
时间:2022-09-10 07:34:53

I've a situation where i need a double order by. Let me try to explain it (for simplicity i've removed unnecessary columns).


(currentDate = 2017-07-31)

(currentDate = 2017-07-31)

I've a table called user like so


 user_id | username | user_changed
 1       | John Doe | 2017-07-31 12:22:58 (less then 48 hours)
 2       | Test name| 2017-07-30 09:17:18 (less the 48 hours)
 4       | itRocks2 | 2017-07-28 07:45:52 (greater then 48 hours)
 3       | itRocks  | 2017-07-29 07:45:52 (greater then 48 hours)

Now comes the tricky part. I need to order into two different parts


Part one: The first part needs to be a random order by user_changed where user_changed is 48 hours ago or less.


Part two: Needs to order the remaining users where the user_changed is greater then 48 hours with order by user_changed ASC

第二部分:需要通过user_changed ASC订购其中user_changed大于48小时的剩余用户

So with the example data from our database this should be the result


1 | John Doe | 2017-07-31 12:22:58

1 | John Doe 2017-07-31 12:22:58

2 | Test name| 2017-07-30 09:17:18

2 |测试名称| 2017-07-30 09:17:18

These two needs a random order because they are less then 48 hours All the other users (greater the 48 hours) needs an order by user_changed ASC, like so

这两个需要一个随机顺序,因为它们不到48小时所有其他用户(大于48小时)需要user_changed ASC的订单,就像这样

3 | itRocks | 2017-07-29 07:45:52 (example 52 hours)

3 | itRocks | 2017-07-29 07:45:52(例子52小时)

4 | itRocks2 | 2017-07-28 07:45:52 (example 60 hours)

4 | itRocks2 | 2017-07-28 07:45:52(例如60小时)

Also i need a default order by user_id for grouping the users later on in my view. So some queries i've tried:


query 1


SELECT      *, if(user_changed >= SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 48 HOUR), RAND(), 0) AS rndOrder
FROM        users 
ORDER BY    user_id, rndOrder ASC 

query 2


SELECT      *, if(user_changed >= SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 48 HOUR), "true", "false") AS rndOrder
FROM        users 
ORDER BY    user_id ASC,    
                WHEN rndOrder = 1 THEN user_changed RAND()
                WHEN frndOrder = 0 THEN user_changed ASC

1 个解决方案



I would try something like this:


SELECT      *
FROM        users 
ORDER BY    user_id ASC,    
            WHEN user_changed <= SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 48 HOUR) THEN
                 ADDDATE( CURDATE(), 1 + (FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) * 10000 )))
            ELSE user_changed
        END ASC;

Basically, keep the order consistent, but set the things from the last 48 hours to be some value in the future with a random date added.




I would try something like this:


SELECT      *
FROM        users 
ORDER BY    user_id ASC,    
            WHEN user_changed <= SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 48 HOUR) THEN
                 ADDDATE( CURDATE(), 1 + (FLOOR( 1 + RAND( ) * 10000 )))
            ELSE user_changed
        END ASC;

Basically, keep the order consistent, but set the things from the last 48 hours to be some value in the future with a random date added.
