
时间:2021-01-31 07:10:32

I am in the process of building a user experience/level system on my site. The effect I am trying to achieve is similar to that of the popular game site, Kongregate, whereby when a user completes particular actions on the site they are awarded points. Once the points reach a certain amount the user will level up. This has the effect of giving the site a game like feel, while also grabbing the user's attention.


The problem I'm having is figuring out if it's best to... 1. Store each level in a database table and then match the user up to that level via an ID? 2. OR store the user's experience for the actions completed and then summing that number up everytime I need to call on the level?

我遇到的问题是弄清楚是否最好...... 1.将每个级别存储在数据库表中,然后通过ID将用户匹配到该级别? 2.或者存储用户对完成的操作的体验,然后每次我需要在关卡上调用时将该数字相加?

It should also be noted that the level will be used to figure out other aspects of this system. i.e. A user at level 10 will gain additional schwag for their profile, added functionality on the site, etc... A LA Stack O.

还应该注意,该级别将用于计算该系统的其他方面。即10级用户将获得额外的schwag,他们的个人资料,网站上增加的功能等... A LA Stack O.

Any pointers on the proper direction to take?


2 个解决方案



  • Store the levels and their associated "swag"/"privileges" in the database.
  • 将级别及其关联的“swag”/“特权”存储在数据库中。

  • Store the user's current level on their profile in the database.
  • 将用户的当前级别存储在数据库中的配置文件中。

  • Store the user's actions that result in points in the database
  • 存储导致数据库中的点的用户操作

When they add points from your site (by commenting, or playing a game or whatever), calculate it on the fly, but once it's definitely done adding up, store it in the database (in the actions table) and update their total points (in the user table or whatever) so it's available to other parts of the site.


This makes everything easier:


  • when you want to see what privileges they have it's just a matter of comparing their total to the next lowest (or equal) "swag" level
  • 当你想看到他们拥有什么特权时,只需将他们的总数与下一个最低(或相等)的“赃物”水平进行比较

  • when you want to get their total it's a single call instead of a bunch of queries and math
  • 当你想得到他们的总数时,它只是一个电话而不是一堆查询和数学

  • when you want to show a list of what they've done you have it right in the database
  • 当你想要显示他们所做的事情的清单时,你就可以在数据库中找到它

  • You won't duplicate code by adding up their total on every different type of page that needs to show the total.
  • 您不会通过在需要显示总计的每个不同类型的页面上添加总计来重复代码。

  • ...probably tons of other reasons. data is in the name of the tool for a reason.
  • ...可能还有很多其他原因。出于某种原因,数据在工具的名称中。



I think it's best to determine the "level" everytime the user gets more points. So when he / she does something to get more points, do the calculation then and there. If the point warrants a level increase, then change the level_id within the user's profile. That way you minimize calculations on the server side.




  • Store the levels and their associated "swag"/"privileges" in the database.
  • 将级别及其关联的“swag”/“特权”存储在数据库中。

  • Store the user's current level on their profile in the database.
  • 将用户的当前级别存储在数据库中的配置文件中。

  • Store the user's actions that result in points in the database
  • 存储导致数据库中的点的用户操作

When they add points from your site (by commenting, or playing a game or whatever), calculate it on the fly, but once it's definitely done adding up, store it in the database (in the actions table) and update their total points (in the user table or whatever) so it's available to other parts of the site.


This makes everything easier:


  • when you want to see what privileges they have it's just a matter of comparing their total to the next lowest (or equal) "swag" level
  • 当你想看到他们拥有什么特权时,只需将他们的总数与下一个最低(或相等)的“赃物”水平进行比较

  • when you want to get their total it's a single call instead of a bunch of queries and math
  • 当你想得到他们的总数时,它只是一个电话而不是一堆查询和数学

  • when you want to show a list of what they've done you have it right in the database
  • 当你想要显示他们所做的事情的清单时,你就可以在数据库中找到它

  • You won't duplicate code by adding up their total on every different type of page that needs to show the total.
  • 您不会通过在需要显示总计的每个不同类型的页面上添加总计来重复代码。

  • ...probably tons of other reasons. data is in the name of the tool for a reason.
  • ...可能还有很多其他原因。出于某种原因,数据在工具的名称中。



I think it's best to determine the "level" everytime the user gets more points. So when he / she does something to get more points, do the calculation then and there. If the point warrants a level increase, then change the level_id within the user's profile. That way you minimize calculations on the server side.
