使用Couchbase Mobile还为时尚早吗?

时间:2021-12-05 08:43:20

For an iPhone App I decided to give a try to a NoSQL DB, because the nature of the data I need to store locally. The most sophisticated solution I found is Couchbase Mobile. But it seems, that the project has only beta status. Is it too soon to use it?

对于iPhone应用程序,我决定尝试使用NoSQL DB,因为我需要在本地存储数据的性质。我找到的最复杂的解决方案是Couchbase Mobile。但似乎该项目仅具有beta状态。使用它还为时尚早吗?

1 个解决方案



Couchbase Mobile is currently beta, with plans for a GA/1.0 at the end of September (2011).

Couchbase Mobile目前处于测试阶段,计划于9月底(2011年)推出GA / 1.0。

By the next developer preview release at the end of August the iOS version should be entirely ready for you to start development with. The Android version is lagging a little in terms of documentation, but should also be ready for active development at the end of August.

通过8月底的下一个开发人员预览版,iOS版本应该完全可以开始使用。 Android版本在文档方面略有滞后,但也应该准备好在8月底进行积极的开发。

If you are hard core, you can start today, but if you wait a few weeks we'll be ready for even the non-hardcore.




Couchbase Mobile is currently beta, with plans for a GA/1.0 at the end of September (2011).

Couchbase Mobile目前处于测试阶段,计划于9月底(2011年)推出GA / 1.0。

By the next developer preview release at the end of August the iOS version should be entirely ready for you to start development with. The Android version is lagging a little in terms of documentation, but should also be ready for active development at the end of August.

通过8月底的下一个开发人员预览版,iOS版本应该完全可以开始使用。 Android版本在文档方面略有滞后,但也应该准备好在8月底进行积极的开发。

If you are hard core, you can start today, but if you wait a few weeks we'll be ready for even the non-hardcore.
