
时间:2021-10-22 22:52:24

I have been searching, but all I find are answers on how to Find, not SET the maximum return value of a function.


What I am looking for is simple.. If I want to update the entries in a column in proportion to themselves.. say.. SET TheColumValue=(TheColumnValue+(TheColumnValue*0.5));

我正在寻找的是简单的..如果我想按照自己的比例更新列中的条目..说.. SET TheColumValue =(TheColumnValue +(TheColumnValue * 0.5));

Is there no MYSQL function to limit the resulting value?


SET TheColumValue=FUNCTIONNAME(TheColumnValue+(TheColumnValue*0.5), MAXIMUMVALUE);

SET TheColumValue = FUNCTIONNAME(TheColumnValue +(TheColumnValue * 0.5),MAXIMUMVALUE);

I have written my own function to handle the need for now, but it seems to me such a simple, and obvious need that it would be part of the language. Am I just not finding it in the Ref. manual or does such a function actually not exist in MYSQL?


1 个解决方案


Of course there is. It is called LEAST():


SET TheColumValue = LEAST(TheColumnValue+(TheColumnValue*0.5), MAXIMUMVALUE)

More succinctly written as:


SET TheColumValue = LEAST(TheColumnValue * 1.5, MAXIMUMVALUE)


Of course there is. It is called LEAST():


SET TheColumValue = LEAST(TheColumnValue+(TheColumnValue*0.5), MAXIMUMVALUE)

More succinctly written as:


SET TheColumValue = LEAST(TheColumnValue * 1.5, MAXIMUMVALUE)