function refresh_bz(){
var bmdh
for(i=0;i<=sl;i++) thisForm.bz.remove(thisForm.bz.options[i]);
oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
oOption.text = "全部班组";
sqlbz="select * from rs_bz where bmdh="+bmdh
set rsbz=conn.execute(sqlbz)
do while not rsbz.eof
oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
oOption.text = "<%=rsbz(1)%>";
6 个解决方案
brother or sister,
"bmdh" is in the client-side code, yet to be run on someone else's machine when the user gets this page, and you try to use the variable right away on the server side, on your server machine???
"bmdh" is in the client-side code, yet to be run on someone else's machine when the user gets this page, and you try to use the variable right away on the server side, on your server machine???
thank you,karma!
but after I change it ,it still cannot get!!
but after I change it ,it still cannot get!!
post your complete code if you do not mind
<%@Language=VBScript %>
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PageSize = 17
if bm="" or isnull(bm) then bm=-1
if bz="" or isnull(bz) then bz=-1
Page =cint( Request("Page"))
If Page <1 Then Page=1
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set rs1=conn.execute(sql)
if trim(bm)="-1" then
bzsql="select * from rs_bz"
bzsql="select * from rs_bz where bmdh="+bm
end if
set rsbz=conn.execute(bzsql)
if tj<>"" then
if Trim(request.form("d3"))="-1" then
if trim(bz)="-1" then
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx ORDER by sjbh"
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bzdh=" + bz +"ORDER by sjbh"
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if trim(bz)="-1" then
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bmdh =" + bm +"ORDER by sjbh"
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bmdh =" + bm +" and bzdh="+bz+"ORDER by sjbh"
end if
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rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.open sql,conn
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PageMax = rs.PageCount
End If
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<option value="-1">全部班组</option>
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<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="83"><font size="2">班组</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="79"><font size="2">出生时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="93"><font size="2">参加工作时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="39"><font size="2">身份</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="64"><font size="2">政治面貌</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="57"><font size="2">最后学历</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">原始学历</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59">
<p align="center"><font size="2">所学专业</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">毕业学校</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">毕业时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33">
<p align="center"><font size="2">职称</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33"><font size="2">岗位</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33"><font size="2">岗级</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">岗位工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">技能工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">效益工资</font></td>
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bmsql = "select * from rs_bm where bmdh = " + cstr(rs("bmdh"))
set rsbm=conn.execute(bmsql)%>
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<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsbm("bmmc")%></font></p>
a = "select * from rs_bz where bzdh = " + cstr(rs("bzdh"))
set rs2=conn.execute(a)%>
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<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs2(1)%></font></p>
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<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("cssj")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="93">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=trim(rs("cjgzsj"))%> </font></p>
<% sfsql="select * from rs_sf where sfdh="+cstr(rs("sfdh"))
set rssf=conn.execute(sfsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="39">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rssf("sfmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="64">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("zzmm")%> </font></p>
<% xlsql="select * from rs_xl where xldh=" + cstr(rs("xldh"))
set rsxl=conn.execute(xlsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="57">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsxl("xlmc")%> </font></p>
<% ysxlsql="select * from rs_xl where xldh=" + cstr(rs("ysxldh"))
set rsysxl=conn.execute(ysxlsql)%>
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<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsysxl("xlmc")%> </font></p>
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<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("sxzy")%> </font></p>
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set rszc=conn.execute(zcsql)%>
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exit for
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rs.close() %>
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if bm="" or isnull(bm) then bm=-1
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bzsql="select * from rs_bz"
bzsql="select * from rs_bz where bmdh="+bm
end if
set rsbz=conn.execute(bzsql)
if tj<>"" then
if Trim(request.form("d3"))="-1" then
if trim(bz)="-1" then
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx ORDER by sjbh"
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bzdh=" + bz +"ORDER by sjbh"
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if trim(bz)="-1" then
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bmdh =" + bm +"ORDER by sjbh"
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bmdh =" + bm +" and bzdh="+bz+"ORDER by sjbh"
end if
end if
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rs.PageSize = PageSize
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.open sql,conn
If Not rs.EOF And Not rs.BOF then
rs.AbsolutePage = Page
PageMax = rs.PageCount
End If
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<%end if%>
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<td width="100" height="15" valign="middle" align="right"><font size="2">班组名称</font></td>
