
时间:2021-02-27 22:44:46

I'm building a PHP server that responds to http GET/POST requests from mobile applications.

我正在构建一个响应来自移动应用程序的http GET / POST请求的PHP服务器。

I'm fairly ok with using xdebug to debug http requests that are initiated via my browser etc. Using xdebug if I enter a url in my browser and set an appropriate breakpoint in PHPStorm - there's no problem.

我使用xdebug来调试通过我的浏览器等启动的http请求是相当不错的。如果我在浏览器中输入url并在PHPStorm中设置适当的断点,则使用xdebug - 没有问题。

How do you do it for a non-browser request ? In my case I'm writing an iPhone / Android app that collects GPS location data and then POSTs the data via HTTP after JSON and urlencoding to my server for storage/analysis.

你如何处理非浏览器请求?在我的情况下,我正在编写一个收集GPS位置数据的iPhone / Android应用程序,然后在JSON和urlencoding之后通过HTTP将数据发送到我的服务器进行存储/分析。

Running my app in the XCode simulator or Eclipse for example I can get an idea of what the server thinks it received from my app by echoing back what it received with an HTTPResponse.


What are the alternatives? Do I just have to log the incoming content data to file on my server, or is it possible to set breakpoints using an alternative to xdebug ?


Would appreciate any tips or pointers! Thanks!


1 个解决方案



By using a debugging proxy such as Charles (http://www.charlesproxy.com/), you can set your mobile device to route requests through the proxy application.


You can then view the request and response headers and body.


Charles also provides various helpful features such as allowing you to edit and repeat requests.




By using a debugging proxy such as Charles (http://www.charlesproxy.com/), you can set your mobile device to route requests through the proxy application.


You can then view the request and response headers and body.


Charles also provides various helpful features such as allowing you to edit and repeat requests.
