
时间:2021-05-17 02:01:19

Say, I have two tables Courses and faculty_courses - each has a primary key course_ID that is varchar(50) not null.

比方说,我有两个表课程和faculty_courses - 每个都有一个主键course_ID,即varchar(50)非null。

I am trying to delete a row from the Courses table - so assume have to delete that row from both tables since they are linked by a relationship.

我试图从Courses表中删除一行 - 所以假设必须从两个表中删除该行,因为它们是通过关系链接的。

I wrote this - doesn't work - says Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'JOIN'

我写了这个 - 不起作用 - 说关键字'JOIN'附近的语法不正确

DELETE FROM Courses JOIN faculty_courses ON Courses.course_ID = faculty_courses.course_ID WHERE faculty_courses.course_ID = 'ITM731'

从课程中删除JOIN faculty_courses ON Courses.course_ID = faculty_courses.course_ID WHERE faculty_courses.course_ID ='ITM731'

Any ideas?

5 个解决方案


You have to issue two statements.


DELETE Courses where course_ID = 'ITM731'
DELETE faculty_courses WHERE course_ID = 'ITM731'

Or, as mentioned here, use a delete cascade.



What you want can be handled by having ON DELETE CASCADE links between the tables. Provided that your RDBMS allows for this.

您可以通过在表之间使用ON DELETE CASCADE链接来处理您想要的内容。只要您的RDBMS允许这样做。


You can create a FK reference with CASCADE Delete

您可以使用CASCADE Delete创建FK参考


I recommend that you use the approach from Ocedecio of explicitly deleting from the two tables as opposed to cascading. It makes your intention so much clearer.



DELETE only delete record from one table - the JOIN syntax is useful only for selecting the correct rows on that table, for example, on table with an 1:n relationship (not what you have here) and you want to delete all the records from the "n" table that pertain to a selectable record on the "1" table, then you'd do DELETE FROM ntable INNER JOIN reftable ON ntable.ref = reftable.ref WHERE reftable.column = 'whatyouneedtolookup'.

DELETE只从一个表中删除记录 - JOIN语法仅用于在该表上选择正确的行,例如,在具有1:n关系的表上(不是您在此处拥有的)并且您想要删除所有记录“n”表与“1”表上的可选记录有关,那么你可以执行DELETE FROM ntable INNER JOIN reftable ON ntable.ref = reftable.ref WHERE reftable.column ='whatyouneedtolookup'。

Now as I said, this does not pertain to your current situation, in which you simply need to issue two DELETE statements - one for each table, on the same key.

现在正如我所说的,这与您当前的情况无关,在这种情况下,您只需要在同一个键上发出两个DELETE语句 - 每个表一个。

That being said, it sounds like you have a 1:1 reference between the table which strikes me as odd - normally with that kind of reference, the trivial normalization would be to merge the tables into a single table with the columns from both tables.

话虽如此,听起来你在表之间有一个1:1的引用,这对我来说是奇怪的 - 通常用这种引用,琐碎的规范化将把表合并到两个表中的列的单个表中。


alter table tablename drop column columnname


You have to issue two statements.


DELETE Courses where course_ID = 'ITM731'
DELETE faculty_courses WHERE course_ID = 'ITM731'

Or, as mentioned here, use a delete cascade.



What you want can be handled by having ON DELETE CASCADE links between the tables. Provided that your RDBMS allows for this.

您可以通过在表之间使用ON DELETE CASCADE链接来处理您想要的内容。只要您的RDBMS允许这样做。


You can create a FK reference with CASCADE Delete

您可以使用CASCADE Delete创建FK参考


I recommend that you use the approach from Ocedecio of explicitly deleting from the two tables as opposed to cascading. It makes your intention so much clearer.



DELETE only delete record from one table - the JOIN syntax is useful only for selecting the correct rows on that table, for example, on table with an 1:n relationship (not what you have here) and you want to delete all the records from the "n" table that pertain to a selectable record on the "1" table, then you'd do DELETE FROM ntable INNER JOIN reftable ON ntable.ref = reftable.ref WHERE reftable.column = 'whatyouneedtolookup'.

DELETE只从一个表中删除记录 - JOIN语法仅用于在该表上选择正确的行,例如,在具有1:n关系的表上(不是您在此处拥有的)并且您想要删除所有记录“n”表与“1”表上的可选记录有关,那么你可以执行DELETE FROM ntable INNER JOIN reftable ON ntable.ref = reftable.ref WHERE reftable.column ='whatyouneedtolookup'。

Now as I said, this does not pertain to your current situation, in which you simply need to issue two DELETE statements - one for each table, on the same key.

现在正如我所说的,这与您当前的情况无关,在这种情况下,您只需要在同一个键上发出两个DELETE语句 - 每个表一个。

That being said, it sounds like you have a 1:1 reference between the table which strikes me as odd - normally with that kind of reference, the trivial normalization would be to merge the tables into a single table with the columns from both tables.

话虽如此,听起来你在表之间有一个1:1的引用,这对我来说是奇怪的 - 通常用这种引用,琐碎的规范化将把表合并到两个表中的列的单个表中。


alter table tablename drop column columnname