
时间:2021-11-16 06:48:16

I'm writing my first Yeoman generator, which prompts the user for various inputs and conditionally creates files based on their responses. I need to be able to call a subroutine (could be a Yeoman sub-generator) based on user input, and pass arguments to it.


The reason I want to use named functions (which are not automatically run) is that sometimes the user's response should invoke a number of functions combined, and sometimes the function should be run alone.


What I have tried:


I figured sub-generators were the way to go, since I'm creating sets of files only if the user requests them. But I'm having trouble calling them conditionally and passing them the user-supplied input. I've tried using hookFor, but I get the assertion error: hookFor must be used within the constructor only. (Because I don't want it to be run by default, I'm calling the sub-generator from my this.prompt(prompts, function (props)).

我认为子生成器是可行的方法,因为我只在用户请求时创建文件集。但我无法有条件地调用它们并将它们传递给用户提供的输入。我尝试过使用hookFor,但是我得到了断言错误:hookFor只能在构造函数中使用。 (因为我不希望它默认运行,我从my.prompt调用子生成器(提示,函数(props))。

The question:

How do I call a routine only if the user requests it (via a prompt), and pass that routine some user-supplied information?


If you're kind enough to answer, please don't assume that I've tried something obvious ;-).


3 个解决方案



Let's consider you have a generator generator-blog (BlogGenerator) with two sub generators (blog-server and blog-client):



So when you run yo blog you what to ask the user for some options and run (optionally) sub generators, right?


To run a subgenerator you need to call this.invoke("generator_namespace", {options: {}}). The second argument we passed can have options field - it's options object which will be passed to the generator.

要运行子生成器,您需要调用this.invoke(“generator_namespace”,{options:{}})。我们传递的第二个参数可以有选项字段 - 它的选项对象将被传递给生成器。

In app\index.js:

BlogGenerator.prototype.askFor = function askFor() {
  var cb = this.async();

  // have Yeoman greet the user.

  var prompts = [{
    name: 'appName',
    message: 'Enter your app name',
    default: 'MyBlog'
  }, {
    type: 'confirm',
    name: 'createServer',
    message: 'Would you like to create server project?',
    default: true
  }, {
    type: 'confirm',
    name: 'createClient',
    message: 'Whould you like to create client project?',
    default: true

  this.prompt(prompts, function (props) {
    this.appName = props.appName;
    this.createServer = props.createServer;
    this.createClient = props.createClient;


BlogGenerator.prototype.main = function app() {
  if (this.createClient) {
    // Here: we'are calling the nested generator (via 'invoke' with options)
    this.invoke("blog:client", {options: {nested: true, appName: this.appName}});
  if (this.createServer) {
    this.invoke("blog:server", {options: {nested: true, appName: this.appName}});

In client\index.js:

var BlogGenerator = module.exports = function BlogGenerator(args, options, config) {
  var that = this;
  yeoman.Base.apply(this, arguments);
  // in this.options we have the object passed to 'invoke' in app/index.js:
  this.appName = that.options.appName;
  this.nested  = that.options.nested;

BlogGenerator .prototype.askFor = function askFor() {
  var cb = this.async();

  if (!this.options.nested) {

UPDATE 2015-12-21:
Using invoke is deprecated now and should be replaced with composeWith. But it's not as easy as it could be. The main difference between invoke and composeWith is that now you have no ability to control subgenerators. You could only declare using them.
Here's how main method from above should look like:

更新2015-12-21:现在不推荐使用invoke,应该用composeWith替换。但它并不像它可能那么容易。 invoke和composeWith之间的主要区别在于,现在您无法控制子生成器。您只能声明使用它们。以下是上面的主要方法应该是这样的:

BlogGenerator.prototype.main = function app() {
  if (this.createClient) {
    this.composeWith("blog:client", { 
        options: { 
          nested: true, 
          appName: this.appName
      }, {
        local: require.resolve("./../client")
  if (this.createServer) {
    this.composeWith("blog:server", { 
        options: { 
          nested: true, 
          appName: this.appName
      }, {
        local: require.resolve("./../server")

Also I removed replaced yeoman.generators.Base with yeoman.Base.




2015-04 update: The yeoman api now includes this.composeWith as the preferred method for linking generators.

2015-04更新:yeoman api现在包含this.composeWith作为链接生成器的首选方法。




You can cover all possible execution scenarios, condition checking, prompting when composing generators together if you decouple generators and use a 'main-generator' the run context loop will help you. Use the options of .composeWith('my-genertor', { 'options' : options }) for passing configurations to composed generators.


