
时间:2022-12-18 01:19:08

I have a student that has many courses. In the student#update action and form, I accept a list of course_ids. When that list changes, I'd like to call a certain function. The code I have does get called if the update_attributes creates a course_student, but does not get called if the update_attributes destroys a course_student. Can I get this to fire, or do I have to detect the changes myself?


# app/models/student.rb
class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :teacher
  has_many :grades
  has_many :course_students, :dependent => :destroy
  has_many :courses, :through => :course_students
  has_many :course_efforts, :through => :course_efforts

  # Uncommenting this line has no effect:
  #accepts_nested_attributes_for :course_students, :allow_destroy => true

  #attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name, :email, :course_students_attributes

  validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name

# app/models/course_student.rb
class CourseStudent < ActiveRecord::Base
  after_create  :reseed_queues
  before_destroy :reseed_queues

  belongs_to :course
  belongs_to :student


  def reseed_queues
    logger.debug "******** attempting to reseed queues"
    self.course.course_efforts.each do |ce|


# app/controllers/students_controller.rb

  def update
    params[:student][:course_ids] ||= []
    respond_to do |format|
      if @student.update_attributes(params[:student])
        format.html { redirect_to(@student, :notice => 'Student was successfully updated.') }
        format.xml  { head :ok }
        format.html { render :action => "edit" }
        format.xml  { render :xml => @student.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }

6 个解决方案



It turns out that this behavior is documented, right on the has_many method. From the API documentation:


collection=objects Replaces the collections content by deleting and adding objects as appropriate. If the :through option is true callbacks in the join models are triggered except destroy callbacks, since deletion is direct.

collection = objects通过删除和添加适当的对象来替换集合内容。如果:through选项为true,则除了destroy回调之外,会触发连接模型中的回调,因为删除是直接的。

I'm not sure what "since deletion is direct" means, but there we have it.




Accepts nested attributes requires a flag to trigger nested destroy. Atleast it did back when.




If you add dependent: :destroy, it will honour that. Note that if you are using has_many through:, one needs to add that option to both.

如果你添加dependent :: destroy,它会尊重它。请注意,如果您使用has_many through:,则需要将该选项添加到两者。

  has_many :direct_associations, dependent: :destroy, autosave: true
  has_many :indirect_associations, through: :direct_associations, dependent: :destroy

(I have used that in Rails 3, I bet it will work on Rails 4 too)

(我在Rails 3中使用过它,我打赌它也适用于Rails 4)



When a record is deleted using update/update_attributes, it fires delete method instead of destroy.

使用update / update_attributes删除记录时,会触发delete方法而不是destroy。


Delete method skips callbacks and therefore after_create / before_destroy would not be called. Instead of this accepts_nested_attributes_for can be used which deletes the record and also support callbacks.

Delete方法会跳过回调,因此不会调用after_create / before_destroy。可以使用accepts_nested_attributes_for来删除记录并支持回调。

accepts_nested_attributes_for :courses, allow_destroy: true


@student.update_attributes(courses_attributes: [ {id: student_course_association_id, _destroy: 1 } ])

@ student.update_attributes(courses_attributes:[{id:student_course_association_id,_destroy:1}])



Should your CourseStudent specify belongs_to :student, :dependent => :destroy, it seems like a CourseStudent record would not be valid without a Student.

如果您的CourseStudent指定belongs_to:student,:dependent =>:destroy,则看起来如果没有学生,CourseStudent记录将无效。

Trying to follow the LH discussion I linked to above, and this one I'd also try moving the before_destroy callback in CourseStudent below the belongs_to. The linked example demonstrates how the order of callbacks matters with an after_create, perhaps the same applies to before_destroy. And of course, since you're using Edge Rails, I'd also try the RC, maybe there was a bug they fixed.

