
时间:2022-09-19 07:36:00

I have csv with a set of cars in R. How do I set up the data to where one group contains three specific cars, and the other group is the rest of the cars? I have tried




group1 <- data$car["carA","carB","carC"]

I am stuck. I don't know how to collect those three cars while keeping the other cars in a different set. I would like to run tests on those cars vs. the other cars with ratio and interval data. How do i save them separately?


Here is an example of my data:


car         mpg         satisfaction   
 carA:1   Min.   :12.00   Min.   :0.2000  
 carB:1   1st Qu.:21.00   1st Qu.:0.3850  
 carC:1   Median :23.00   Median :0.5600  
 carD:1   Mean   :22.43   Mean   :0.5386  
 carE:1   3rd Qu.:24.50   3rd Qu.:0.7150  
 carF:1   Max.   :31.00   Max.   :0.8100  

1 个解决方案


I think that you have to provide a reproducible example because my thought are that your problem "might" (I bet it does) include regular expressions and so there is a huge amount of possibilities.


To start, Give a look at this code just ho have an idea and let's know if it useful for you. It allows you to select all car_X where X is all letters (capital and non capital) except the ones to d from z.


cars <- c("car_A", "car_B", "car_C", "car_D", "car_E")
car1 <- grep("car_[^d-zD-Z]", cars, value = TRUE )
[1] "car_A" "car_B" "car_C"

Subset a Data Frame

With a data frame, then, you can subset based on the output of your grep; consider the following example, which continues the previous one.


values <- rnorm(5)
data <- data.frame(cars, values)
data1 <- data[grep( "car_[a-cA-C]", data[ ,1] ) , ]
> data1
   cars     values
1 car_A -1.8553913
2 car_B -0.3562586
3 car_C -0.3208530


I think that you have to provide a reproducible example because my thought are that your problem "might" (I bet it does) include regular expressions and so there is a huge amount of possibilities.


To start, Give a look at this code just ho have an idea and let's know if it useful for you. It allows you to select all car_X where X is all letters (capital and non capital) except the ones to d from z.


cars <- c("car_A", "car_B", "car_C", "car_D", "car_E")
car1 <- grep("car_[^d-zD-Z]", cars, value = TRUE )
[1] "car_A" "car_B" "car_C"

Subset a Data Frame

With a data frame, then, you can subset based on the output of your grep; consider the following example, which continues the previous one.


values <- rnorm(5)
data <- data.frame(cars, values)
data1 <- data[grep( "car_[a-cA-C]", data[ ,1] ) , ]
> data1
   cars     values
1 car_A -1.8553913
2 car_B -0.3562586
3 car_C -0.3208530