
时间:2022-11-05 09:31:49

I have a form that contains multiple html text inputs, and I'd like to use the values of these inputs to make one search query (for example I want it to look like this results.php?input=value1+value2+value3) I've tried, however I haven't managed to get one that queries with all the values from the 3 input fields.

我有一个包含多个html文本输入的表单,我想使用这些输入的值来进行一个搜索查询(例如,我希望它看起来像这个results.php?input = value1 + value2 + value3)我已经尝试过,但是我没有设法得到一个查询3输入字段中的所有值。

$input = $_GET['input']; //this is for the text input - ignore
$topic = $_GET['topic']; // the first select box value which works well
$location = $_GET['location']; //the second select box value which isn't being inserted into the query
$combined = $input . $topic . $location;
$terms = explode(" ", $combined);
$query = "SELECT * FROM search WHERE input='$input' AND topic ='$topic' AND location='$location' ";'

1 个解决方案



You can do it the way you've shown, but you should really be using built in PHP functions for escaping input via prepared statements, for example with mysqli's bind_param:


$db = new mysqli(*your database connection information here*);
$input = $_GET['input']; //this is for the text input - ignore
$topic = $_GET['topic']; // the first select box value which works well
$location = $_GET['location']; //the second select box value which isn't being inserted into the query
$combined = $input . $topic . $location;
$terms = explode(" ", $combined);
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM search WHERE input = ? AND topic = ? AND location = ?");
$stmt->bind_param("sss", $input, $topic, $location);

As for the form to get the URL you're wanting:


<form action="results.php" method="GET">
  <input type="text" name="input">
  <input type="text" name="topic">
  <input type="text" name="location">

The action is set to your results.php script, and the method is set to GET in order to have the form inputs put in the URL.




You can do it the way you've shown, but you should really be using built in PHP functions for escaping input via prepared statements, for example with mysqli's bind_param:


$db = new mysqli(*your database connection information here*);
$input = $_GET['input']; //this is for the text input - ignore
$topic = $_GET['topic']; // the first select box value which works well
$location = $_GET['location']; //the second select box value which isn't being inserted into the query
$combined = $input . $topic . $location;
$terms = explode(" ", $combined);
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM search WHERE input = ? AND topic = ? AND location = ?");
$stmt->bind_param("sss", $input, $topic, $location);

As for the form to get the URL you're wanting:


<form action="results.php" method="GET">
  <input type="text" name="input">
  <input type="text" name="topic">
  <input type="text" name="location">

The action is set to your results.php script, and the method is set to GET in order to have the form inputs put in the URL.
