VS2013 编译运行 OTL 示例代码

时间:2021-01-26 21:55:14


本文详细记录了,使用VS2013,VC++ Windows Console 程序运行 OTL 一个示例代码 Example 185 ( http://otl.sourceforge.net/otl4_ex185.htm)的过程,希望能帮到首次接触OTL的朋友。

1. OTL简介

OTL 是 Oracle, Odbc and DB2-CLI Template Library 的缩写,是一个C++操控关系数据库的模板库,它目前几乎支持所有的当前各种主流数据库,例如Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, Informix, MySQL, DB2, Interbase / Firebird, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SAP/DB, TimesTen, MS ACCESS等等。OTL中直接操作Oracle主要是通过Oracle提供的OCI接口进行,进行操作DB2数据库则是通过CLI接口来进行,至于MS的数据库和其它一些数据库,则OTL只提供了ODBC来操作的方式。当然Oracle和DB2也可以由OTL间接使用ODBC的方式来进行操纵。OTL最新版本为4.0,项目主页:http://otl.sourceforge.net/

      a. 跨平台
      b. 运行效率高,与C语言直接调用API相当
      c. 开发效率高,起码比ADO.net使用起来更简单,更简洁
      d. 部署容易,不需要ADO组件,不需要.net framework 等

2. OTL下载


3. 编译调试运行示例 Example 185

3.1 打开VS2013,新建一个VC++空白的Win32 Console Application工程,Solution name:OTL Example,Project Name: Example185_Unicode_NVarChar2_otl_refcur_stream,添加cpp文件,main.cpp, 将示例代码(http://otl.sourceforge.net/otl4_ex185.htm)拷贝到main.cpp中,就向这样

VS2013 编译运行 OTL 示例代码


3.2 配置x64 Solution Platform

系统环境是 Windows 8.1 Pro,64-bitOperating System, x64-based processor。OracleClient 64-bit, Release。

所以必须,新建x64 SolutionPlatform

VS2013 编译运行 OTL 示例代码


3.3 添加引用otlv4.h



VS2013 编译运行 OTL 示例代码

3.4 添加引用oci.h和oci.lib


VS2013 编译运行 OTL 示例代码


1)  oci.h引用路径:$(SolutionDir)\oci\include

VS2013 编译运行 OTL 示例代码

2) Oci.lib引用路径:$(SolutionDir)\oci\lib\msvc

VS2013 编译运行 OTL 示例代码

3) 指定oci.lib依赖

VS2013 编译运行 OTL 示例代码

4 其它编译错误


1>main.cpp(26): error C4996: 'sprintf': This function orvariable may be unsafe. Consider using sprintf_s instead. To disabledeprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.

1>         C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio12.0\VC\include\stdio.h(356) : see declaration of 'sprintf'





5. 修改连接字符串


       db.rlogon("fmuser_syy/fm@"); // connectto Oracle

6. 运行效果

VS2013 编译运行 OTL 示例代码

7. 示例工程下载



// http://otl.sourceforge.net/otl4_ex185.htm

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <stdio.h>
#define OTL_ORA8I // Compile OTL 4.0/OCI8i
#define OTL_UNICODE // Enable Unicode OTL for OCI8i
#include <otlv4.h> // include the OTL 4.0 header file

otl_connect db; // connect object

void insert()
// insert rows into table
otl_stream o(50, // buffer size
"insert into test_tab values(:f1<float>,:f2<char[31]>)",
// SQL statement
db // connect object
char tmp[32];
unsigned short tmp2[32]; // Null terminated Unicode character array.

for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i){
sprintf_s(tmp, "Name%d", i);
unsigned short* c2 = tmp2;
char* c1 = tmp;
// Unicode's first 128 characters are ASCII (0..127), so
// all is needed for converting ASCII into Unicode is as follows:
while (*c1){
*c2 = (unsigned char)*c1;
++c1; ++c2;
*c2 = 0; // target Unicode string is null terminated,
// only the null terminator is a two-byte character,
// not one-byte
o << (float)i;
o << (unsigned char*)tmp2;
// overloaded operator<<(const unsigned char*) in the case of Unicode
// OTL accepts a pointer to a Unicode character array.
// operator<<(const unsigned short*) wasn't overloaded
// in order to avoid ambiguity in C++ type casting.


void select()
otl_stream i(1, // buffer size
"begin "
" open :cur<refcur,out[50]> for "
// :cur is a bind variable name, refcur -- its type,
// out -- output parameter, 50 -- the buffer size when this
// reference cursor will be attached to otl_refcur_stream
" select * "
" from test_tab "
" where f1>=:f<int,in> and f1<=:f*2; "
"end;", // PL/SQL block returns a referenced cursor
db // connect object
// create select stream with referenced cursor

i.set_commit(0); // set stream "auto-commit" to OFF.

float f1;
unsigned short f2[32];

otl_refcur_stream s; // reference cursor stream for reading rows.

i << 8; // assigning :f = 8
i >> s; // initializing the refrence cursor stream with the output
// reference cursor.

while (!s.eof()){ // while not end-of-data
s >> f1;
s >> (unsigned char*)f2;
// overloaded operator>>(unsigned char*) in the case of Unicode
// OTL accepts a pointer to a Unicode chracter array.
// operator>>(unsigned short*) wasn't overloaded
// in order to avoid ambiguity in C++ type casting.
cout << "f1=" << f1 << ", f2=";
// Unicode's first 128 characters are ASCII, so in order
// to convert Unicode back to ASCII all is needed is
// as follows:
for (int j = 0; f2[j] != 0; ++j){
cout << (char)f2[j];
cout << endl;

s.close(); // closing the reference cursor

i << 4; // assigning :f = 4
i >> s;

while (!s.eof()){ // while not end-of-data
s >> f1;
s >> (unsigned char*)f2;
// overloaded operator>>(unsigned char*) in the case of Unicode
// OTL accepts a pointer to a Unicode chracter array.
// operator>>(unsigned short*) wasn't overloaded
// in order to avoid ambiguity in C++ type casting.
cout << "f1=" << f1 << ", f2=";
// Unicode's first 128 characters are ASCII, so in order
// to convert Unicode back to ASCII all is needed is
// as follows:
for (int j = 0; f2[j] != 0; ++j){
cout << (char)f2[j];
cout << endl;

// there is no need to explicitly calls s.close() since s's destructor
// will take care of closing the stream

int main()
otl_connect::otl_initialize(); // initialize OCI environment

db.rlogon("fmuser_syy/fm@"); // connect to Oracle

"drop table test_tab",
otl_exception::disabled // disable OTL exceptions
); // drop table

"create table test_tab(f1 number, f2 nvarchar2(60))"
); // create table


insert(); // insert records into table
select(); // select records from table


catch (otl_exception& p){ // intercept OTL exceptions
cerr << p.msg << endl; // print out error message
cerr << p.stm_text << endl; // print out SQL that caused the error
cerr << p.var_info << endl; // print out the variable that caused the error

db.logoff(); // disconnect from Oracle

return 0;
