如何说服我的管理员从ASP.NET 2.0升级到3.5?

时间:2021-11-16 06:48:22

I am trying to convince my web server admins to upgrade our version of the .NET framework from 2.0 to 3.5. I was wondering what are the best reasons to upgrade, from a server admin prospective. Obviously, there are the over arching ideas of keeping up to date, security, and so forth. I am looking for some hard and fast reasons that will make it harder for them to say no.


7 个解决方案


It should not be a major deal for them to upgrade the .NET framework version because it is not going to affect what you already have there (such as 2.0 apps). It will also enable you to develop new applications in the updated framework so that things like LINQ and better ASP.NET AJAX is built in.

升级.NET框架版本对他们来说不应该是一个重大的交易,因为它不会影响你已经拥有的东西(比如2.0应用程序)。它还使您能够在更新的框架中开发新的应用程序,以便内置LINQ和更好的ASP.NET AJAX等内容。

Talking about convincing them to upgrade actual applications to the 3.5 framework is a different story altogether and you will need to do some sort of cost-benefit analysis on upgrading your applications to convince them (if this is in fact what you were looking for).



From a server admin perspective? Not a lot, to be honest. The .NET framework is mainly a developer stack (LINQ, ASP.NET MVC, etc). The decision of which version of the OS/IIS would be more interesting from the admin angle.

从服务器管理角度来看?说实话,不是很多。 .NET框架主要是开发人员堆栈(LINQ,ASP.NET MVC等)。从管理角度决定哪个版本的OS / IIS会更有趣。

I think you're going to have to justify 3.5 on a development basis (offsetting the resource cost of deployment/validation etc), not a sysadmin one.



If you use AJAX then ASP.Net AJAX was inbuilt for 3.5 and also LINQ for SQL is a good plus

如果您使用AJAX,则ASP.Net AJAX内置于3.5,而LINQ for SQL也是一个不错的选择

But here is a site .Net Frameworks that shows the difference and added features from .net frameworks 1.0 and on. Compare those features to what you'll actually use to show its a huge plus.



.Net 3.5 installs next to, not in place of .Net 2.0, so it isn't an upgrade in the sense that everything suddenly gets better (or worse) or actually changes the existing server in any way.

.Net 3.5安装在旁边,而不是.Net 2.0,所以它不是升级,因为一切都突然变得更好(或更糟)或实际上以任何方式改变现有服务器。

The value is being able to develop new code that takes advantage of the new features in the framework.



A good argument in favor of upgrading is that you are not upgrading the .NET runtime (the CLR) by upgrading from 2.0 to 3.5. From a server admin perspective the .NET 3.5 install is really just adding new libraries.

支持升级的一个好理由是,您不是通过从2.0升级到3.5来升级.NET运行时(CLR)。从服务器管理员的角度来看,.NET 3.5安装实际上只是添加了新的库。


Not sure if this would sway them from a server admin perspective, but I think LINQ support and Silverlight support are two of the more attractive features with 3.5.



The best argument is going to be more for the application developers -- new functionality. As long as they're releasing security patches for .NET 2.0 it'll be hard to make a pure sysadmin-y type argument.

对于应用程序开发人员来说,最好的理由是更多 - 新功能。只要他们发布.NET 2.0的安全补丁,就很难创建一个纯sysadmin-y类型的参数。

A better tack might be to persuade the higher-ups. "Hey, there's this new functionality like ASP.NET AJAX that's going to make us way more productive, produce more functionality in a shorter amount of time". Then they can lean on the sysadmins.

更好的方法可能是说服上级。 “嘿,像ASP.NET AJAX这样的新功能将使我们提高工作效率,在更短的时间内产生更多功能”。然后他们可以依靠系统管理员。


It should not be a major deal for them to upgrade the .NET framework version because it is not going to affect what you already have there (such as 2.0 apps). It will also enable you to develop new applications in the updated framework so that things like LINQ and better ASP.NET AJAX is built in.

升级.NET框架版本对他们来说不应该是一个重大的交易,因为它不会影响你已经拥有的东西(比如2.0应用程序)。它还使您能够在更新的框架中开发新的应用程序,以便内置LINQ和更好的ASP.NET AJAX等内容。

Talking about convincing them to upgrade actual applications to the 3.5 framework is a different story altogether and you will need to do some sort of cost-benefit analysis on upgrading your applications to convince them (if this is in fact what you were looking for).



From a server admin perspective? Not a lot, to be honest. The .NET framework is mainly a developer stack (LINQ, ASP.NET MVC, etc). The decision of which version of the OS/IIS would be more interesting from the admin angle.

从服务器管理角度来看?说实话,不是很多。 .NET框架主要是开发人员堆栈(LINQ,ASP.NET MVC等)。从管理角度决定哪个版本的OS / IIS会更有趣。

I think you're going to have to justify 3.5 on a development basis (offsetting the resource cost of deployment/validation etc), not a sysadmin one.



If you use AJAX then ASP.Net AJAX was inbuilt for 3.5 and also LINQ for SQL is a good plus

如果您使用AJAX,则ASP.Net AJAX内置于3.5,而LINQ for SQL也是一个不错的选择

But here is a site .Net Frameworks that shows the difference and added features from .net frameworks 1.0 and on. Compare those features to what you'll actually use to show its a huge plus.



.Net 3.5 installs next to, not in place of .Net 2.0, so it isn't an upgrade in the sense that everything suddenly gets better (or worse) or actually changes the existing server in any way.

.Net 3.5安装在旁边,而不是.Net 2.0,所以它不是升级,因为一切都突然变得更好(或更糟)或实际上以任何方式改变现有服务器。

The value is being able to develop new code that takes advantage of the new features in the framework.



A good argument in favor of upgrading is that you are not upgrading the .NET runtime (the CLR) by upgrading from 2.0 to 3.5. From a server admin perspective the .NET 3.5 install is really just adding new libraries.

支持升级的一个好理由是,您不是通过从2.0升级到3.5来升级.NET运行时(CLR)。从服务器管理员的角度来看,.NET 3.5安装实际上只是添加了新的库。


Not sure if this would sway them from a server admin perspective, but I think LINQ support and Silverlight support are two of the more attractive features with 3.5.



The best argument is going to be more for the application developers -- new functionality. As long as they're releasing security patches for .NET 2.0 it'll be hard to make a pure sysadmin-y type argument.

对于应用程序开发人员来说,最好的理由是更多 - 新功能。只要他们发布.NET 2.0的安全补丁,就很难创建一个纯sysadmin-y类型的参数。

A better tack might be to persuade the higher-ups. "Hey, there's this new functionality like ASP.NET AJAX that's going to make us way more productive, produce more functionality in a shorter amount of time". Then they can lean on the sysadmins.

更好的方法可能是说服上级。 “嘿,像ASP.NET AJAX这样的新功能将使我们提高工作效率,在更短的时间内产生更多功能”。然后他们可以依靠系统管理员。