<td width="150" height="4" valign="middle" align="right">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><select size="1" name="bz">
<option value="-1">全部班组</option>
<%do while not rsbz.eof %>
<%if cint(bz)=rsbz(0) and rsbz(0)<>0 then%>
<option SELECTED value="<%=rsbz(0)%>">
<%else if rsbz(0)<>0 then%>
<option value="<%=rsbz(0)%>">
<%end if%>
<%end if%>
<td width="150" height="1" valign="middle" align="center">
<td width="150" height="15" valign="middle" align="center">
<p align="center">
<font size="2">
<input type="submit" value="-查询-" name="cx" id="cx" LANGUAGE="javascript" onclick="return cx_onclick()" style="background-color: #00FF99; color: #800000; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold"
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<td width="2" valign="top">
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<td width="1" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="100%" rowspan="3">
<font size="2"><br></font>
<td width="1291" valign="top">
<%if tj<>"" then %>
<%if not rs.eof then%>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#808080" width="1266" height="1">
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="29"><p align="center"><font size="2">序号</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="69"><font size="2">姓名</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="51"><font size="2">性别</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="87"><font size="2">部门</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="83"><font size="2">班组</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="79"><font size="2">出生时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="93"><font size="2">参加工作时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="39"><font size="2">身份</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="64"><font size="2">政治面貌</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="57"><font size="2">最后学历</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">原始学历</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59">
<p align="center"><font size="2">所学专业</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">毕业学校</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">毕业时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33">
<p align="center"><font size="2">职称</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33"><font size="2">岗位</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33"><font size="2">岗级</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">岗位工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">技能工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">效益工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">年功工资</font></td>
<%for i=1 to rs.pagesize
if not rs.eof then%>
<%j=i+(page - 1)*pagesize%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="29"><font size="2"><%=j%></font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="69"><font size="2"><a href="zgda_detail.asp?name=<% = rs("sfzh")%>"><% = rs("xm")%></a></font></td>
<td width="51" nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1"><font size="2"><%=rs("xb")%></font></td>
bmsql = "select * from rs_bm where bmdh = " + cstr(rs("bmdh"))
set rsbm=conn.execute(bmsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="87">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsbm("bmmc")%></font></p>
a = "select * from rs_bz where bzdh = " + cstr(rs("bzdh"))
set rs2=conn.execute(a)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="83">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs2(1)%></font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="79">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("cssj")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="93">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=trim(rs("cjgzsj"))%> </font></p>
<% sfsql="select * from rs_sf where sfdh="+cstr(rs("sfdh"))
set rssf=conn.execute(sfsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="39">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rssf("sfmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="64">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("zzmm")%> </font></p>
<% xlsql="select * from rs_xl where xldh=" + cstr(rs("xldh"))
set rsxl=conn.execute(xlsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="57">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsxl("xlmc")%> </font></p>
<% ysxlsql="select * from rs_xl where xldh=" + cstr(rs("ysxldh"))
set rsysxl=conn.execute(ysxlsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsysxl("xlmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("sxzy")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("byxx")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("bysj")%> </font></p>
<% zcsql="select * from rs_zc where zcdh="+ cstr(rs("zcdh"))
set rszc=conn.execute(zcsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rszc("zcmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("xgw")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="33">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("gwgzdj")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("gwgz")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("jngz")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("xygz")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("glgz")%> </font></p>
exit for
end if
rs.close() %>
<%end if%>
<%end if%>
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<input type="submit" value="下一页" id="next" name="next" LANGUAGE="javascript" onclick="return next_onclick()">
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<%If pagemax>0 then%>
<font size="2" align="right" color="#FF0000">页数:<%=Page%>/<%=PageMax%></font>
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<td width="10%" valign="middle" align="right"></td>
you are still trying to use something from yet-to run client-side script on the server side, they are not related
if you want to use the selected value in D3 to refresh the content of bz list, add a "server-side" variable "bmdh" at the top and try to get its value, like
dim bmdh
bmdh = Request("D3")
if you want to use the selected value in D3 to refresh the content of bz list, add a "server-side" variable "bmdh" at the top and try to get its value, like
dim bmdh
bmdh = Request("D3")
Thank you very much,karma!!!
