
时间:2022-04-14 06:43:56

I'm facing a common problem with generating data sets for testing purpose in my application. I've found many tools which provides raw data generation (http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/test-sample-data-generators/) but I'm looking for something more sophisticated.


I have a symfony2 with doctrine2 project. Entities are defined with proper relations - one to one, one to many, many to many. Is there any solution which will provide automatic data generation based on those entities? Maybe it's too much, maybe not. Thanks for any hints.

我有一个带有doctrine2项目的symfony2。实体的定义具有适当的关系 - 一对一,一对多,多对多。是否有任何解决方案可以基于这些实体提供自动数据生成?也许它太多了,也许不是。谢谢你的任何提示。

1 个解决方案



You should look into:


  • Doctrine data fixtures - loads fixtures and allows you to clear tables at each test run
  • Doctrine数据夹具 - 加载夹具并允许您在每次测试运行时清除表
  • Alice - allows you to load fixtures from csv/yaml/xml/etc
  • Alice - 允许您从csv / yaml / xml / etc加载灯具
  • Faker - allows you to generate random data by seed - integrates with data-fixtures
  • Faker - 允许您通过种子生成随机数据 - 与数据夹具集成



You should look into:


  • Doctrine data fixtures - loads fixtures and allows you to clear tables at each test run
  • Doctrine数据夹具 - 加载夹具并允许您在每次测试运行时清除表
  • Alice - allows you to load fixtures from csv/yaml/xml/etc
  • Alice - 允许您从csv / yaml / xml / etc加载灯具
  • Faker - allows you to generate random data by seed - integrates with data-fixtures
  • Faker - 允许您通过种子生成随机数据 - 与数据夹具集成