
时间:2021-02-10 02:05:40

I have a situation where I need to compare two sets of data from Sql Server. One set of data is held in a table (which is modelled in my Entity Framework model), however the other is the result set of a stored procedure. The fields returned by the stored procedure are identical to the fields in the table.

我有一种情况需要比较来自Sql Server的两组数据。一组数据保存在表中(在我的实体框架模型中建模),但另一组是存储过程的结果集。存储过程返回的字段与表中的字段相同。

I had thought the following would work:


using (var db = new MyDatabaseContext()) {
    DbSet<MyTable> tableData = db.MyTables;
    DbSet<MyTable> procData = db.Set<MyTable>();
    procData.AddRange(db.MyTables.SqlQuery("exec dbo.MyProc").ToList();

    if (tableData.Count != procData.Count) return false;

    foreach (var data in tableData) {
        if (!data.Equals(procData.Find(data.ID))) return false;

(side note: The MyTable class has been edited to implement IEquatable and override Equals so it's suitable for comparing at field level)


The logic being that I believed db.Set<MyTable> would create an arbitrary empty set of MyTables which I could populate with the result of the stored procedure, and then compare that to the data in the table.

逻辑是我认为db.Set 会创建一个任意空的MyTables集合,我可以用存储过程的结果填充它,然后将其与表格中的数据进行比较。

It appears I've misunderstood this, however, as checking the contents of tableData and procData at the first if line shows both contain exactly the same data (I've purposefully editted the stored procedure so it does not return the same data as in the table), leading me to believe that db.Set<Table> and db.MyTables both reference the same thing.



How can I achieve this?


1 个解决方案



db.MyTables has the same definition as what is returned in the line defining procData and initially contains the same objects.


(I assume your DbContext has the following, or something equivalent):


public DbSet<MyTable> MyTables { get; set; }

public DbSet MyTables {get;组; }

Calling db.Set<MyTable>() will give you a set equivalent to the property defined on the context.

调用db.Set ()将为您提供与上下文中定义的属性等效的集合。

If you are simply filtering in the stored procedure then tableData contains all records (so does procData). When you attempt to add more records (which are ostensibly the same records contained in the set), EF will try and add the records with a state of "Added". The thing is, your comparison isn't testing for the difference in state, and EF might not consider them added (if you configured your primary keys just so, EF might determine that the records already exist and state changes are unnecessary).




db.MyTables has the same definition as what is returned in the line defining procData and initially contains the same objects.


(I assume your DbContext has the following, or something equivalent):


public DbSet<MyTable> MyTables { get; set; }

public DbSet MyTables {get;组; }

Calling db.Set<MyTable>() will give you a set equivalent to the property defined on the context.

调用db.Set ()将为您提供与上下文中定义的属性等效的集合。

If you are simply filtering in the stored procedure then tableData contains all records (so does procData). When you attempt to add more records (which are ostensibly the same records contained in the set), EF will try and add the records with a state of "Added". The thing is, your comparison isn't testing for the difference in state, and EF might not consider them added (if you configured your primary keys just so, EF might determine that the records already exist and state changes are unnecessary).
