i am currently trying to use a webservice as the source for an ado.net edm. For example: http://odata.netflix.com/v2/Catalog/$metadata
我目前正在尝试使用web服务作为ado.net edm的源代码。例如:http://data.netflix.com/v2/Catalog/$metadata
I have the xml of the webservice already stored in a variable, so that i can use it, if necessary. Is there any way to relate the data of the webservice to the datamodel, so that the tables of the edm are dynamicly created in relation to the webservice?
I just need to create the tables dynamicly with the row names and types.
Best Regards Julian
1 个解决方案
You can use the WCF Data Service Client Utility (DataSvcUtil.exe). This is a command-line utility that allow you to create .Net classes required to consume any OData service from its metadata.
You will need to execute the Visual Studio Command Prompt and make sure that your Visual Studio installation contains the WCF features: Using DataSvcUtil.exe, you will need an entry similar to this.
您将需要执行Visual Studio命令提示符并确保Visual Studio安装包含WCF功能:使用DataSvcUtil.exe,您将需要一个类似于此的条目。
datasvcutil /out:NetflixODataProxy.cs /uri:http://odata.netflix.com/v2/Catalog/ /language:CSharp /nologo /version:2.0
You can use the WCF Data Service Client Utility (DataSvcUtil.exe). This is a command-line utility that allow you to create .Net classes required to consume any OData service from its metadata.
You will need to execute the Visual Studio Command Prompt and make sure that your Visual Studio installation contains the WCF features: Using DataSvcUtil.exe, you will need an entry similar to this.
您将需要执行Visual Studio命令提示符并确保Visual Studio安装包含WCF功能:使用DataSvcUtil.exe,您将需要一个类似于此的条目。
datasvcutil /out:NetflixODataProxy.cs /uri:http://odata.netflix.com/v2/Catalog/ /language:CSharp /nologo /version:2.0