
时间:2022-06-25 16:58:45

I have this PHP code:


 try {
      $result = $db->prepare('SELECT ID,masina,marka,model,reg_br,istek_reg,servis FROM mehanizacija WHERE user_id=:user_id');
      $result->bindParam(':user_id', $user_id); 

        foreach($result as $r) {
          $temp = array();
          $temp[] = (int) $r['ID']; 
          $temp[] = (string) $r['masina'];
          $temp[] = (string) $r['marka']; 
          $temp[] = $r['model'];
          $temp[] = (string) $r['reg_br'];
          $temp[] = 'Date('.str_replace('-',', ',($r['istek_reg'])).')';
          $temp[] = 'Date('.str_replace('-',', ',($r['servis'])).')';

        $rs = $db->prepare('SELECT sum(radnih_sati) FROM track_meh WHERE user_id=:user_id AND id_meh=:id_meh');
          $rs->bindParam(':user_id', $user_id); 
          $rs->bindParam(':id_meh', $r['ID']); 
          //$rs->bindParam(':radnici', $radnici); 
          $sumRows = $rs->fetchColumn(); 
          $temp[] = array('v' => (int) $sumRows);
 $rs1 = $db->prepare('SELECT sum(kolicina) FROM track_meh WHERE user_id=:user_id AND id_meh=:id_meh');
          $rs1->bindParam(':user_id', $user_id); 
          $rs1->bindParam(':id_meh', $r['ID']); 
          $sumRows1 = $rs1->fetchColumn(); 
          $temp[] = array('v' => (int) $sumRows1);
          $prosecna = $sumRows1/$sumRows;
          $temp[] = array('v' => (float) $prosecna. ' l/h');

          $rows[] = $temp;
    $table['data'] = $rows;
    $jsonTable = json_encode($table);
    } catch(PDOException $e) {
        echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
    echo $jsonTable;

and now I have this JSON output:


{"data":[[1,"traktor","IMT","510-td","BG-657 UI","Date(2014, 04, 24)","Date(2014, 02, 18)",53,95,"1.79245283019 l\/h"],[3,"Vrsalica","John Deer","n7","BG 777 hb","Date(2014, 07, 18)","Date(2014, 01, 20)",24,66,"2.75 l\/h"],[4,"prikolica","nema","nema","","Date(0000, 00, 00)","Date(0000, 00, 00)",0,0,"0 l\/h"],[5,"traktor","","","","Date(0000, 00, 00)","Date(0000, 00, 00)",0,0,"0 l\/h"],[6,"kombajn","Novi","NN","Pi 001 ZN","Date(0000, 00, 00)","Date(0000, 00, 00)",24,50,"2.08333333333 l\/h"],[7,"traktor","mnm","","","Date(0000, 00, 00)","Date(0000, 00, 00)",6,9,"1.5 l\/h"],[8,"traktor","","","","Date(0000, 00, 00)","Date(0000, 00, 00)",0,0,"0 l\/h"],[9,"alat","","","","Date(0000, 00, 00)","Date(0000, 00, 00)",0,0,"0 l\/h"],[10,"traktor","","","","Date(0000, 00, 00)","Date(0000, 00, 00)",0,0,"0 l\/h"],[11,"setvo-spremac","","","","Date(0000, 00, 00)","Date(0000, 00, 00)",0,0,"0 l\/h"],[12,"traktor","","","","Date(0000, 00, 00)","Date(0000, 00, 00)",0,0,"0 l\/h"]]}

What I need to do to transform my JSON output format to this:


{"data":[{"ID":"1","masina":"traktor","marka":"IMT","model":"510-td","reg_br":"BG-657 UI","istek_reg":"2014-04-24","servis":"2014-02-18","sumRows":"555", "sumRows1":"333","prosecna":"2.0999"}, etc ...

SO as you see my JSON output is wrong, becouse dataTable plugin need data in format like I put above, becouse of that I need to find a way to transform that data in follow format.


Any idea how to do that? I try many different ways but I cant solve this problem


1 个解决方案



The use of $temp[] is giving you a numerical keyed array, which is why the end result is an array of arrays. According to your desired output, you need an array of associative arrays, which will ultimately give you an array of objects (as a string) after the JSON transformation.

$ temp []的使用给你一个数字键控数组,这就是最终结果是一个数组数组的原因。根据您所需的输出,您需要一组关联数组,最终会在JSON转换后为您提供一个对象数组(作为字符串)。

Replace each $temp[] with $temp['some_key'], using the relevant key.

使用相关密钥将每个$ temp []替换为$ temp ['some_key']。

$temp['ID'] = (int) $r['ID']; 
$temp['traktor'] = (string) $r['masina'];



The use of $temp[] is giving you a numerical keyed array, which is why the end result is an array of arrays. According to your desired output, you need an array of associative arrays, which will ultimately give you an array of objects (as a string) after the JSON transformation.

$ temp []的使用给你一个数字键控数组,这就是最终结果是一个数组数组的原因。根据您所需的输出,您需要一组关联数组,最终会在JSON转换后为您提供一个对象数组(作为字符串)。

Replace each $temp[] with $temp['some_key'], using the relevant key.

使用相关密钥将每个$ temp []替换为$ temp ['some_key']。

$temp['ID'] = (int) $r['ID']; 
$temp['traktor'] = (string) $r['masina'];