When using .composeWith a priority group function (e.g.: prompting, writing...) will be executed for all the generators, then the next priority group. If you call .composeWith to generatorB from inside a generatorA, then execution will be, e.g.:


generatorA.prompting => generatorB.prompting => generatorA.writing => generatorB.writing

generatorA.prompting => generatorB.prompting => generatorA.writing => generatorB.writing

If you want to control execution between different generators, I advise you to create a "main" generator which composes them together, like written on


// In my-generator/generators/turbo/index.js
module.exports = require('yeoman-generator').Base.extend({
  'prompting' : function () {
    console.log('prompting - turbo');

  'writing' : function () {
    console.log('prompting - turbo');

// In my-generator/generators/electric/index.js
module.exports = require('yeoman-generator').Base.extend({
  'prompting' : function () {
    console.log('prompting - zap');

  'writing' : function () {
    console.log('writing - zap');

// In my-generator/generators/app/index.js
module.exports = require('yeoman-generator').Base.extend({
  'initializing' : function () {



Let's consider you have a generator generator-blog (BlogGenerator) with two sub generators (blog-server and blog-client):



So when you run yo blog you what to ask the user for some options and run (optionally) sub generators, right?


To run a subgenerator you need to call this.invoke("generator_namespace", {options: {}}). The second argument we passed can have options field - it's options object which will be passed to the generator.

要运行子生成器,您需要调用this.invoke(“generator_namespace”,{options:{}})。我们传递的第二个参数可以有选项字段 - 它的选项对象将被传递给生成器。

In app\index.js:

BlogGenerator.prototype.askFor = function askFor() {
  var cb = this.async();

  // have Yeoman greet the user.

  var prompts = [{
    name: 'appName',
    message: 'Enter your app name',
    default: 'MyBlog'
  }, {
    type: 'confirm',
    name: 'createServer',
    message: 'Would you like to create server project?',
    default: true
  }, {
    type: 'confirm',
    name: 'createClient',
    message: 'Whould you like to create client project?',
    default: true

  this.prompt(prompts, function (props) {
    this.appName = props.appName;
    this.createServer = props.createServer;
    this.createClient = props.createClient;


BlogGenerator.prototype.main = function app() {
  if (this.createClient) {
    // Here: we'are calling the nested generator (via 'invoke' with options)
    this.invoke("blog:client", {options: {nested: true, appName: this.appName}});
  if (this.createServer) {
    this.invoke("blog:server", {options: {nested: true, appName: this.appName}});

In client\index.js:

var BlogGenerator = module.exports = function BlogGenerator(args, options, config) {
  var that = this;
  yeoman.Base.apply(this, arguments);
  // in this.options we have the object passed to 'invoke' in app/index.js:
  this.appName = that.options.appName;
  this.nested  = that.options.nested;

BlogGenerator .prototype.askFor = function askFor() {
  var cb = this.async();

  if (!this.options.nested) {

UPDATE 2015-12-21:
Using invoke is deprecated now and should be replaced with composeWith. But it's not as easy as it could be. The main difference between invoke and composeWith is that now you have no ability to control subgenerators. You could only declare using them.
Here's how main method from above should look like:

更新2015-12-21:现在不推荐使用invoke,应该用composeWith替换。但它并不像它可能那么容易。 invoke和composeWith之间的主要区别在于,现在您无法控制子生成器。您只能声明使用它们。以下是上面的主要方法应该是这样的:

BlogGenerator.prototype.main = function app() {
  if (this.createClient) {
    this.composeWith("blog:client", { 
        options: { 
          nested: true, 
          appName: this.appName
      }, {
        local: require.resolve("./../client")
  if (this.createServer) {
    this.composeWith("blog:server", { 
        options: { 
          nested: true, 
          appName: this.appName
      }, {
        local: require.resolve("./../server")

Also I removed replaced yeoman.generators.Base with yeoman.Base.




2015-04 update: The yeoman api now includes this.composeWith as the preferred method for linking generators.

2015-04更新:yeoman api现在包含this.composeWith作为链接生成器的首选方法。




You can cover all possible execution scenarios, condition checking, prompting when composing generators together if you decouple generators and use a 'main-generator' the run context loop will help you. Use the options of .composeWith('my-genertor', { 'options' : options }) for passing configurations to composed generators.


When using .composeWith a priority group function (e.g.: prompting, writing...) will be executed for all the generators, then the next priority group. If you call .composeWith to generatorB from inside a generatorA, then execution will be, e.g.:


generatorA.prompting => generatorB.prompting => generatorA.writing => generatorB.writing

generatorA.prompting => generatorB.prompting => generatorA.writing => generatorB.writing

If you want to control execution between different generators, I advise you to create a "main" generator which composes them together, like written on


// In my-generator/generators/turbo/index.js
module.exports = require('yeoman-generator').Base.extend({
  'prompting' : function () {
    console.log('prompting - turbo');

  'writing' : function () {
    console.log('prompting - turbo');

// In my-generator/generators/electric/index.js
module.exports = require('yeoman-generator').Base.extend({
  'prompting' : function () {
    console.log('prompting - zap');

  'writing' : function () {
    console.log('writing - zap');

// In my-generator/generators/app/index.js
module.exports = require('yeoman-generator').Base.extend({
  'initializing' : function () {