
时间:2022-03-23 07:37:50

I am writing a query, and I sorted my data on first a unique identifier for a person, then the date created...


So for each new instance a unique id I only want that row.. the rest can be thrown away. I tried a nested select statement:

因此,对于每个新实例,我只需要该行的唯一ID ...其余的可以丢弃。我尝试了一个嵌套的select语句:

 SELECT d.full_name as "Name",
        d.id as "Unique Identifier",
        s.service_name as "service",
        t.create_date as "date created"
        data d,
        transaction t,
        system s
        s.system = 251 
        order by d.id, t.create_date desc

and I get an error each time as I assume I am not using group by correctly. What is the best way to get only the first instance of a new unique identifier and throw the rest away?



Here is some sample data:


Name         Unique Identifier      service          date created

john doe     1                      eca              1/14/2008 
john doe     1                      ecb              1/10/2008 
john doe     1                      eca              11/12/2007
henry ford   2                      ford1            06/07/2010
henry ford   2                      ford2            08/09/2009
jack johnson 4                      burgers1         11/01/2013
jack johnson 4                      burgers2         09/06/2007

so all I want is these lines to print:


john doe     1                      eca              1/14/2008 
henry ford   2                      ford1            06/07/2010
jack johnson 4                      burgers1         11/01/2013

which are the most recent requests per each person.. but each line still may have different data.


1 个解决方案



If I'm reading your question correct I believe you want the first row for every unique id?


EDIT : when you added the sample data it became much easier to understand what you want.


As you haven't added the database structure my query does only involves one table, not three as your sample query, because I can't tell how they are joined. It should be easy to adapt the query to the proper tables and joins though.


The following query should do it:


  t1.full_name AS "Name",
  t1.id AS "Unique Identifier",
  t1.service_name AS "Service",
  t1.create_date AS "Date created"
FROM table1 t1,
  (SELECT id, MAX(create_date) AS last_date
   FROM table1
   GROUP BY id) t2
   WHERE t1.id = t2.id
  AND t1.create_date = t2.last_date
ORDER BY t1.id

See this sample SQL Fiddle (Oracle 11g R2) for an example.

有关示例,请参阅此示例SQL Fiddle(Oracle 11g R2)。

Output from the query above:


|         NAME | UNIQUE IDENTIFIER |  SERVICE |                    DATE CREATED |
|     john doe |                 1 |      eca |  January, 14 2008 01:00:00+0000 |
|   henry ford |                 2 |    ford1 |     June, 07 2010 02:00:00+0000 |
| jack johnson |                 4 | burgers1 | November, 01 2013 01:00:00+0000 |



If I'm reading your question correct I believe you want the first row for every unique id?


EDIT : when you added the sample data it became much easier to understand what you want.


As you haven't added the database structure my query does only involves one table, not three as your sample query, because I can't tell how they are joined. It should be easy to adapt the query to the proper tables and joins though.


The following query should do it:


  t1.full_name AS "Name",
  t1.id AS "Unique Identifier",
  t1.service_name AS "Service",
  t1.create_date AS "Date created"
FROM table1 t1,
  (SELECT id, MAX(create_date) AS last_date
   FROM table1
   GROUP BY id) t2
   WHERE t1.id = t2.id
  AND t1.create_date = t2.last_date
ORDER BY t1.id

See this sample SQL Fiddle (Oracle 11g R2) for an example.

有关示例,请参阅此示例SQL Fiddle(Oracle 11g R2)。

Output from the query above:


|         NAME | UNIQUE IDENTIFIER |  SERVICE |                    DATE CREATED |
|     john doe |                 1 |      eca |  January, 14 2008 01:00:00+0000 |
|   henry ford |                 2 |    ford1 |     June, 07 2010 02:00:00+0000 |
| jack johnson |                 4 | burgers1 | November, 01 2013 01:00:00+0000 |