
时间:2021-10-22 22:52:30

I have a simple blog app with the model "Post". If I delete all the entries in the Post model I get an error when I try reference the first item in the post list ordered by date, which I did like this:


latest_post = Post.objects.order_by('-date_created')[0]

The error is: IndexError: list index out of range


As a fix, I now get the item like this:


all_posts = Post.objects.order_by('-date_created')
latest_post = ()
if (all_posts):
  latest_post = all_posts[0]

This works if there are no items in my model "Post", and no exception is thrown. However to me this seems like too much code to do something fairly simple. I assume there is a better way to do this using the django QuerySet API, but can't find anything in the documentation.

如果我的模型“Post”中没有项目,并且没有抛出异常,则此方法有效。但对我来说,这似乎是太多的代码来做一些相当简单的事情。我假设使用django QuerySet API有更好的方法,但在文档中找不到任何内容。

Any ideas?


EDIT: Strangely, this throws no error when there are no items in the Post model:


latest_post_list = Post.objects.all().order_by('-date_created')[1:10]

3 个解决方案



Nothing strange about that, it's completely expected behavior. An empty list (or queryset specifically in this case) evaluates to False so you never index into the queryset. While if you try to index into an empty list (like you do with the first approach) it will throw an IndexError.


What you've written will work, but it's not the best imo. A better way to write this would be like so


    latest_post = Post.objects.order_by('-date_created')[0]
except IndexError:
    latest_post = None

This is a more pythonic way of writing it and is easier to read and understand what you're trying to do.


Or even better


    latest_post = Post.objects.latest('date_created')
except Post.DoesNotExist:
    latest_post = None

Notice in this second example that it uses the latest() queryset method. Also note that the argument is simply the fieldname and not -fieldname. Also you can even specify in your models Meta class get_latest_by = 'date_created' and then the line simply becomes latest_post = Post.objects.latest() without even needing to specify the fieldname argument

请注意,在第二个示例中,它使用了latest()queryset方法。另请注意,参数只是fieldname而不是-fieldname。你甚至可以在你的模型中指定元类get_latest_by ='date_created',然后该行简单地变为latest_post = Post.objects.latest(),甚至不需要指定fieldname参数



A simple python fix would be to instead use


latest_post = Post.objects.order_by('-date_created')[0:1]



latest_post = Post.objects.order_by('-date_created')[:1]
if latest_post:
    latest_post = latest_post[0]

This will not throw an exception and you can still check for a empty list condition on latest_post.


Your problem arises from using an absolute index IE: [0] which may or may not exist. By using a slice [:1] you are saying you want a list with the first item in the list if it exists... if it doesn't exist you will simply get an empty list.




Nothing strange about that, it's completely expected behavior. An empty list (or queryset specifically in this case) evaluates to False so you never index into the queryset. While if you try to index into an empty list (like you do with the first approach) it will throw an IndexError.


What you've written will work, but it's not the best imo. A better way to write this would be like so


    latest_post = Post.objects.order_by('-date_created')[0]
except IndexError:
    latest_post = None

This is a more pythonic way of writing it and is easier to read and understand what you're trying to do.


Or even better


    latest_post = Post.objects.latest('date_created')
except Post.DoesNotExist:
    latest_post = None

Notice in this second example that it uses the latest() queryset method. Also note that the argument is simply the fieldname and not -fieldname. Also you can even specify in your models Meta class get_latest_by = 'date_created' and then the line simply becomes latest_post = Post.objects.latest() without even needing to specify the fieldname argument

请注意,在第二个示例中,它使用了latest()queryset方法。另请注意,参数只是fieldname而不是-fieldname。你甚至可以在你的模型中指定元类get_latest_by ='date_created',然后该行简单地变为latest_post = Post.objects.latest(),甚至不需要指定fieldname参数



A simple python fix would be to instead use


latest_post = Post.objects.order_by('-date_created')[0:1]



latest_post = Post.objects.order_by('-date_created')[:1]
if latest_post:
    latest_post = latest_post[0]

This will not throw an exception and you can still check for a empty list condition on latest_post.


Your problem arises from using an absolute index IE: [0] which may or may not exist. By using a slice [:1] you are saying you want a list with the first item in the list if it exists... if it doesn't exist you will simply get an empty list.