I see!!!!
I see!!!!
brother or sister,
"bmdh" is in the client-side code, yet to be run on someone else's machine when the user gets this page, and you try to use the variable right away on the server side, on your server machine???
"bmdh" is in the client-side code, yet to be run on someone else's machine when the user gets this page, and you try to use the variable right away on the server side, on your server machine???
thank you,karma!
but after I change it ,it still cannot get!!
but after I change it ,it still cannot get!!
post your complete code if you do not mind
<%@Language=VBScript %>
<%on error resume next%>
<!--#include file="../sybase.asp"-->
<!--#include file="../script/adovbs.inc"-->
PageSize = 17
if bm="" or isnull(bm) then bm=-1
if bz="" or isnull(bz) then bz=-1
Page =cint( Request("Page"))
If Page <1 Then Page=1
sql="select * FROM rs_bm"
set rs1=conn.execute(sql)
if trim(bm)="-1" then
bzsql="select * from rs_bz"
bzsql="select * from rs_bz where bmdh="+bm
end if
set rsbz=conn.execute(bzsql)
if tj<>"" then
if Trim(request.form("d3"))="-1" then
if trim(bz)="-1" then
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx ORDER by sjbh"
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bzdh=" + bz +"ORDER by sjbh"
end if
if trim(bz)="-1" then
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bmdh =" + bm +"ORDER by sjbh"
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bmdh =" + bm +" and bzdh="+bz+"ORDER by sjbh"
end if
end if
Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rs.PageSize = PageSize
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.open sql,conn
If Not rs.EOF And Not rs.BOF then
rs.AbsolutePage = Page
PageMax = rs.PageCount
End If
end if
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<td width="150" height="44" valign="top">
<td width="150" height="15" valign="middle" align="center">
<p align="center"><font size="2">部门名称</font></td>
<td width="150" height="1" valign="middle" align="right">
<script LANGUAGE="javascript">
function refresh_bz(){
var bmdh
for(i=0;i<=sl;i++) thisForm.bz.remove(thisForm.bz.options[i]);
oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
oOption.text = "全部班组";
sqlbz="select * from rs_bz where bmdh="+bmdh
set rsbz=conn.execute(sqlbz)
do while not rsbz.eof
oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
oOption.text = "<%=rsbz(1)%>";
<p align="center">
<font size="2">
<select size="1" name="D3" onchange="return refresh_bz()">
<option value="-1">全部部门</option>
<%do while not rs1.eof %>
<%if cint(bm)=rs1(0) and rs1(0)<>0 then%>
<option SELECTED value="<%=rs1(0)%>"><%=rs1(1)%></option>
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<option value="<%=rs1(0)%>"><%=rs1(1)%></option>
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<%end if%>
<td width="100" height="1" valign="middle" align="center"> </td>
<td width="100" height="15" valign="middle" align="right"><font size="2">班组名称</font></td>
<td width="150" height="4" valign="middle" align="right">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><select size="1" name="bz">
<option value="-1">全部班组</option>
<%do while not rsbz.eof %>
<%if cint(bz)=rsbz(0) and rsbz(0)<>0 then%>
<option SELECTED value="<%=rsbz(0)%>">
<%else if rsbz(0)<>0 then%>
<option value="<%=rsbz(0)%>">
<%end if%>
<%end if%>
<td width="150" height="1" valign="middle" align="center">
<td width="150" height="15" valign="middle" align="center">
<p align="center">
<font size="2">
<input type="submit" value="-查询-" name="cx" id="cx" LANGUAGE="javascript" onclick="return cx_onclick()" style="background-color: #00FF99; color: #800000; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold"
<td width="150" height="122"></td>
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<td width="1291" valign="top">
<%if tj<>"" then %>
<%if not rs.eof then%>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#808080" width="1266" height="1">
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="29"><p align="center"><font size="2">序号</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="69"><font size="2">姓名</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="51"><font size="2">性别</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="87"><font size="2">部门</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="83"><font size="2">班组</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="79"><font size="2">出生时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="93"><font size="2">参加工作时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="39"><font size="2">身份</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="64"><font size="2">政治面貌</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="57"><font size="2">最后学历</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">原始学历</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59">
<p align="center"><font size="2">所学专业</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">毕业学校</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">毕业时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33">
