
时间:2022-01-05 20:55:01

I am use Dictionary object in my LINQ Group By Clause.

我在LINQ Group By Clause中使用Dictionary对象。

It works fine as long as i don't have duplicate Item Name in the result.

只要我在结果中没有重复的Item Name,它就可以正常工作。

However, it is failing when GroupBy query encounter with duplicate Item Name.


I am not sure whether i am using Dictionary object in my GroupBy clause correctly or not? Please advise.


This is my model


public class Item
    public string CustomerName { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, float?> ItemCost { get; set; }
    public float? Cost{ get; set; }
    public float? TotalCost{ get; set; }

Following is my selection query (LINQ) along with GroupBy


        var result = myFilteredQuery
            .Select(x => new
                ItemName = x.Item.Name,
                Cost= x.Item.Cost,
                CustomerName = x.Item.Customer.Name,


Following is my GroupBy query.


            return result .GroupBy(x => new { x.CustomerName})
          .Select(x => new CostByItem
              CustomerName = x.Key.CustomerName,
              LineItem = x.ToDictionary(y => y.ItemName, y => y.Cost),
              TotalCost= x.Sum(y => y.Cost)

p.s. I am trying to send create data structure Group By Customer and than under each customer dictionary object Item Cost (Item Name, Item Cost) and total cost for that customer.

附:我正在尝试发送创建数据结构Group By Customer,而不是每个客户字典对象下的项目成本(项目名称,项目成本)和该客户的总成本。

1 个解决方案


If I'm understanding correctly, you want to group the items by customer, and then group the items by name under that. You need to use GroupBy twice.


result.GroupBy(x => x.CustomerName)
      .Select(x => new CostByItem
          CustomerName = x.Key,
          LineItem = x.GroupBy(y => y.ItemName)
                      .ToDictionary(y => y.Key, y => y.Sum(z => z.Cost)),
          TotalCost = x.Sum(y => y.Cost)

Also note that there's no need to use x => new { x.CustomerName}. Grouping by the string value is sufficient - creating an anonymous type is unnecessary.

另请注意,不需要使用x => new {x.CustomerName}。按字符串值分组就足够了 - 不需要创建匿名类型。


If I'm understanding correctly, you want to group the items by customer, and then group the items by name under that. You need to use GroupBy twice.


result.GroupBy(x => x.CustomerName)
      .Select(x => new CostByItem
          CustomerName = x.Key,
          LineItem = x.GroupBy(y => y.ItemName)
                      .ToDictionary(y => y.Key, y => y.Sum(z => z.Cost)),
          TotalCost = x.Sum(y => y.Cost)

Also note that there's no need to use x => new { x.CustomerName}. Grouping by the string value is sufficient - creating an anonymous type is unnecessary.

另请注意,不需要使用x => new {x.CustomerName}。按字符串值分组就足够了 - 不需要创建匿名类型。