Excel - 基于下拉列表的值的总和,用于定义它们是负数还是正数

时间:2021-02-24 01:31:10

I've tried searching for posts specifically on this, but am struggling to find what I'm looking for. I'm trying to do some fairly basic calculations based on a value in a drop down field for each row which determines whether the value is negative or positive.


In the example below, I would like to sum all the values in Column B based on a drop down value (Column C) which defines whether the value in column be should be added or subtracted from the total amount in C10.


I'll be honest, I have no idea how to even begin working out how to write the formula for the Credit/Debit values based on the drop down.

老实说,我不知道如何根据下拉菜单开始研究如何编写Credit / Debit值的公式。

   A               B           C       D
1  DATE            VALUE       TYPE    DESCRIPTION
   ----            -----       ----    -----------
2  02/03/2015      £150        Debit   Currency Exchange
3  20/04/2015      £200        Debit   Currency Exchange
4  04/05/2015      £1000       Credit  Currency Exchange
10 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS:          £650       

I'm guessing I need to somehow use the SUMIF statement to define whether the type in Column C is Debit or Credit and then add/substract the corresponding value some how from the total amount?


Many thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to offer.


1 个解决方案




The first Sumif sums up all the credits, the second Sumif sums up all the debits and the debit sum is then subtracted from the credit sum.





The first Sumif sums up all the credits, the second Sumif sums up all the debits and the debit sum is then subtracted from the credit sum.