试图按照我上面链接的LH讨论,这个我也尝试在belongs_to下面的CourseStudent中移动before_destroy回调。链接的示例演示了回调的顺序如何与after_create相关,也许同样适用于before_destroy。当然,既然你正在使用Edge Rails,我也会尝试RC,也许他们修复了一个bug。

Failing those things, I'd try to make a really simple Rails app with two models that demonstrates the problem and post it to Rails' Lighthouse.




Wasn't able to leave a comment, so I'll just add an answer entry.


Just encountered the same bug. After hours of trying to figure this issue out and an hour of google-ing, I stumbled to this question by chance. Along with the linked LH ticket, and quote from the API, it now makes sense. Thank you!


While googling, found an old ticket. Direct link does not work, but google cache has a copy. Just check Google for cached version of


Seems like a patch never made it to Rails.




It turns out that this behavior is documented, right on the has_many method. From the API documentation:


collection=objects Replaces the collections content by deleting and adding objects as appropriate. If the :through option is true callbacks in the join models are triggered except destroy callbacks, since deletion is direct.

collection = objects通过删除和添加适当的对象来替换集合内容。如果:through选项为true,则除了destroy回调之外,会触发连接模型中的回调,因为删除是直接的。

I'm not sure what "since deletion is direct" means, but there we have it.




Accepts nested attributes requires a flag to trigger nested destroy. Atleast it did back when.




If you add dependent: :destroy, it will honour that. Note that if you are using has_many through:, one needs to add that option to both.

如果你添加dependent :: destroy,它会尊重它。请注意,如果您使用has_many through:,则需要将该选项添加到两者。

  has_many :direct_associations, dependent: :destroy, autosave: true
  has_many :indirect_associations, through: :direct_associations, dependent: :destroy

(I have used that in Rails 3, I bet it will work on Rails 4 too)

(我在Rails 3中使用过它,我打赌它也适用于Rails 4)



When a record is deleted using update/update_attributes, it fires delete method instead of destroy.

使用update / update_attributes删除记录时,会触发delete方法而不是destroy。


Delete method skips callbacks and therefore after_create / before_destroy would not be called. Instead of this accepts_nested_attributes_for can be used which deletes the record and also support callbacks.

Delete方法会跳过回调,因此不会调用after_create / before_destroy。可以使用accepts_nested_attributes_for来删除记录并支持回调。

accepts_nested_attributes_for :courses, allow_destroy: true


@student.update_attributes(courses_attributes: [ {id: student_course_association_id, _destroy: 1 } ])

@ student.update_attributes(courses_attributes:[{id:student_course_association_id,_destroy:1}])



Should your CourseStudent specify belongs_to :student, :dependent => :destroy, it seems like a CourseStudent record would not be valid without a Student.

如果您的CourseStudent指定belongs_to:student,:dependent =>:destroy,则看起来如果没有学生,CourseStudent记录将无效。

Trying to follow the LH discussion I linked to above, and this one I'd also try moving the before_destroy callback in CourseStudent below the belongs_to. The linked example demonstrates how the order of callbacks matters with an after_create, perhaps the same applies to before_destroy. And of course, since you're using Edge Rails, I'd also try the RC, maybe there was a bug they fixed.

试图按照我上面链接的LH讨论,这个我也尝试在belongs_to下面的CourseStudent中移动before_destroy回调。链接的示例演示了回调的顺序如何与after_create相关,也许同样适用于before_destroy。当然,既然你正在使用Edge Rails,我也会尝试RC,也许他们修复了一个bug。

Failing those things, I'd try to make a really simple Rails app with two models that demonstrates the problem and post it to Rails' Lighthouse.




Wasn't able to leave a comment, so I'll just add an answer entry.


Just encountered the same bug. After hours of trying to figure this issue out and an hour of google-ing, I stumbled to this question by chance. Along with the linked LH ticket, and quote from the API, it now makes sense. Thank you!


While googling, found an old ticket. Direct link does not work, but google cache has a copy. Just check Google for cached version of


Seems like a patch never made it to Rails.
