I have a web app which is basically one page with a single form broken down into tabs, each containing data from separate database tables. The form action points to a save.php script which takes the form data and saves it into the database.
The save.php script is structured so that it is composed of multiple SQL INSERT/UPDATE statements, one for each database table. It's done this way because some form tabs are hidden based on user preferences etc so a variable number of those statements will actually be run at any time.
保存。php脚本的结构是由多个SQL INSERT/UPDATE语句组成,每个数据库表一个SQL INSERT/UPDATE语句。它是这样做的,因为有些表单标签是基于用户偏好等而隐藏的,所以这些语句的数量是可变的。
Is there any way I can determine when all SQL queries have finished executing so that I can redirect the user to another page?
As a quick example, the save.php script is composed of several blocks of code which basically look like this:
$updQuery = "UPDATE exampletable SET row=1 WHERE x=y";
try {
$updResult = odbc_exec($connect,$updQuery);
catch (RuntimeException $e) {
Normally for a redirect I'd just use a meta-refresh like so:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; URL=homepage.php">
I can set it to a long delay like 10 seconds to be 'reasonably' sure all the SQL queries will have executed by the time the refresh kicks in but this seems like a horrible hack that offers no guarantee and causes unnecessary delay for the user, because the queries will almost always have completed long before the 10 second delay is over.
What is the best way to detect when all SQL INSERT/UPDATE statements on a page have finished executing so that I can redirect the user immediately afterwards?
当页面上的所有SQL INSERT/UPDATE语句都已执行完毕,以便我可以立即重定向用户时,最好的检测方法是什么?
For reference I'm using PHP and ODBC to connect to a 4D SQL ANSI-92 database.
我使用PHP和ODBC连接到4D SQL ANSI-92数据库。
1 个解决方案
That exec command is not run in parallel to other queries. This update is finished when you either catch an exception or fall to the next line of code after the catch block. So, given the limited information here, I would say redirect at the bottom of save.php like so:
$statusCode = ($statusCode ?: 200);
$statusCodeMessage = ($statusCodeMessage ?: '');
$forwardingUrl = ($forwardingUrl ?: 'http://www.google.com/');
header(sprintf("HTTP/1.1 %d %s", $statusCode, $statusCodeMessage));
header('Location: ' . $forwardingUrl);
That exec command is not run in parallel to other queries. This update is finished when you either catch an exception or fall to the next line of code after the catch block. So, given the limited information here, I would say redirect at the bottom of save.php like so:
$statusCode = ($statusCode ?: 200);
$statusCodeMessage = ($statusCodeMessage ?: '');
$forwardingUrl = ($forwardingUrl ?: 'http://www.google.com/');
header(sprintf("HTTP/1.1 %d %s", $statusCode, $statusCodeMessage));
header('Location: ' . $forwardingUrl);