
时间:2020-12-28 00:08:58

I want to write a LINQ query which returns two streams of objects. In F# I would write a Seq expression which creates an IEnumerable of 2-tuples and then run Seq.unzip. What is the proper mechanism to do this in C# (on .NET 3.5)?

我想写一个返回两个对象流的LINQ查询。在F#中,我会编写一个Seq表达式,它创建一个2元组的IEnumerable,然后运行Seq.unzip。在C#(在.NET 3.5上)执行此操作的正确机制是什么?

Cheers, Jurgen

2 个解决方案


Your best bet is probably to create a Pair<T1, T2> type and return a sequence of that. (Or use an anonymous type to do the same thing.)

你最好的选择可能是创建一个Pair 类型并返回一个序列。 (或使用匿名类型执行相同的操作。) ,t2>

You can then "unzip" it with:


var firstElements = pairs.Select(pair => pair.First);
var secondElements = pairs.Select(pair => pair.Second);

It's probably worth materializing pairs first though (e.g. call ToList() at the end of your first query) to avoid evaluating the query twice.


Basically this is exactly the same as your F# approach, but with no built-in support.



Due to the lack of tuples in C# you may create an anonymous type. Semantics for this are:


someEnumerable.Select( inst => new { AnonTypeFirstStream = inst.FieldA, AnonTypeSecondStream = inst.FieldB });

This way you're not bound in the amount of streams you return, you can just add a field to the anonymous type pretty like you can add an element to a tuple.



Your best bet is probably to create a Pair<T1, T2> type and return a sequence of that. (Or use an anonymous type to do the same thing.)

你最好的选择可能是创建一个Pair 类型并返回一个序列。 (或使用匿名类型执行相同的操作。) ,t2>

You can then "unzip" it with:


var firstElements = pairs.Select(pair => pair.First);
var secondElements = pairs.Select(pair => pair.Second);

It's probably worth materializing pairs first though (e.g. call ToList() at the end of your first query) to avoid evaluating the query twice.


Basically this is exactly the same as your F# approach, but with no built-in support.



Due to the lack of tuples in C# you may create an anonymous type. Semantics for this are:


someEnumerable.Select( inst => new { AnonTypeFirstStream = inst.FieldA, AnonTypeSecondStream = inst.FieldB });

This way you're not bound in the amount of streams you return, you can just add a field to the anonymous type pretty like you can add an element to a tuple.
