使用用户提供的XPath通过实体框架查询SQL Server xml列

时间:2021-02-12 01:34:04

I'm having a really tough time figuring how to use an xml data column in SQL Server, specifically for use with Entity Framework.

我很难确定如何在SQL Server中使用xml数据列,特别是与Entity Framework一起使用。

Basically, one of our tables stores "custom metadata" provided by users in the form of XML, so it seemed sensible to store this in an Xml column in the table.


One of the requirements of our application is to support searching of the metadata, however. The users are able to provided an XPath query string, as well as a value to compare the value of the XPath with, to search for elements that contain metadata that matches their query.


I identified the SQL Server xml functions as ideal for this (eg, [xmlcol].exist('/path1/path2[0][text()=''valuetest'''] ), but they're not supported by Entity Framework, irritatingly (or specifically, xml columns aren't supported). As an alternative, I tried creating a UDF that passes the user-provided XPath to the xml functions, but then discovered that the xml functions only allow string literals, so I can't provide variables...

我确定SQL Server xml函数是理想的(例如,[xmlcol] .exist('/ path1 / path2 [0] [text()=''valuetest''']),但它们不受实体支持框架,恼人地(或者特别是,不支持xml列)。作为替代方案,我尝试创建一个UDF,将用户提供的XPath传递给xml函数,但后来发现xml函数只允许字符串文字,所以我无法提供变量......

At this point, I was running out of options.


I created a small bit of code that performs a regular expression replace on the result of a IQueryable.ToString(), to inject my XPath filter in, and then send this string to the database manually, but there are problems with this too, such as the result doesn't seem to lazily load the navigational properties, for example.


I kept looking, and stumbled upon the idea of SQLCLR types, and started creating a SQLCLR function that performs the XPath comparison. I thought I was onto a winner at this point, until a colleague pointed out that SQL Server in Azure doesn't support SQLCLR - doh!

我一直在寻找,偶然发现了SQLCLR类型的想法,并开始创建一个执行XPath比较的SQLCLR函数。我认为此时我已成为赢家,直到一位同事指出Azure中的SQL Server不支持SQLCLR - doh!

What other options do I have? I seem to be running very close to empty...


2 个解决方案



You could do this in a stored procedure where you build your query dynamically.


SQL Fiddle

MS SQL Server 2008 Schema Setup:

MS SQL Server 2008架构设置:

create table YourTable
  ID int identity primary key,
  Name varchar(10) not null,
  XMLCol xml


insert into YourTable values
('Row 1', '<x>1</x>'),
('Row 2', '<x>2</x>'),
('Row 3', '<x>3</x>');


create procedure GetIt
  @XPath nvarchar(100)
  declare @SQL nvarchar(max);

  set @SQL = N'
  select ID, Name
  from YourTable
  where XMLCol.exist('+quotename(@XPath, '''')+N') = 1';

  exec (@SQL);

Query 1:

exec GetIt N'*[text() = "2"]'


| ID |  NAME |
|  2 | Row 2 |



To remain "customisable", the SqlQuery method on DbSet can be used:


var query = @"SET ARITHABORT ON; 
              select * from [YourTable] where 
var numOfResults = 5;
var offsetPage = 1;

var results = Context.YourTable.SqlQuery(String.Format(query,"valuetest"))
                              .OrderBy(x => x.col)
                              .Skip(offsetPage * numOfResults)

Note, due to its dynamic nature, this method would also most likely expose some degree of sql injection security holes.




You could do this in a stored procedure where you build your query dynamically.


SQL Fiddle

MS SQL Server 2008 Schema Setup:

MS SQL Server 2008架构设置:

create table YourTable
  ID int identity primary key,
  Name varchar(10) not null,
  XMLCol xml


insert into YourTable values
('Row 1', '<x>1</x>'),
('Row 2', '<x>2</x>'),
('Row 3', '<x>3</x>');


create procedure GetIt
  @XPath nvarchar(100)
  declare @SQL nvarchar(max);

  set @SQL = N'
  select ID, Name
  from YourTable
  where XMLCol.exist('+quotename(@XPath, '''')+N') = 1';

  exec (@SQL);

Query 1:

exec GetIt N'*[text() = "2"]'


| ID |  NAME |
|  2 | Row 2 |



To remain "customisable", the SqlQuery method on DbSet can be used:


var query = @"SET ARITHABORT ON; 
              select * from [YourTable] where 
var numOfResults = 5;
var offsetPage = 1;

var results = Context.YourTable.SqlQuery(String.Format(query,"valuetest"))
                              .OrderBy(x => x.col)
                              .Skip(offsetPage * numOfResults)

Note, due to its dynamic nature, this method would also most likely expose some degree of sql injection security holes.
