part(unnest(c2),':',1) c2, split_part(unnest(c2),':',2) c3
test(#           from (select c1,string_to_array(c2,',') c2
test(#                   from (select c1,coalesce(c2,'')||':1,'||coalesce(c3,'')||':2,'||coalesce(c4,'')||':3' c2
test(#                           from t1) t) t) t
test-#  where c2 <> ''
test-#  order by c1, c3;
 c1 | c2 | c3
  1 | 我 | 1
  1 | 是 | 2
  1 | 谁 | 3
  2 | 不 | 1
  2 | 知 | 2
  3 | 道 | 1
(6 rows)


PostgreSQL unnest() with element number
PostgreSQL 一行变多行