
时间:2023-01-30 01:27:02

For the structure of my database I need to know if the automatically generated identifiers in Firebase Cloud Firestore are unique in the collection or in the whole database.

对于我的数据库结构,我需要知道Firebase Cloud Firestore中自动生成的标识符在集合中或整个数据库中是唯一的。

Do you know? Or do you know how I can find an answer to this question?


1 个解决方案



The keys generated by calling add() in Firestore are not tied to the collection on which you call add(). Instead they are random identifiers that are statistically guaranteed to be unique. In the case of Firestore (and Firebase Realtime Database) these keys are generated client-side.


If you're interested, have a look at how the Firestore JavaScript SDK implements the logic:

如果您有兴趣,请查看Firestore JavaScript SDK如何实现逻辑:

  1. add calls doc()


  2. doc calls AutoId.newId()


  3. AutoId.newId() generates a client-side ID


In itself the logic is similar to how the Firebase Realtime Database generates its push IDs. The main difference seems to be that Firestore's auto-generated keys are not based on the local timestamp, so they cannot be meaningfully used to order the documents in the collection.




The keys generated by calling add() in Firestore are not tied to the collection on which you call add(). Instead they are random identifiers that are statistically guaranteed to be unique. In the case of Firestore (and Firebase Realtime Database) these keys are generated client-side.


If you're interested, have a look at how the Firestore JavaScript SDK implements the logic:

如果您有兴趣,请查看Firestore JavaScript SDK如何实现逻辑:

  1. add calls doc()


  2. doc calls AutoId.newId()


  3. AutoId.newId() generates a client-side ID


In itself the logic is similar to how the Firebase Realtime Database generates its push IDs. The main difference seems to be that Firestore's auto-generated keys are not based on the local timestamp, so they cannot be meaningfully used to order the documents in the collection.
