
时间:2022-10-22 00:18:42

I have a large arrray of strings that looks something like this: String temp[] = new String[200000].

我有一大串字符串,看起来是这样的:String temp[] = new String[200000]。

I have another String, let's call it bigtext. What I need to do is iterate through each entry of temp, checking to see if that entry is found in bigtext and then do some work based on it. So, the skeletal code looks something like this:


for (int x = 0; x < temp.length; x++) {
  if (bigtext.indexOf(temp[x]) > -1 {

  //do some stuff
  } else continue;

Because there are so many entries in temp and there are many instances of bigtext as well, I want to do this in the most efficient way. I am wondering if what I've outlined is the most efficient way to iterate through this search of if there are better ways to do this.






8 个解决方案



I think you're looking for an algorithm like Rabin-Karp or Aho–Corasick which are designed to search in parallel for a large number of sub-strings in a text.




Note that your current complexity is O(|S1|*n), where |S1| is the length of bigtext and n is the number of elements in your array, since each search is actually O(|S1|).


By building a suffix tree from bigtext, and iterating on elements in the array, you could bring this complexity down to O(|S1| + |S2|*n), where |S2| is the length of the longest string in the array. Assuming |S2| << |S1|, it could be much faster!

通过从bigtext构建后缀树,并对数组中的元素进行迭代,可以将这种复杂性降低到O(|S1| + | |*n),其中|S2|是数组中最长字符串的长度。假设|S2| < |S1|,可能会快得多!

Building a suffix tree is O(|S1|), and each search is O(|S2|). You don't have to go through bigtext to find it, just on the relevant piece of the suffix tree. Since it is done n times, you get total of O(|S1| + n*|S2|), which is asymptotically better then the naive implementation.

构建一个后缀树是O(|S1|),每个搜索是O(|S2|)。你不需要通过bigtext找到它,只需要在后缀树的相关部分。因为它被做了n次,你会得到O的总数(|S1| + n*|S2|),这比单纯的实现要好得多。



If you have additional information about temp, you can maybe improve the iteration.


You can also reduce the time spent, if you parallelize the iteration.




Efficency depends heavily on what is valuable to you.


Are you willing to increase memory for reduced time? Are you willing to increase time for efficent handling of large data sets? Are you willing to increase contention for CPU cores? Are you willing to do pre-processing (perhaps one or more forms of indexing) to reduce the lookup time in a critical section.


With you offering, you indicate the entire portion you want made more efficent, but that means you have excluded any portion of the code or system where the trade-off can be made. This forces one to imagine what you care about and what you don't care about. Odds are excellent that all the posted answers are both correct and incorrect depending on one's point of view.




An alternative approach would be to tokenize the text - let's say split by common punctuation. Then put these tokens in to a Set and then find the intersect with the main container.


Instead of an array, hold the words in a Set too. The intersection can be calculated by simply doing



What remains will be the words that occur in bigText that are in your "dictionary".




Use a search algorithm like Boyer-Moore. Google Boyer Moore, and it has lots of links which explain how it works. For instance, there is a Java example.

使用博伊尔-摩尔这样的搜索算法。谷歌Boyer Moore,它有很多链接来解释它是如何工作的。例如,有一个Java示例。



I'm afraid it's not efficient at all in any case!


To pick the right algorithm, you need to provide some answers:


  1. What can be computed off-line? That is, is bigText known in advance? I guess temp is not, from its name.
  2. 什么可以离线计算?也就是说,bigText是预先知道的吗?我猜temp不是,从它的名字来看。
  3. Are you actually searching for words? If so, index them. Bloom filter can help, too.
  4. 你真的在找单词吗?如果是这样,指数。Bloom filter也有帮助。
  5. If you need a bit of fuzziness, may stem or soundex can do the job?
  6. 如果你需要一点模糊,可以用stem或soundex来做这个工作吗?

Sticking to strict inclusion test, you might build a trie from your temp array. It would prevent searching the same sub-string several times.




That is a very efficient approach. You can improve it slightly by only evaluating temp.length once


for(int x = 0, len = temp.length; x < len; x++)

Although you don't provide enough detail of your program, it's quite possible you can find a more efficent approach by redesigning your program.




I think you're looking for an algorithm like Rabin-Karp or Aho–Corasick which are designed to search in parallel for a large number of sub-strings in a text.




Note that your current complexity is O(|S1|*n), where |S1| is the length of bigtext and n is the number of elements in your array, since each search is actually O(|S1|).


By building a suffix tree from bigtext, and iterating on elements in the array, you could bring this complexity down to O(|S1| + |S2|*n), where |S2| is the length of the longest string in the array. Assuming |S2| << |S1|, it could be much faster!

通过从bigtext构建后缀树,并对数组中的元素进行迭代,可以将这种复杂性降低到O(|S1| + | |*n),其中|S2|是数组中最长字符串的长度。假设|S2| < |S1|,可能会快得多!

Building a suffix tree is O(|S1|), and each search is O(|S2|). You don't have to go through bigtext to find it, just on the relevant piece of the suffix tree. Since it is done n times, you get total of O(|S1| + n*|S2|), which is asymptotically better then the naive implementation.

构建一个后缀树是O(|S1|),每个搜索是O(|S2|)。你不需要通过bigtext找到它,只需要在后缀树的相关部分。因为它被做了n次,你会得到O的总数(|S1| + n*|S2|),这比单纯的实现要好得多。



If you have additional information about temp, you can maybe improve the iteration.


You can also reduce the time spent, if you parallelize the iteration.




Efficency depends heavily on what is valuable to you.


Are you willing to increase memory for reduced time? Are you willing to increase time for efficent handling of large data sets? Are you willing to increase contention for CPU cores? Are you willing to do pre-processing (perhaps one or more forms of indexing) to reduce the lookup time in a critical section.


With you offering, you indicate the entire portion you want made more efficent, but that means you have excluded any portion of the code or system where the trade-off can be made. This forces one to imagine what you care about and what you don't care about. Odds are excellent that all the posted answers are both correct and incorrect depending on one's point of view.




An alternative approach would be to tokenize the text - let's say split by common punctuation. Then put these tokens in to a Set and then find the intersect with the main container.


Instead of an array, hold the words in a Set too. The intersection can be calculated by simply doing



What remains will be the words that occur in bigText that are in your "dictionary".




Use a search algorithm like Boyer-Moore. Google Boyer Moore, and it has lots of links which explain how it works. For instance, there is a Java example.

使用博伊尔-摩尔这样的搜索算法。谷歌Boyer Moore,它有很多链接来解释它是如何工作的。例如,有一个Java示例。



I'm afraid it's not efficient at all in any case!


To pick the right algorithm, you need to provide some answers:


  1. What can be computed off-line? That is, is bigText known in advance? I guess temp is not, from its name.
  2. 什么可以离线计算?也就是说,bigText是预先知道的吗?我猜temp不是,从它的名字来看。
  3. Are you actually searching for words? If so, index them. Bloom filter can help, too.
  4. 你真的在找单词吗?如果是这样,指数。Bloom filter也有帮助。
  5. If you need a bit of fuzziness, may stem or soundex can do the job?
  6. 如果你需要一点模糊,可以用stem或soundex来做这个工作吗?

Sticking to strict inclusion test, you might build a trie from your temp array. It would prevent searching the same sub-string several times.




That is a very efficient approach. You can improve it slightly by only evaluating temp.length once


for(int x = 0, len = temp.length; x < len; x++)

Although you don't provide enough detail of your program, it's quite possible you can find a more efficent approach by redesigning your program.
