
时间:2021-07-31 02:05:41

I'm creating a new table which is related to a Contacts table (where I store first name, last name etc).


The table has:


int Id  (PK, Identity)
int ContactId  (FK)
int Type (this identifies whether the following is an email, tel, fax etc.)

nvarchar(40) [I need a name for this one]

The nvarchar field is basically storing either abc@abc.com, or +1 567 555-2934 x 12, or whatever else somebody would enter as a way to contact somebody else. Email, Phone, IM Name, Fax Number etc.

nvarchar字段基本上存储为abc@abc.com或+1 567 555-2934 x 12,或者其他任何人可以输入的方式来联系其他人。电子邮件,电话,IM名称,传真号码等

I have no idea how to name that field, or the table containing this stuff. I can't name it "emailAddress" as it may be a phone number and vice versa. And I don't want to name it "emailOrPhoneOrXYZ" of course.


Any idea?

10 个解决方案


I had a similar problem with a table at the sysytem I'm currently developing.


So we named the table ContactComplements and the field simply Value.



Well, I might start by renaming "Id" and "type" - those aren't very descriptive. How about "ContactInfoID" and "ContactInfoType". The final field could then be reasonably titled "ContactInformation".

好吧,我可以从重命名“Id”和“type”开始 - 那些不是很具描述性。 “ContactInfoID”和“ContactInfoType”怎么样?然后,最终字段可以合理地标题为“ContactInformation”。

You're right that you shouldn't use a silly name like "emailOrPhoneOr...", because that prohibits you from storing additional types of contact information in the future.

你是不对的,你不应该使用像“emailOrPhoneOr ...”这样的愚蠢名称,因为这会阻止你将来存储其他类型的联系信息。

Also consider that a tinyint is likely more than large enough for your "type" field, provided that your rdbms supports tinyints.



In the context of a Contacts table you can consider Detail for the field.



Ideally, when designing relational databases, you should avoid storing different types of information in the same field when possible.


One thing to consider, there are times where it makes sense to denormalize your data, you should may want to consider that in this situation. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormalization)

有一点需要考虑,有时候对数据进行非规范化是有意义的,在这种情况下你可能应该考虑这一点。 (见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormalization)

At a minimum, I think it would make sense to use at least 2 tables, one for Email/IM and one for phone. For the email/IM table, add flags indicating if the address was Email or IM (or both if both flags set), as yahoo and others use email as the IM ID.

至少,我认为使用至少2个表是有意义的,一个用于电子邮件/ IM,一个用于电话。对于电子邮件/ IM表,添加标志,指示地址是电子邮件还是IM(或两者都设置了两个标志),因为雅虎和其他人使用电子邮件作为IM ID。


--table-per-class strategy:

table ContactItem
    column Id --pkey

table ContactItemEmail
    column Id --pkey, fkey ContactItem.Id
    column Email

table ContactItemPhone
    column Id --pkey, fkey ContactItem.Id
    column Phone


I'd name the table ContactDetails and the field ContactString.



I would just name it Contact. It's generic enough that it could apply regardless of the actual type of information contained therein but also implies that it's used for contacting someone.



As you are maintaining key/value pairs that are associated with your CONTACT table, you could name it CONTACT_PROPERTIES. 'Value' would be as good a name as any for the field in question.

在维护与CONTACT表关联的键/值对时,可以将其命名为CONTACT_PROPERTIES。 “价值”将与所涉及的领域一样好。




Presumably this is a free text element with no associated domain value validation i.e. user could type anything in here and it would be an acceptable value. In our data dictionary we tend to call these 'notes'.



I had a similar problem with a table at the sysytem I'm currently developing.


So we named the table ContactComplements and the field simply Value.



Well, I might start by renaming "Id" and "type" - those aren't very descriptive. How about "ContactInfoID" and "ContactInfoType". The final field could then be reasonably titled "ContactInformation".

好吧,我可以从重命名“Id”和“type”开始 - 那些不是很具描述性。 “ContactInfoID”和“ContactInfoType”怎么样?然后,最终字段可以合理地标题为“ContactInformation”。

You're right that you shouldn't use a silly name like "emailOrPhoneOr...", because that prohibits you from storing additional types of contact information in the future.

你是不对的,你不应该使用像“emailOrPhoneOr ...”这样的愚蠢名称,因为这会阻止你将来存储其他类型的联系信息。

Also consider that a tinyint is likely more than large enough for your "type" field, provided that your rdbms supports tinyints.



In the context of a Contacts table you can consider Detail for the field.



Ideally, when designing relational databases, you should avoid storing different types of information in the same field when possible.


One thing to consider, there are times where it makes sense to denormalize your data, you should may want to consider that in this situation. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormalization)

有一点需要考虑,有时候对数据进行非规范化是有意义的,在这种情况下你可能应该考虑这一点。 (见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormalization)

At a minimum, I think it would make sense to use at least 2 tables, one for Email/IM and one for phone. For the email/IM table, add flags indicating if the address was Email or IM (or both if both flags set), as yahoo and others use email as the IM ID.

至少,我认为使用至少2个表是有意义的,一个用于电子邮件/ IM,一个用于电话。对于电子邮件/ IM表,添加标志,指示地址是电子邮件还是IM(或两者都设置了两个标志),因为雅虎和其他人使用电子邮件作为IM ID。


--table-per-class strategy:

table ContactItem
    column Id --pkey

table ContactItemEmail
    column Id --pkey, fkey ContactItem.Id
    column Email

table ContactItemPhone
    column Id --pkey, fkey ContactItem.Id
    column Phone


I'd name the table ContactDetails and the field ContactString.



I would just name it Contact. It's generic enough that it could apply regardless of the actual type of information contained therein but also implies that it's used for contacting someone.



As you are maintaining key/value pairs that are associated with your CONTACT table, you could name it CONTACT_PROPERTIES. 'Value' would be as good a name as any for the field in question.

在维护与CONTACT表关联的键/值对时,可以将其命名为CONTACT_PROPERTIES。 “价值”将与所涉及的领域一样好。




Presumably this is a free text element with no associated domain value validation i.e. user could type anything in here and it would be an acceptable value. In our data dictionary we tend to call these 'notes'.
