
时间:2020-12-09 01:42:49

I'm trying to get a custom handler to work for a specific URL (or set of URLs) in ASP.NET 3.5.

我正在尝试使用自定义处理程序来处理ASP.NET 3.5中的特定URL(或一组URL)。

The handler doesn't actually do anything significant yet - it just logs the request. I can post the code if anyone things it's relevant, but I really don't think it's being called at all. (In particular, for normal exceptions I get a custom error page and logging... here I'm just getting the vanilla IIS 404.)

处理程序实际上并没有做任何重要的事情 - 它只是记录请求。我可以发布代码,如果有任何相关的东西,但我真的不认为它被调用。 (特别是,对于正常的异常,我得到一个自定义错误页面并记录...这里我只是得到了香草IIS 404.)

Here's the relevant bit of the web.config file:


    <add verb="GET,POST" path="*.robot" validate="false" 
         type="CSharpInDepth.Wave.RobotHandler, CSharpInDepth"/>

(Obviously there's other stuff in that section too, but I don't think it's relevant.)


Locally, running under the dev server, it works fine. On my real box, I always get a 404. Everything under the web site directory itself is the same (replicated via svn). That includes the bin directory containing CSharpInDepth.dll, which I've verified contains CSharpInDepth.Wave.RobotHandler.


I try to fetch http://csharpindepth.com/foo.robot and just get a 404.


I've tried with and without the assembly name, specific URLs or wildcarded ones... nothing's working.


I'm sure I've just missed some simple flag somewhere in the IIS configuration, but I'm blowed if I can find it...


EDIT: It's IIS version 6. Attempting to add *.robot to the ISAPI filter now...

编辑:这是IIS版本6.现在尝试将* .robot添加到ISAPI过滤器...

2 个解决方案



Well if the hosting box is IIS7 in integrated pipeline you need to add it into the other bit of the config:


    <add name="RobotHandler" type="CSharpInDepth.Wave.RobotHandler, CSharpInDepth"/>

If it's IIS6 then you'll need to map *.robots to the ASP.NET ISAPI DLL.

如果它是IIS6,那么你需要将* .robots映射到ASP.NET ISAPI DLL。

(For the non-Skeets you do this as follows)


  1. Open up IIS admin.
  2. 打开IIS管理员。
  3. Right click on the Web site you want to configure and select Properties form the context menu. This will display the Web Site Properties dialog.
  4. 右键单击要配置的网站,然后从上下文菜单中选择“属性”。这将显示“网站属性”对话框。
  5. Select the Home Directory tab and click the Configuration button. This will display the Application Configuration dialog box.
  6. 选择“主目录”选项卡,然后单击“配置”按钮。这将显示“应用程序配置”对话框。
  7. Click Add.
  8. 单击添加。
  9. Select the aspnet_isapi.dll from the .NET framework directory, the extension you want mapped and either All Verbs, or just the ones you want to map.
  10. 从.NET框架目录中选择aspnet_isapi.dll,您要映射的扩展名为All Verbs,或者只是您要映射的扩展名。
  11. Click ok.
  12. 点击确定。





You'll have to configure the IIS script mappings to pass *.robot to aspnet_isapi.dll.

您必须配置IIS脚本映射以将* .robot传递给aspnet_isapi.dll。



Well if the hosting box is IIS7 in integrated pipeline you need to add it into the other bit of the config:


    <add name="RobotHandler" type="CSharpInDepth.Wave.RobotHandler, CSharpInDepth"/>

If it's IIS6 then you'll need to map *.robots to the ASP.NET ISAPI DLL.

如果它是IIS6,那么你需要将* .robots映射到ASP.NET ISAPI DLL。

(For the non-Skeets you do this as follows)


  1. Open up IIS admin.
  2. 打开IIS管理员。
  3. Right click on the Web site you want to configure and select Properties form the context menu. This will display the Web Site Properties dialog.
  4. 右键单击要配置的网站,然后从上下文菜单中选择“属性”。这将显示“网站属性”对话框。
  5. Select the Home Directory tab and click the Configuration button. This will display the Application Configuration dialog box.
  6. 选择“主目录”选项卡,然后单击“配置”按钮。这将显示“应用程序配置”对话框。
  7. Click Add.
  8. 单击添加。
  9. Select the aspnet_isapi.dll from the .NET framework directory, the extension you want mapped and either All Verbs, or just the ones you want to map.
  10. 从.NET框架目录中选择aspnet_isapi.dll,您要映射的扩展名为All Verbs,或者只是您要映射的扩展名。
  11. Click ok.
  12. 点击确定。





You'll have to configure the IIS script mappings to pass *.robot to aspnet_isapi.dll.

您必须配置IIS脚本映射以将* .robot传递给aspnet_isapi.dll。