如何将数据从C#MVC ASP.net应用程序发送到C#WPF应用程序

时间:2022-05-01 01:40:32

I am wondering how I can send information from a C# MVC Web Application to a C# Desktop Application.

我想知道如何将信息从C#MVC Web应用程序发送到C#桌面应用程序。

For example, I want to be able to send some strings from my web application that is hosted on some server to a client's personal computer where they will have my desktop application executable somewhere on their local machine. Also, I am trying to avoid the client having to open the desktop application (that will be running in the background) to click anything. I am wanting the desktop application to constantly be checking for data coming in from the web application. I would probably have a while() loop checking for that information in the desktop application and then once it has received data from the web application I will do stuff with it on the desktop side.


Can anyone point me to some good examples of this or provide a simple example of this being done with some strings?


1 个解决方案



When thinking about this SignalR comes to mind, or perhaps implement in the MVC application a web hook and consume it in the WPF application.


A good starting point for Signalr you can find here.




When thinking about this SignalR comes to mind, or perhaps implement in the MVC application a web hook and consume it in the WPF application.


A good starting point for Signalr you can find here.