<p align="center"><font size="2">职称</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33"><font size="2">岗位</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33"><font size="2">岗级</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">岗位工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">技能工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">效益工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">年功工资</font></td>
<%for i=1 to rs.pagesize
if not rs.eof then%>
<%j=i+(page - 1)*pagesize%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="29"><font size="2"><%=j%></font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="69"><font size="2"><a href="zgda_detail.asp?name=<% = rs("sfzh")%>"><% = rs("xm")%></a></font></td>
<td width="51" nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1"><font size="2"><%=rs("xb")%></font></td>
bmsql = "select * from rs_bm where bmdh = " + cstr(rs("bmdh"))
set rsbm=conn.execute(bmsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="87">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsbm("bmmc")%></font></p>
a = "select * from rs_bz where bzdh = " + cstr(rs("bzdh"))
set rs2=conn.execute(a)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="83">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs2(1)%></font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="79">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("cssj")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="93">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=trim(rs("cjgzsj"))%> </font></p>
<% sfsql="select * from rs_sf where sfdh="+cstr(rs("sfdh"))
set rssf=conn.execute(sfsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="39">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rssf("sfmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="64">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("zzmm")%> </font></p>
<% xlsql="select * from rs_xl where xldh=" + cstr(rs("xldh"))
set rsxl=conn.execute(xlsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="57">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsxl("xlmc")%> </font></p>
<% ysxlsql="select * from rs_xl where xldh=" + cstr(rs("ysxldh"))
set rsysxl=conn.execute(ysxlsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsysxl("xlmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("sxzy")%> </font></p>
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<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("bysj")%> </font></p>
<% zcsql="select * from rs_zc where zcdh="+ cstr(rs("zcdh"))
set rszc=conn.execute(zcsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rszc("zcmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("xgw")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="33">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("gwgzdj")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("gwgz")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("jngz")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("xygz")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("glgz")%> </font></p>
exit for
end if
rs.close() %>
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PageSize = 17
if bm="" or isnull(bm) then bm=-1
if bz="" or isnull(bz) then bz=-1
Page =cint( Request("Page"))
If Page <1 Then Page=1
sql="select * FROM rs_bm"
set rs1=conn.execute(sql)
if trim(bm)="-1" then
bzsql="select * from rs_bz"
bzsql="select * from rs_bz where bmdh="+bm
end if
set rsbz=conn.execute(bzsql)
if tj<>"" then
if Trim(request.form("d3"))="-1" then
if trim(bz)="-1" then
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx ORDER by sjbh"
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bzdh=" + bz +"ORDER by sjbh"
end if
if trim(bz)="-1" then
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bmdh =" + bm +"ORDER by sjbh"
sql="select sfzh,zdh,xm,xb,mz,bmdh,bzdh,cssj,cjgzsj,sfdh,zzmm,xldh,ysxldh,sxzy,byxx,bysj,zcdh,xgw,gwgzdj,gwgz,jngz,xygz,glgz FROM rs_jcxx where bmdh =" + bm +" and bzdh="+bz+"ORDER by sjbh"
end if
end if
Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rs.PageSize = PageSize
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.open sql,conn
If Not rs.EOF And Not rs.BOF then
rs.AbsolutePage = Page
PageMax = rs.PageCount
End If
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<td width="150" height="15" valign="middle" align="center">
<p align="center"><font size="2">部门名称</font></td>
<td width="150" height="1" valign="middle" align="right">
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function refresh_bz(){
var bmdh
for(i=0;i<=sl;i++) thisForm.bz.remove(thisForm.bz.options[i]);
oOption = document.createElement("OPTION");
oOption.text = "全部班组";
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<p align="center">
<font size="2">
<select size="1" name="D3" onchange="return refresh_bz()">
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<%do while not rs1.eof %>
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<td width="100" height="1" valign="middle" align="center"> </td>
<td width="100" height="15" valign="middle" align="right"><font size="2">班组名称</font></td>
<td width="150" height="4" valign="middle" align="right">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><select size="1" name="bz">
<option value="-1">全部班组</option>
