SQL Server查询性能,大型语句与查询

时间:2021-09-18 23:49:20

I am wondering which is a more efficent method to retrieve data from the database.


ex. One particular part of my application can have well over 100 objects. Right now I have it setup to query the database twice for each object. This part of the application periodically refreshes itself, say every 2 minutes, and this application will probably end of being installed on 25-30 pc's. I am thinking that this is a large number of select statements to make from the database, and I am thinking about trying to optimize the procedure. I have to pull the information out of several tables, and both queries are using join statements.

恩。我的应用程序的一个特定部分可以有超过100个对象。现在我设置为每个对象查询数据库两次。应用程序的这一部分会定期刷新,比如每2分钟一次,这个应用程序可能会在25-30 pc上安装完毕。我认为这是从数据库中生成的大量select语句,我正在考虑尝试优化该过程。我必须从几个表中提取信息,并且两个查询都使用连接语句。

Would it be better to rewrite the queries so that I am only executing the queries twice per update instead of 200 times? For example using a large where statement to include each object, and then do the processing of the data outside of the object, rather than inside each object?


Using SQL Server, .net No indexes on the tables, size of database is less than 10-5th

使用SQL Server,.net表上没有索引,数据库大小小于10-5

2 个解决方案


all things being equal, many statements with few rows is usually worse than few statements with many rows.


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The default answer for optimization must always be: don't optimize until you have a demonstrated need for it. The followup is: once you have a demonstrated need for it, and an alternative approach: try both ways to determine which is faster. You can't predict which will be faster, and we certainly can't. KM's answer is good - fewer queries tends to be better - but the way to know is to test.

优化的默认答案必须始终是:在您明确需要之前不要进行优化。后续内容是:一旦您对它有明确的需求,并采用另一种方法:尝试两种方法来确定哪种方法更快。你无法预测哪个会更快,我们当然不能。 KM的答案很好 - 更少的查询往往更好 - 但知道的方法是测试。


all things being equal, many statements with few rows is usually worse than few statements with many rows.


show the actual code and get better answers.



The default answer for optimization must always be: don't optimize until you have a demonstrated need for it. The followup is: once you have a demonstrated need for it, and an alternative approach: try both ways to determine which is faster. You can't predict which will be faster, and we certainly can't. KM's answer is good - fewer queries tends to be better - but the way to know is to test.

优化的默认答案必须始终是:在您明确需要之前不要进行优化。后续内容是:一旦您对它有明确的需求,并采用另一种方法:尝试两种方法来确定哪种方法更快。你无法预测哪个会更快,我们当然不能。 KM的答案很好 - 更少的查询往往更好 - 但知道的方法是测试。