
时间:2022-07-17 03:46:35

I have a table called customer, and I have the columns id, sortcode, and name.


I have one more table called tblxml, it has one column called xmlData of type CLOB and it stores the XML data.


I have stored XML data as follows:



I have aligned it so it is easy to understand.


I need to:


  • extract this XML data from tblxml and update it in customer table.
  • 从tblxml中提取此XML数据并在customer表中更新它。

  • extract Id from tblxml table and update the sortcode in customer table which matches to id.
  • 从tblxml表中提取Id并更新customer表中与id匹配的sortcode。

  • loop the XML data in update the sortcode according to id.
  • 循环XML数据,根据id更新sortcode。

I have used <nd> to separate the rows.

我用 来分隔行。

As I'm new to Oracle, I haven't tried coding for this. Expecting some suggestions.


2 个解决方案



Sounds like XMLTABLE is what you're after:


with sample_data as (select '<root><nd>
</nd></root>' xdata from dual)
-- end of mimicking a table called "sample_data" containing your xml data. See the main SQL below:
select id,
from   sample_data sd
       cross join xmltable('/root/nd'
                           passing xmltype(sd.xdata)
                           columns id number path 'id',
                                   sc varchar2(10) path 'sc');

        ID SC        
---------- ----------
         1 001       
         2 001001    
        11 001001001 
        16 0010010010
        13 001001002 
         9 001002    
        14 001002001

Once you have the query to pull the results from the xml column, you can then use that as part of an update or merge statement to do the necessary updating. This is left as an exercise for you to do - there are plenty of examples in * and Google! If you get stuck, feel free to update your question with what you've tried.

一旦获得了从xml列中提取结果的查询,就可以将其用作更新或合并语句的一部分来进行必要的更新。这是留给你的练习 - 在*和Google中有很多例子!如果您遇到困难,请随时根据您的尝试更新您的问题。



I have solved this problem.


  • Created new Temporary table called TMP_XML it has one column as hold_xml
  • 创建了一个名为TMP_XML的新临时表,它有一列作为hold_xml

  • Inserting xml content from tblxml to TMP_XML table
  • 将xml内容从tblxml插入到TMP_XML表中

  • Then extracting value from TMP_XML as follows and updating sortcode based on matched Id.


      Insert    InTo TMP_XML
      Select    XmlType(PkgCBDmlXml.ExtractNodeValues(xmlData, 'root'))
        From    tblxml; 
      update    customer 
         set    sortcode =  (   Select  ExtractValue(Value(E),'//sc') Sc_New
                                From TMP_XML A,
                                TABLE(XmlSequence(Extract(A.hold_xml, '//nd'))) E
                                Where ExtractValue(Value(E),'//id') = id     



Sounds like XMLTABLE is what you're after:


with sample_data as (select '<root><nd>
</nd></root>' xdata from dual)
-- end of mimicking a table called "sample_data" containing your xml data. See the main SQL below:
select id,
from   sample_data sd
       cross join xmltable('/root/nd'
                           passing xmltype(sd.xdata)
                           columns id number path 'id',
                                   sc varchar2(10) path 'sc');

        ID SC        
---------- ----------
         1 001       
         2 001001    
        11 001001001 
        16 0010010010
        13 001001002 
         9 001002    
        14 001002001

Once you have the query to pull the results from the xml column, you can then use that as part of an update or merge statement to do the necessary updating. This is left as an exercise for you to do - there are plenty of examples in * and Google! If you get stuck, feel free to update your question with what you've tried.

一旦获得了从xml列中提取结果的查询,就可以将其用作更新或合并语句的一部分来进行必要的更新。这是留给你的练习 - 在*和Google中有很多例子!如果您遇到困难,请随时根据您的尝试更新您的问题。



I have solved this problem.


  • Created new Temporary table called TMP_XML it has one column as hold_xml
  • 创建了一个名为TMP_XML的新临时表,它有一列作为hold_xml

  • Inserting xml content from tblxml to TMP_XML table
  • 将xml内容从tblxml插入到TMP_XML表中

  • Then extracting value from TMP_XML as follows and updating sortcode based on matched Id.


      Insert    InTo TMP_XML
      Select    XmlType(PkgCBDmlXml.ExtractNodeValues(xmlData, 'root'))
        From    tblxml; 
      update    customer 
         set    sortcode =  (   Select  ExtractValue(Value(E),'//sc') Sc_New
                                From TMP_XML A,
                                TABLE(XmlSequence(Extract(A.hold_xml, '//nd'))) E
                                Where ExtractValue(Value(E),'//id') = id     