
时间:2022-02-25 04:35:22

I want to do a hand install of the MS Access 64 bit odbc drivers. Uninstalling 32 bit Office and installing 64 bit Office is not an option due to the add-ins that our company uses.

我想要手动安装MS Access 64位odbc驱动程序。由于我们公司使用的外接程序,不可以卸载32位Office和安装64位Office。

I downloaded the AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe and using WinRar and Universal Extractor have managed to unpack all the files into a temp directory. I believe I have all of the files necessary but am a bit unsure where to go from here and would appreciate a little guidance.

我下载了AccessDatabaseEngine_x64。exe和使用WinRar和Universal Extractor将所有文件解压到一个临时目录中。我相信我有所有必要的文件,但我有点不确定从这里到哪里去,并希望得到一点指导。

Which DLLs need to be registered to make the MS Access ODBC drivers available in the 64 bit ODBC administrator?

在64位ODBC管理器中,需要注册哪些dll来使MS Access ODBC驱动程序可用?

Is there a list of registry entries that I will need to make for it to be available?


Has anyone else dealt with this in a reasonable manner?


Thank you in advance!


3 个解决方案



using the /passive switch you can install 64-bit ace drivers even if 32-bit ms office is present: http://blog.codefluententities.com/2011/01/20/microsoft-access-database-engine-2010-redistributable/

使用/无源开关,您可以安装64位ace驱动程序,即使存在32位ms office: http://blog.codefluententities.com/2011/01/20/microsoft-access-database-engine-2010-redistributable/

Just be warned that installing the 2010 64-bit ACE engine on a machine with 2010 32-bit Office already installed CAN lead to some wacky behavior in your already existing Office 2010.

只需提醒一下,在一台已经安装了2010年32位Office的机器上安装2010年64位ACE引擎,可能会在您现有的Office 2010中导致一些奇怪的行为。



I ran into this same issue with a SpringJDBC app that connected to an access DB when I ported it over to a win7x64 box running eclipse-4.3x64 Kepler.

我使用一个SpringJDBC应用程序来处理这个问题,它连接到一个access DB,当我将它移植到运行eclipse-4.3x64开普勒的win7x64盒子时。

What ended up working for me was to COMPLETELY remove 32bit Office2010 [ and Lync and other MS apps tied to this ] and install the 64bit versions.

最终为我工作的是完全删除了32bit Office2010[和Lync和其他与此相关的应用程序],并安装了64位版本。

Here's the really fun part: The driver name to which you use for Access64bit driver name is now:


|Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)|

| Microsoft Access司机(*。mdb,* .accdb)|

Yes, that's a comma-space after "mdb".


So, my spring-config for the Datasource looks like:


<bean id="dataSource"    

    <property name="driverClassName" 

    <property name="url"        
          value="jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb);DBQ=/Data/dbs/cl97_2k.mdb;"/>       
          <!--  Above is Access 64bit Driver Reference  -->

          <!-- Below is the Access 32bit Driver Reference.        
          value="jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=/Data/dbs/cl97_2k.mdb;"/>

    <property name="username" value=""/>
    <property name="password" value=""/>


Hope this Helps!




I have managed to install both without side effects on Office installation and without using /passive option. Downside is that is tested and working only on one Office version for now. Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 driver for x64 app - how to make it work with x86 MS Office installed?

我成功地安装了这两个没有副作用的办公室安装和没有使用/被动选项。缺点是它已经经过了测试,目前只支持一个Office版本。x64应用的microsoft.ac . oledb .12.0驱动程序——如何让它与x86 MS Office一起工作?



using the /passive switch you can install 64-bit ace drivers even if 32-bit ms office is present: http://blog.codefluententities.com/2011/01/20/microsoft-access-database-engine-2010-redistributable/

使用/无源开关,您可以安装64位ace驱动程序,即使存在32位ms office: http://blog.codefluententities.com/2011/01/20/microsoft-access-database-engine-2010-redistributable/

Just be warned that installing the 2010 64-bit ACE engine on a machine with 2010 32-bit Office already installed CAN lead to some wacky behavior in your already existing Office 2010.

只需提醒一下,在一台已经安装了2010年32位Office的机器上安装2010年64位ACE引擎,可能会在您现有的Office 2010中导致一些奇怪的行为。



I ran into this same issue with a SpringJDBC app that connected to an access DB when I ported it over to a win7x64 box running eclipse-4.3x64 Kepler.

我使用一个SpringJDBC应用程序来处理这个问题,它连接到一个access DB,当我将它移植到运行eclipse-4.3x64开普勒的win7x64盒子时。

What ended up working for me was to COMPLETELY remove 32bit Office2010 [ and Lync and other MS apps tied to this ] and install the 64bit versions.

最终为我工作的是完全删除了32bit Office2010[和Lync和其他与此相关的应用程序],并安装了64位版本。

Here's the really fun part: The driver name to which you use for Access64bit driver name is now:


|Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)|

| Microsoft Access司机(*。mdb,* .accdb)|

Yes, that's a comma-space after "mdb".


So, my spring-config for the Datasource looks like:


<bean id="dataSource"    

    <property name="driverClassName" 

    <property name="url"        
          value="jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb);DBQ=/Data/dbs/cl97_2k.mdb;"/>       
          <!--  Above is Access 64bit Driver Reference  -->

          <!-- Below is the Access 32bit Driver Reference.        
          value="jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=/Data/dbs/cl97_2k.mdb;"/>

    <property name="username" value=""/>
    <property name="password" value=""/>


Hope this Helps!




I have managed to install both without side effects on Office installation and without using /passive option. Downside is that is tested and working only on one Office version for now. Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 driver for x64 app - how to make it work with x86 MS Office installed?

我成功地安装了这两个没有副作用的办公室安装和没有使用/被动选项。缺点是它已经经过了测试,目前只支持一个Office版本。x64应用的microsoft.ac . oledb .12.0驱动程序——如何让它与x86 MS Office一起工作?