
时间:2022-11-26 23:55:08

I want to share the data of one controller between two places in my page. For example:


<div ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="myController">
        <input type="text" ng-model="x" /> {{x}}
<!-- these are in totally different places and I do not want, nor can't nest them -->
<div ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="myController">
        <input type="text" ng-model="x" /> {{x}}

and of course, this:


var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('myController', function($scope) {
    $scope.x = 'test';

What can I do so that, no matter what I type first input text will be reflected in the second? And vice versa? Basically the same data being propagated to these two sections, while maintaining a single copy of the data.


JSFiddle here:


PS: I bootstrap it manually, if this is of any relevance.



2 个解决方案



To share data between controllers, normally a service is your best option. Put the shared data into the service, and inject the service into the controller:


function myController($scope, MyService) {

Each scope/controller instance will then be able to access the shared data.


Note that services are singletons, so there will only be one instance of your shared data around.


Here is a fiddle (I didn't write it) showing how two controllers can share data.


See also AngularJS: How can I pass variables between controllers? and
Angularjs: two way data bindings and controller reload.




Ideally, you should have only one application running in a single page. Since you also need to communicate between the controllers, you should really run a single application. Possibly on body or html. Then you can create a main controller which would encapsulate all your controllers. (controller inheritance).

理想情况下,您应该只在一个页面中运行一个应用程序。由于您还需要在控制器之间进行通信,因此您应该真正运行单个应用程序。可能在身体或HTML上。然后,您可以创建一个主控制器,它将封装所有控制器。 (控制器继承)。

Here is what it should look like:


<html ng-app="myApp">
  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
      <input type="text" ng-model="mainView.x" /> {{x}}
    <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
      <input type="text" ng-model="mainView.x" /> {{x}}

And JS:

function MainCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.mainView = {};
function MyCtrl($scope) {


We created a mainView object on the MainController, and since MyController and its scope prototypally inherit from MainController we can reach that.
There is one caveat you should be aware of, when you use ngModel, it is almost always best to have a dot in somewhere (paraphrased from angularjs's authors).


Due to javascript's prototypal inheritance:


// In MainCtrl
$scope.mainView.x = "hello";
$scope.myX = "hello";

// In MyCtrl
>> "hello"
>> "hello"
$scope.mainView.x = "welcome";
$scope.myX = "welcome";

// In MainCtrl
>> "welcome"
>> "hello"

When you ask for a property in an object in javascript, it looks its properties to see if there is one, if not, it goes up in the prototype chain (parent), and looks for it there, it goes up until it finds any or goes at the end of the prototype chain.


So when we set $scope.myX, we don't actually change myX in the parent scope but we create a property called myX in the current scope; because of the hiearchy in the prototype. However, when we set $scope.mainView.x, we first ask for mainView then set x which then results in changing the value in parent scope.

因此,当我们设置$ scope.myX时,我们实际上并没有更改父作用域中的myX,而是在当前作用域中创建了一个名为myX的属性;因为原型中的层次结构。但是,当我们设置$ scope.mainView.x时,我们首先要求mainView然后设置x然后导致更改父范围中的值。

I know it feels kind of unrelated to the original question but surely one would suffer from this when one goes into controller and scope inheritance.




To share data between controllers, normally a service is your best option. Put the shared data into the service, and inject the service into the controller:


function myController($scope, MyService) {

Each scope/controller instance will then be able to access the shared data.


Note that services are singletons, so there will only be one instance of your shared data around.


Here is a fiddle (I didn't write it) showing how two controllers can share data.


See also AngularJS: How can I pass variables between controllers? and
Angularjs: two way data bindings and controller reload.




Ideally, you should have only one application running in a single page. Since you also need to communicate between the controllers, you should really run a single application. Possibly on body or html. Then you can create a main controller which would encapsulate all your controllers. (controller inheritance).

理想情况下,您应该只在一个页面中运行一个应用程序。由于您还需要在控制器之间进行通信,因此您应该真正运行单个应用程序。可能在身体或HTML上。然后,您可以创建一个主控制器,它将封装所有控制器。 (控制器继承)。

Here is what it should look like:


<html ng-app="myApp">
  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
      <input type="text" ng-model="mainView.x" /> {{x}}
    <div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
      <input type="text" ng-model="mainView.x" /> {{x}}

And JS:

function MainCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.mainView = {};
function MyCtrl($scope) {


We created a mainView object on the MainController, and since MyController and its scope prototypally inherit from MainController we can reach that.
There is one caveat you should be aware of, when you use ngModel, it is almost always best to have a dot in somewhere (paraphrased from angularjs's authors).


Due to javascript's prototypal inheritance:


// In MainCtrl
$scope.mainView.x = "hello";
$scope.myX = "hello";

// In MyCtrl
>> "hello"
>> "hello"
$scope.mainView.x = "welcome";
$scope.myX = "welcome";

// In MainCtrl
>> "welcome"
>> "hello"

When you ask for a property in an object in javascript, it looks its properties to see if there is one, if not, it goes up in the prototype chain (parent), and looks for it there, it goes up until it finds any or goes at the end of the prototype chain.


So when we set $scope.myX, we don't actually change myX in the parent scope but we create a property called myX in the current scope; because of the hiearchy in the prototype. However, when we set $scope.mainView.x, we first ask for mainView then set x which then results in changing the value in parent scope.

因此,当我们设置$ scope.myX时,我们实际上并没有更改父作用域中的myX,而是在当前作用域中创建了一个名为myX的属性;因为原型中的层次结构。但是,当我们设置$ scope.mainView.x时,我们首先要求mainView然后设置x然后导致更改父范围中的值。

I know it feels kind of unrelated to the original question but surely one would suffer from this when one goes into controller and scope inheritance.
