
时间:2021-05-14 02:09:11

I've done the following steps: - Open visual studio
- Create new item
- Select "ADO.Net Entity Data Model"
- Point it to an existing database
- Accept all the defaults.
- It then adds a "Model1.edmx" file to my solution and the corresponding "Model1.Designer.cs" file.

我已经完成了以下步骤: - 打开visual studio - 创建新项目 - 选择“ADO.Net实体数据模型” - 将其指向现有数据库 - 接受所有默认值。 - 然后它将“Model1.edmx”文件添加到我的解决方案和相应的“Model1.Designer.cs”文件中。

However in the output I get the following error:
"ERROR: Unable to generate model because of the following exception: 'Value does not fall within the expected range.'."


I've created a model from this database before so I dont think the error is a result of complex table design (which it's not).


Has anyone else hit this error?



10 个解决方案


I had a similar problem. The reason was pretty simple. I've forgotten to set a primary key in one of my tables. Hope it helps.



I think I might have a solution. I've just done the following and it worked.


  • Create a new project
  • 创建一个新项目

  • Add an Ado data model to it.
  • 添加Ado数据模型。

  • So the ONLY thing in the project is the model and it does not reference any other projects so it can stand and build on it's own.
  • 所以项目中唯一的东西就是模型,它没有引用任何其他项目,所以它可以站立并建立在它自己的基础上。

  • I got the error I was mentioning above in this project
  • 我得到了上面在这个项目中提到的错误

  • Delete the Model1.edmx file.
  • 删除Model1.edmx文件。

  • Remove the project reference to "System.Data.Entity.dll" (this was the key)
  • 删除项目引用“System.Data.Entity.dll”(这是关键)

  • Delete the connectionStrings out of "App.config"
  • 从“App.config”中删除connectionStrings

  • Rebuild the Project
  • 重建项目

  • Add the "ADO.Net Entity Data Model" back into your project.
  • 将“ADO.Net实体数据模型”添加回项目中。

It now works.
But it works.



I was able to readd it. Here's what I did.


All the steps above in the bullet points plus:


  • Shut down Visual Studio 2008
  • 关闭Visual Studio 2008

  • restart Sql Server 2005
  • 重启Sql Server 2005

  • Reopen Visual Studio 08.
  • 重新打开Visual Studio 08。

Still stumped on how to resolve this.



Please check whether the primary key has been defined for the table. If you open the entity model in xml editor, you should be able to see commented error message, the comment might help you!



When I'm unable to open the 'Design View' while clicking on the model.edmx file I Unload the project in VS2008 and then load it back up again and it seems to fix that problem.



I experienced the same issue with a MYSQL database using Ria services.


I found the entity model requires a primary key in at least one table when multiple tables are imported.
The primary key for my table was also set to auto increment.



You can add one table to the model first and when the edmx file is created, you can update model from the database. It worked for me. I wish it solve ur prblem too.


cheers Parminder


I've just been investigating a similar issue. It turns out that Entity Framework outputs additional error information in the Messages section of the Error List window in Visual Studio.

我刚刚调查了类似的问题。事实证明,Entity Framework在Visual Studio的“错误列表”窗口的“消息”部分中输出了其他错误信息。

As you can see it's much more useful than the generic error that appears in the Output window. This was crucial in helping me to solve my problem.




I am having the same problem .

我有同样的问题 。

Reason seems to be simple : lack of Primary Key Column.



I had same problem, the easy solution is : delete your model from visual studio and and new model with same name, before that delete all connection string from config file

我有同样的问题,简单的解决方案是:从visual studio删除你的模型和新的同名ado.net模型,然后从配置文件中删除所有连接字符串


I had a similar problem. The reason was pretty simple. I've forgotten to set a primary key in one of my tables. Hope it helps.



I think I might have a solution. I've just done the following and it worked.


  • Create a new project
  • 创建一个新项目

  • Add an Ado data model to it.
  • 添加Ado数据模型。

  • So the ONLY thing in the project is the model and it does not reference any other projects so it can stand and build on it's own.
  • 所以项目中唯一的东西就是模型,它没有引用任何其他项目,所以它可以站立并建立在它自己的基础上。

  • I got the error I was mentioning above in this project
  • 我得到了上面在这个项目中提到的错误

  • Delete the Model1.edmx file.
  • 删除Model1.edmx文件。

  • Remove the project reference to "System.Data.Entity.dll" (this was the key)
  • 删除项目引用“System.Data.Entity.dll”(这是关键)

  • Delete the connectionStrings out of "App.config"
  • 从“App.config”中删除connectionStrings

  • Rebuild the Project
  • 重建项目

  • Add the "ADO.Net Entity Data Model" back into your project.
  • 将“ADO.Net实体数据模型”添加回项目中。

It now works.
But it works.



I was able to readd it. Here's what I did.


All the steps above in the bullet points plus:


  • Shut down Visual Studio 2008
  • 关闭Visual Studio 2008

  • restart Sql Server 2005
  • 重启Sql Server 2005

  • Reopen Visual Studio 08.
  • 重新打开Visual Studio 08。

Still stumped on how to resolve this.



Please check whether the primary key has been defined for the table. If you open the entity model in xml editor, you should be able to see commented error message, the comment might help you!



When I'm unable to open the 'Design View' while clicking on the model.edmx file I Unload the project in VS2008 and then load it back up again and it seems to fix that problem.



I experienced the same issue with a MYSQL database using Ria services.


I found the entity model requires a primary key in at least one table when multiple tables are imported.
The primary key for my table was also set to auto increment.



You can add one table to the model first and when the edmx file is created, you can update model from the database. It worked for me. I wish it solve ur prblem too.


cheers Parminder


I've just been investigating a similar issue. It turns out that Entity Framework outputs additional error information in the Messages section of the Error List window in Visual Studio.

我刚刚调查了类似的问题。事实证明,Entity Framework在Visual Studio的“错误列表”窗口的“消息”部分中输出了其他错误信息。

As you can see it's much more useful than the generic error that appears in the Output window. This was crucial in helping me to solve my problem.




I am having the same problem .

我有同样的问题 。

Reason seems to be simple : lack of Primary Key Column.



I had same problem, the easy solution is : delete your model from visual studio and and new model with same name, before that delete all connection string from config file

我有同样的问题,简单的解决方案是:从visual studio删除你的模型和新的同名ado.net模型,然后从配置文件中删除所有连接字符串