Thanks for looking
My data
Easting Northing Street Town postcode
123454 887878 main yourTown gh6 0jh
098345 093978 main yourTown gh6 0jh
872982 873839 main yourTown gh6 0jh
849728 938393 south yourTown gh6 8uh
748494 817263 south yourTown gh6 8uh
989893 787878 high yourTown gh6 7mu
889955 992002 high yourTown gh6 7mu
882999 998339 high yourTown gh6 7mu
My linq statement
return this._uow.Addresses
.Where(a => a.Street.Trim().ToUpper().Contains(street.Trim().ToUpper()))
.Select(a =>
new Street()
MapEast = a.MapEast,
MapNorth = a.MapNorth,
Details = a.Street + " " + a.Town + " " + a.PostCode
I am needing the only one occurrence of the Street, Town, postcode and then eastings and northing to go with that one record. I am not concerned with which record that is selected. Is this done with a groupby? I have been messing around with this with groupby but cannot figure it out. hope you can help
1 个解决方案
Then use a group by, and take for example the first item in the group
然后使用group by,并以组中的第一项为例
.GroupBy(m => new {m.Street, m.Town, m.PostCode)
.Select(g => g.First());//You will get first Address
or in your case
.GroupBy(m => new {m.Street, m.Town, m.PostCode})
.Select(m => new Street {
MapEast = m.FirstOrDefault().MapEast,//"random" MapEast
MapNorth = m.FirstOrDefault().MapNorth,//"random" MapNorth
Details = a.Key.Street + " " + a.Key.Town + " " + a.Key.PostCode
Then use a group by, and take for example the first item in the group
然后使用group by,并以组中的第一项为例
.GroupBy(m => new {m.Street, m.Town, m.PostCode)
.Select(g => g.First());//You will get first Address
or in your case
.GroupBy(m => new {m.Street, m.Town, m.PostCode})
.Select(m => new Street {
MapEast = m.FirstOrDefault().MapEast,//"random" MapEast
MapNorth = m.FirstOrDefault().MapNorth,//"random" MapNorth
Details = a.Key.Street + " " + a.Key.Town + " " + a.Key.PostCode