如何检查android sqlite数据库中是否已存在该值?

时间:2022-07-22 04:28:49

I have application where user enters name and other details for specific date. I need to check whether value/name user is trying to add exists already in the database column name. I have this code but this doesn't work as it selects only one value. Thanks


Cursor c = dbe.rawQuery("SELECT name FROM tbl_user WHERE meeting_date LIKE'" + mydate + "'", null);

if ((c.getString(3)).equals(editTextName.getText().toString()))

// do something

2 个解决方案



If you are only checking for existence of a value in a field, the easiest way is to do a select count with the appropriate filter.


Something along the lines of


SELECT count(*)
FROM tbl_user
WHERE meeting_date LIKE ' + my_date'
AND name = ' + editTextName.getText() + '

this would allow you to easily and quickly determine if those value exist in your table.


If you need to check multiple tables, then you would have to do a join between those tables and write your filter accordingly.


If by chance you don't have a good handle on SQL.
This site is a good starting place: W3Schools SQL Tutorial

如果碰巧你没有很好的处理SQL。这个网站是一个很好的起点:W3Schools SQL Tutorial

Hope this helps.




You are only selecting one column (name) and yet in your if you are trying to compare the contents of a (non-existent) third column (Not sure why you're trying to do that, but it's a problem, obviously).


Rather than trying to do it that way, why not use the column title?


So your if would look like this (and it doesn't matter what position the column is in your cursor):


if (c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("name")).equals(editTextName.getText().toString()))



If you are only checking for existence of a value in a field, the easiest way is to do a select count with the appropriate filter.


Something along the lines of


SELECT count(*)
FROM tbl_user
WHERE meeting_date LIKE ' + my_date'
AND name = ' + editTextName.getText() + '

this would allow you to easily and quickly determine if those value exist in your table.


If you need to check multiple tables, then you would have to do a join between those tables and write your filter accordingly.


If by chance you don't have a good handle on SQL.
This site is a good starting place: W3Schools SQL Tutorial

如果碰巧你没有很好的处理SQL。这个网站是一个很好的起点:W3Schools SQL Tutorial

Hope this helps.




You are only selecting one column (name) and yet in your if you are trying to compare the contents of a (non-existent) third column (Not sure why you're trying to do that, but it's a problem, obviously).


Rather than trying to do it that way, why not use the column title?


So your if would look like this (and it doesn't matter what position the column is in your cursor):


if (c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("name")).equals(editTextName.getText().toString()))