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<%if tj<>"" then %>
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<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="29"><p align="center"><font size="2">序号</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="69"><font size="2">姓名</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="51"><font size="2">性别</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="87"><font size="2">部门</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="83"><font size="2">班组</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="79"><font size="2">出生时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="93"><font size="2">参加工作时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="39"><font size="2">身份</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="64"><font size="2">政治面貌</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="57"><font size="2">最后学历</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">原始学历</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59">
<p align="center"><font size="2">所学专业</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">毕业学校</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">毕业时间</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33">
<p align="center"><font size="2">职称</font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33"><font size="2">岗位</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="33"><font size="2">岗级</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">岗位工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">技能工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">效益工资</font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#D8BFD8" height="14" width="59"><font size="2">年功工资</font></td>
<%for i=1 to rs.pagesize
if not rs.eof then%>
<%j=i+(page - 1)*pagesize%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="29"><font size="2"><%=j%></font></td>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="69"><font size="2"><a href="zgda_detail.asp?name=<% = rs("sfzh")%>"><% = rs("xm")%></a></font></td>
<td width="51" nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1"><font size="2"><%=rs("xb")%></font></td>
bmsql = "select * from rs_bm where bmdh = " + cstr(rs("bmdh"))
set rsbm=conn.execute(bmsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="87">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsbm("bmmc")%></font></p>
a = "select * from rs_bz where bzdh = " + cstr(rs("bzdh"))
set rs2=conn.execute(a)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="83">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs2(1)%></font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="79">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("cssj")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="93">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=trim(rs("cjgzsj"))%> </font></p>
<% sfsql="select * from rs_sf where sfdh="+cstr(rs("sfdh"))
set rssf=conn.execute(sfsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="39">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rssf("sfmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="64">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("zzmm")%> </font></p>
<% xlsql="select * from rs_xl where xldh=" + cstr(rs("xldh"))
set rsxl=conn.execute(xlsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="57">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsxl("xlmc")%> </font></p>
<% ysxlsql="select * from rs_xl where xldh=" + cstr(rs("ysxldh"))
set rsysxl=conn.execute(ysxlsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rsysxl("xlmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("sxzy")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("byxx")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("bysj")%> </font></p>
<% zcsql="select * from rs_zc where zcdh="+ cstr(rs("zcdh"))
set rszc=conn.execute(zcsql)%>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rszc("zcmc")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1">
<p align="center"><font size="2"><%=rs("xgw")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="33">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("gwgzdj")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("gwgz")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("jngz")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("xygz")%> </font></p>
<td nowrap align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFE6" height="1" width="59">
<p align="left"><font size="2"><%=rs("glgz")%> </font></p>
exit for
end if
rs.close() %>
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<td width="10%" valign="middle" align="right"></td>
you are still trying to use something from yet-to run client-side script on the server side, they are not related
if you want to use the selected value in D3 to refresh the content of bz list, add a "server-side" variable "bmdh" at the top and try to get its value, like
dim bmdh
bmdh = Request("D3")
if you want to use the selected value in D3 to refresh the content of bz list, add a "server-side" variable "bmdh" at the top and try to get its value, like
dim bmdh
bmdh = Request("D3")
Thank you very much,karma!!!
I see!!!!
I see!!!!