py2exe生成exe后,运行exe时提示No module named * 的解决办法

时间:2021-06-24 07:31:29

一个pymssql 的程序在解释器上运行正常,但是用py2exe打包后,提示

ImportError: No module named _mssql


FYI there is a separate newsgroup for py2exe at
gmane.comp.python.py2exe. You may want to post
there also. Just as a suggestion, put an import decimal at
the top of your program. It looks like _mssql
might be doing dynamic imports in __load method
which will "confuse" py2exe because it can't
know about dynamic imports which happen at
runtime. -Larry Bates Chris wrote:
I've just completed a project using the following (Windows XP, python
2.4.1, wxpython 2.6, and pymssql 0.7.3). The program runs great, but
after I convert it to an exe (required for this project), it gives me
the following error when I try to run it. Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 6, in ?
File "frmSplash.pyc", line 9, in ?
File "pymssql.pyc", line 23, in ?
File "_mssql.pyc", line 9, in ?
File "_mssql.pyc", line 7, in __load
ImportError: No module named decimal However, when I look in c:\python24\lib on the machine which ran py2exe,
I see and decimal.pyc. Can someone please help with this? I'm supposed to start testing the
program today and I can't seem to move past this first step. Thanks!!

Just as a suggestion, put an import decimal at
the top of your program. It looks like _mssql
might be doing dynamic imports in __load method
which will "confuse" py2exe because it can't
know about dynamic imports which happen at

 # -*- coding:gbk -*-
import pymssql
import _mssql
import uuid
import decimal decimal.__version__

