
时间:2022-05-22 03:52:20

I have a problem managing the lifetime of open database connections with StructureMap scoped to HttpContext when there are persistent HTTP connections in my ASP.NET MVC application, like SignalR hubs.

当我的ASP.NET MVC应用程序中存在持久HTTP连接(如SignalR集线器)时,我在管理具有作用于HttpContext的StructureMap的开放数据库连接的生命周期时遇到问题。

My DI container, StructureMap, injects an open IDbConnection into several services. To ensure that these database connections are closed and properly disposed of, I call ObjectFactory.ReleaseAndDisposeAllHttpScopedObjects() on the EndRequest event.


This works great for MVC controllers until a service requiring a database connection is injected into a SignalR hub, which keeps a persistent HTTP connection open for each client and eventually saturates the connection pool.


If I scope IDbConnection to a singleton, only one connection is ever opened per-application and the pool doesn't saturate, but this is a bad idea in case the connection is ever locked or times out.


So maybe there is a way to customise the scope of database connections for my SignalR hubs? I tried resolving a service instance in each Hub method, but this still instantiates a database connection at the HttpContext scope and keeps it open for the duration of the calling client's hub connection.


How should I manage the lifetime of database connections with StructureMap in an HTTP-scoped context when there are persistent HTTP connections around?


Example Code

Typical Service

public class MyService
    private IDbConnection _con;
    public MyService(IDbConnection con)
        _con = con;

    public IEnumerable<string> GetStuff()
        return _con.Select<string>("SELECT someString FROM SomeTable").ToList();

Typical SignalR Hub

public class MyHub : Hub
    private MyService _service;
    public MyHub(MyService service)
        _service = service; // Oh Noes! This will open a database connection
                            // for each Client because of HttpContext scope

    public Task AddMessage()
        var result = _service.GetStuff();
        // ...

StructureMap Configuration

    .Use(() => BaseController.GetOpenConnection(MyConnectionString));


public class GlobalApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
    public GlobalApplication()
        EndRequest += delegate
    // ...

2 个解决方案



In SignalR 1.0.0 Alpha, Hub's implement IDisposable. SignalR Hub instances are ephemeral unlike the HttpContext, so if you close your your IDbConnection in the Hub's Dispose method, you shouldn't unnecessarily saturate your connection pool.

在SignalR 1.0.0 Alpha中,Hub的实现IDisposable。与HttpContext不同,SignalR Hub实例是短暂的,因此如果您在Hub的Dispose方法中关闭IDbConnection,则不应该不必要地使连接池饱和。



Solution using transient database connection and nested StructureMap container

First, configure a named, transient database connection instance in StructureMap:


    .Transient() // scope
    .Add(x => BaseController.GetOpenConnection(connectionString, IsDebugging()))

Make sure you configure this before your default instance, or it will override the default instance.


Secondly, inject an IContainer into your SignalR hub so you can build a nested StructureMap container:


public class JobHub : Hub
    private readonly IContainer _container;

    public JobHub(IContainer container)
        _container = container;

    public Task DoStuff(string input)
        // ...

Instantiate a nested container in your SignalR method and resolve your named transient database connection:


        using (var httpRequestScope = _container.GetNestedContainer())
            var transientConnection =

Use .With<IDbConnection>(transientConnection) to ensure services and repositories instantiated by your nested container use this connection:

使用。使用 (transientConnection)确保嵌套容器实例化的服务和存储库使用此连接:

            var myService = httpRequestScope

            var result = myService.DoStuff(input);

            return Clients.addResult(result);

Finally, the scoped using (...) statement will ensure that your nested container cleans up after itself, including the database connection.


The downside here is that you are opening and closing a database connection for every SignalR method call, but since connections are pooled, releasing early may not be so bad. Your mileage should depend on your SignalR request volume.


You may be able to ditch the nested container and just ask DependencyResolver.Current for the named connection instance, but then you may have to remember to explicitly close each connection to prevent a leak.




In SignalR 1.0.0 Alpha, Hub's implement IDisposable. SignalR Hub instances are ephemeral unlike the HttpContext, so if you close your your IDbConnection in the Hub's Dispose method, you shouldn't unnecessarily saturate your connection pool.

在SignalR 1.0.0 Alpha中,Hub的实现IDisposable。与HttpContext不同,SignalR Hub实例是短暂的,因此如果您在Hub的Dispose方法中关闭IDbConnection,则不应该不必要地使连接池饱和。



Solution using transient database connection and nested StructureMap container

First, configure a named, transient database connection instance in StructureMap:


    .Transient() // scope
    .Add(x => BaseController.GetOpenConnection(connectionString, IsDebugging()))

Make sure you configure this before your default instance, or it will override the default instance.


Secondly, inject an IContainer into your SignalR hub so you can build a nested StructureMap container:


public class JobHub : Hub
    private readonly IContainer _container;

    public JobHub(IContainer container)
        _container = container;

    public Task DoStuff(string input)
        // ...

Instantiate a nested container in your SignalR method and resolve your named transient database connection:


        using (var httpRequestScope = _container.GetNestedContainer())
            var transientConnection =

Use .With<IDbConnection>(transientConnection) to ensure services and repositories instantiated by your nested container use this connection:

使用。使用 (transientConnection)确保嵌套容器实例化的服务和存储库使用此连接:

            var myService = httpRequestScope

            var result = myService.DoStuff(input);

            return Clients.addResult(result);

Finally, the scoped using (...) statement will ensure that your nested container cleans up after itself, including the database connection.


The downside here is that you are opening and closing a database connection for every SignalR method call, but since connections are pooled, releasing early may not be so bad. Your mileage should depend on your SignalR request volume.


You may be able to ditch the nested container and just ask DependencyResolver.Current for the named connection instance, but then you may have to remember to explicitly close each connection to prevent a leak.
